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omnes, qui vniuersam Fæministarum sectam, Respice finem. And I shal then be content to appeale to your owne learned experience, whether it be, or be not, too too true: quod dici solct à me sæpe: à te ipso nonnunquam: ab expertis cmnibus quotidie: Amare amarum: Nec deus, vt perhibent, Amor est, sed amaror, et error: et quicquid in eandem solet sententiam Empiricŵs aggregari. Ac scite mihi quidem Agrippa Ouidianam illam, de Arte Amandi, Tygaph videtur correxisse, meritoque, de Arle Meretricandi, inscripsisse. Nec verò ineptè alius, Amatores Alchumistis comparauit, aureos, argenteosque montes, atque fontes lepidè somniantibus, sed interim miserè immanibus Carbonum fumis propemodum occæcatis, atque etiam suffocatis: præterquam celebratum illum Adami Paradisum, alium esse quendam prædicauit, stultorum quoque Amatorumque mirabilem Paradisum: illum verè, hunc phantastice, fanaticeque beatorum. Sed hæc alias, fortassis vberiùs. Credite me, I will neuer linne baityng at you, til I haue rid you quite of this yonkerly, and womanly humor. And as for your speedy and hasty trauell: me thinks I dare stil wager al the Books and writings in my study, which you know, I esteeme of greater value, than al the golde and siluer in my purse, or chest, that you wil not, (and yet I muste take heede, how I make my bargaine with so subtile and intricate a Sophister) that you shall not, I saye, bee gone ouer Sea, for al your saying, neither the next nor the nexte weeke. And then peraduenture I may personally performe your request, and bestowe the sweetest Farewell, vpon your sweetmouthed Mastershippe, that so vnsweete a Tong, and so sowre a paire of Lippes can affoorde. And, thinke you I will leaue my Il Pellegrino so? No I trowe. My Lords Honor, the expectation of his

friendes, his owne credite and preferment, tell me, he muste haue a moste speciall care, and good regarde of employing his trauaile to the best. And therfore I am studying all this fortnight, to reade him suche a Lecture in Homers Odysses, and Virgils Æneads, that I dare vndertake he shall not neede any further instruction, in Maister Turlers Trauayler, or Maister Zuingers Methodus Apodemica: but in his whole trauaile abroade, and euer after at home, shall shewe himselfe a verie liuelye and absolute picture of Vlysses and Æneas. Wherof I haue the stronger hope he muste needes proue a most capable and apt subiecte (I speake to a Logician) hauing the selfe same Goddesses and Graces attendant vpon his body and mind, that euermore guided them, and their actions: especially the ones Minerua, and the others Venus: that is (as one Doctor expoundeth it) the pollitique head, and wise gouernement of the one: and the amiable behauiour, and gratious courtesie of the other : the two verye principall, and moste singular Companions, of a right Trauailer: and as perhaps one of oure subtile Logicians woulde saye, the two inseparable, and indivisible accidents of the foresaide Subiects. De quibus ipsis, cæterisque omnibus artificis Apodemici instrumentis: inprimisque de Homerica illa, diuinaque herba uav di LIV καλέουσι θεοί

qua Vlissem suum Mercurius, aduersus Cyrcca et pocula, et carmina, et venena, morbosque omnes premuniuit: et coram, vti spero, breul: et longe, vti soleo, copiosius: et fortasse etiam, aliquantò, quàm soleo, cum subtilius cum vero Polliticè, Pragmaticeque magis. Interim tribus eris syllabis contentus, ac valebis. Trinitie Hall, stil in my Gallerie. 23. Octob. 1579. In haste.

Yours, as you knowe. G. H.

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Certaine Latin Verses, of the frailtie and mutabilitie of all things, sauing onely Vertue: made by M. Doctor Norton, for the right Worshipfull, M. Thomas Sackford, Master of Requestes vnto hir Maiestie. ἀκροςιχά.

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The same paraphrastically varied by M.
Doctor Gouldingam, at the request of olde
M. Wythipoll of Ipswiche

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Olde Maister Wythipols

owne Translation.

Vr merry dayes, by theeuish bit are pluckt, and torne away,
And euery lustie growing thing, in short time doth decay.
The pleasaunt Spring times ioy, how soone it groweth olde?
And wealth that gotten is with care, doth noy as much, be bolde.
No wisedome had with Trauaile great, is for to trust in deede,
For great Mens state we see decay, and fall downe like a weede.
Thus by degrees we fleete, and sinke in worldly things full fast,
But Vertues sweete and due rewardes stande sure in euery blast.

The same Paraphrastically varied by
Master G. H. at M. Peter Wythipolles
request, for his Father.

"Hese pleasant dayes, and Monthes, and yeares, by stelth do passe apace, And do not things, that florish most, soone fade, and lose their grace?


Iesu, how soone the Spring of yeare, and Spring of youthfull rage,

Is come, and gone, and ouercome, and ouergone with age?

In paine is gaine, but doth not paine as much detract from health,
As it doth adde vnto our store, when most we roll in wealth?
Wisedome hir selfe must haue hir doome, and grauest must to graue,
And mightiest power sib to a flower: what then remaines to craue?
Nowe vp, now downe, we flowe, and rowe in seas of worldly cares,
Vertue alone eternall is, and shee the Laurell weares.


Soone said, soone writ, soone learnd: soone trimly done in prose, or verse: Beleeud of some, practizd of fewe, from Cradle to their Herse.

Virtuti, non tibi Feci.

M. Peter Wythipoll.

Et Virtuti, et mihi :
Virtuti, ad laudem:
Mihi, ad vsum.





The first three books of F. Q. were originally published in 1590. Books IV-VI, with a second edition of Books I-III, appeared in 1596. The fragmentary Book VII appeared first in the Folio of 1609. Except for this fragment, the text here printed is based on 1596. Some printers' errors have been corrected by reference to 1590, with its valuable list of Faults Escaped, cited in these notes as F.E. The authority of 1609 has been preferred in half a dozen places. The later folios of 1611-12-13, 1617, and 1679, have no independent authority. Spenser's poetical works were subsequently edited by J. Hughes, 1715; H. J. Todd, 1805; F. J. Child, 1855; J. P. Collier, 1862; R. Morris, 1869; A. B. Grosart, 1882-4; R. E. Neil Dodge, 1908. The F. Q. was also edited separately by J. Upton, 1758, R. Church, 1758-9, and Kate M. Warren, 1897-1900. J. Jortin's Remarks on Spenser's Poems (1734) contain some good emendations. DEDICATION. The words and of Virginia' and to live with the eternitie of her fame' were added in 1596.


Proem iv. 5. my] mine 1590.

I. ii. 1. But] And 1590. The 'But' of 1596 marks the contrast between the Knight's ‘jolly ’ appearance and his dedicated purpose.

V. I. an innocent] and innocent 1590: an Innocent 1609.

ix. 6. sweete bleeding] sweet, bleeding 1609. But sweete' is probably adverbial. ix. 9. seeldom] sildom 1609 passim. See on IV. xxiii. 5 below.

xii. 5. your hardy stroke 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. The corrections of F.E. are frequently ignored by 1596.

xv. 6. poisonous] poisnous 1590. Spenser was more tolerant of resolved feet by 1596. xx. 4. vildly] vilely 1609 passim. The spelling' vild' is rare after 1600.


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II. xi. 3, 4. anon: shield, 1590, 1596: corr. 1609. The punctuation of 1609 is more logical than that of the quartos.

xvi. 8. idely, 1590, 1596: idlely 1609. xvii. 5. cruell spies] cruelties 1590, &c.: corr. F.E.

above. xxii. 5. your] thy 1590. Cf. I. xxxi. 6

xxvii. 9. so dainty] so, Dainty 1609-to show that Spenser is quoting the proverb Quae rara, cara'.

xxix. 2. shade him] shade 1596: shadow 1609, supplying the omission by conjecture. See note on 1. xlviii. 9 above.

xxix. 3. ymounted] that mounted 1590,

&c. corr. F.E.

xxxii. 9. ruefull plaints] tuefull plants 1590. F.E. corrects 'tuefull', but not plants'.

xl. 1, xli. 5. Thens forth] Then forth 1590, 1596: corr. F.E.

III. xi. 1. To whom] Whom 1596. XXV. 7. inquere] inquire 1596. The rhyme favours 1590.

xxxii. 9. Who told her all that fell] told, 1609-taking the words to mean 'Who told all that befell her'. We should perhaps read 'all that her fell'.

xxxiv. 9. spurnd] spurd 1590. xxxvi. 7. mourning] morning 1596. xxxviii. 7. the] that F.E., referring_probably to this line. (The references in F.E. are to pages only.)

IV. xii. 2. a om. 1596. 7. Realmes] Realme 1590.

xvi. 3. hurtlen] hurlen 1609; and so at Bk. I, Iv. xl. 1, and Bk. II, v. viii. 7. 9. glitterand] glitter and 1596, 1609. xx. 3. From] For 1596, 1609. xxiii. 5. seldome] seeldome 1590, sildom 1609. 7. dry dropsie] dire dropsie conj. Upton, after Horace s dirus hydrops'.

xxxii. 9. fifte] first 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. xxxvii. 6. Lucifera] Lucifer' 1590. See note on I. xv. 6 above.

xlv. 4. Sans ioy] Sans foy 1590. 6. cause of my new ioy] cause of new joy 1590, 1596: corr. F.E.

V. i. 9. he om. 1596.

ii. This stanza is imitated in Peele's David and Bethsabe, written probably before 1590. ii. 5. hurld] hurls 1590, 1596: hurles 1609: corr. F.E.

vii. 9. helmets he wen deepe] hewen helmets deepe 1590.

xv. 2. thirstie] thristy 1590. 3. bath] bathe 1590, 1609.

xvii. 5. can] gan 1590. For 'can' = 'did' see Glossary.

xxiii. 8. Nightes children] Nights drad children 1609, not observing that 'Nightes' is dissyllabie.

xxiv. 9. for] and 1596, 1609.

xxvi. 6. am] ame 1590. Otherwise eyerhymes are common in both quartos.

xxxviii. 6. cliffs] clifts 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. So at Bk. I, 1x. xxxiv. 6. But Spenser found that he needed 'clift' for the rhyme in Bk. I, VIII. xxii. 5.

xli. 2. nigh] high 1596, 1609.

xlv. 4. woundes] woundez 1609, observing the dissyllable.

li. 5. that] the 1590, &c.: corr. F.E.

VI. i. 5. in] it 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. v. 5. win] with 1596, 1609.

viii. 7. misshapen] mishappen 1590: mishapen 1596.

xiv. 2. doubled] double 1609.

xv. 2. Or] Of 1596, 1609: If conj. Hughes. xxiii. 8. noursled] nousled 1590 passim. 1596 uses 'nousle' as = nuzzle'.

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xxvi. 5. fierce and fell] swifte and cruell

1590: corr. F.E. 9. as a tyrans law] as tyrans law 1596: as proud tyrans law 1609. xxxix. 7. quoth he] qd. she 1590. xliv. 1. fell] full 1590.

xlvii. 8. So they to fight] So they two fight 1596, 1609.


VII. v. 9. did] do 1590. xx. 3. the] that 1590. xxii. 9. sight om. 1590.

xxxii. 8. Whose] Her 1590. This stanza imitated in 2 Tamburlaine, iv. 4, acted some years before 1590.

xxxvii. 7. trample] amble 1590. This is clearly an author's, not a printer's, change. xlii. 6. inquire] inquere 1590. xliii. 4. whilest] whiles 1590. come 1590: ronne F.E. Gebons 1596, 1609.

6. runne]

9. Gehons

xlviii. 9. haue you] haue yee 1590.

VIII. Arg. 3. the Gyant] that Gyaunt 1590, &c.: corr. F.E.

i. 6. through] thorough 1590. iii. 1. the] his 1590.

x. 3. auantage] aduantage 1590.

xi. 5-9. Imitated in 2 Tamburlaine, iv. 3; see note on VII. xxxii above. 9. murmur ring] murmuring 1590, &c.: corr. F.E.

xxi. 5. their] his Grosart-after Church. But their ' may mean Orgoglio's and



xxiv. 6. his] her 1590.

xxvii. 7. eyes] eye 1590.

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xxxiii. 5. sits] fits 1596, 1609. But see I. XXX. 9 above and Glossary.

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xliv. 4. delight] dislike conj. Jortin: others despight. As delight' is repeated from l. 3, the form of the error is no guide.

IX. ix. 3. the] that 1590. Cleons 1590: corr. F.E.

5. Timons]

xi. 4. vnawares] vnwares 1596. xii. 9. on] at 1590, 1596: corr. F.E. and 1609.

xv. 8. vow] vowd 1590, perhaps rightly. xviii. 9. as] the 1596, 1609.

xxiv. 4. aspide] espide 1609.

xxxi. 5. mealt'th] mealt'h 1590, &c.: corr. ed. after Bk. II, II. iv. 5.

xxxii. 7. nor glee] nor fee conj. Church; cf. Bk. I, x. xliii. 6. Against this cf. Bk. VI, V. xxxix. 3; VII. xlix. 9.

xxxiii. 3. ypight] yplight 1590. xxxiv. 6. cliffs] clifts 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. See on V. xxxviii. 6 above.

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