Ο Visions of the worlds vanitie. I Ne day, whiles that my daylie cares did sleepe, My spirit, shaking off her earthly prison, Began to enter into meditation deepe Of things exceeding reach of common reason; Such as this age, in which all good is geason, And all that humble is and meane debaced, Hath brought forth in her last declining season, Griefe of good mindes, tosee goodnesse disgraced. On which when as my thought was throghly placed, 9 Vnto my eyes strange showes presented were, Picturing that, which I in minde embraced, That yet those sights empassion me full nere. Such as they were (faire Ladie) take in worth, That when time serues, may bring things better forth. 2 In Summers day, when Phoebus fairly shone, I saw a Bull as white as driuen snowe, With gilden hornes embowed like the Moone, In a fresh flowring meadow lying lowe: Vp to his eares the verdant grasse did growe, And the gay floures did offer to be eaten ; 20 But he with fatnes so did ouerflowe, That heallwallowed in the weedes downe beaten, Ne car'd with them his daintie lips to sweeten: Till that a Brize, a scorned little creature, Through his faire hide his angrie sting did threaten, And vext so sore, that all his goodly feature, And all his plenteous pasture nought him pleased: So by the small the great is oft diseased. 3 30 Beside the fruitfull shore of muddie Nile, Vpon a sunnie banke outstretched lay In monstrous length, a mightie Crocodile, That cram'd with guiltles blood, and greedie pray Of wretched people trauailing that way, Thought all things lesse than his disdainful pride. I saw a little Bird, cal'd Tedula, The least of thousands which on earth abide, That forst this hideous beast to open wide The greisly gates of his deuouring hell, And let him feede, as Nature doth prouide, Vpon his iawes, that with blacke venime swell. Why then should greatest things the least disdaine, 4I Sith that so small so mightie can constraine? The kingly Bird, that beares Ioues thunderclap, One day did scorne the simple Scarabee, Lo how the least the greatest may reproue. 5 I saw the fish (if fish I may it cleepe) Making his sport, that manie makes to weep: His wide Abysse him forced forth to spewe, That in his throat him pricking softly vnder, That all the sea did roare like heauens thunder, And all the waues were stain'd with filthie hewe. Hereby I learned haue, not to despise, What euer thing seemes small in common eyes. 6 70 An hideous Dragon, dreadfull to behold, Whose backe was arm'd against the dint of speare With shields of brasse, that shone like burnisht golde, And forkhed sting, that death in it did beare, Which through his entrailes spredding diuersly, Made him to swell, that nigh his bowells brust, Soone after this I saw an Elephant, Adorn'd with bells and bosses gorgeouslie, 100 That on his backe did beare (as batteilant) A gilden towre, which shone exceedinglie; That he himselfe through foolish vanitie, Both for his rich attire, and goodly forme, Was puffed vp with passing surquedrie, And shortly gan all other beasts to scorne, Till that a little Ant, a silly worme, Into his nostrils creeping, so him pained, That casting downe his towres, he did deforme Both borrowed pride, and natiue beautie stained. Of all the world, and florisht most in might, The nations gan their soueraigntie disdaine, And cast to quitt them from their bondage quight: So when all shrouded were in silent night, The Galles were, by corrupting of a mayde, Possest nigh of the Capitol through slight, Had not a Goose the treachery bewrayde. If then a Goose great Rome from ruine stayde, And Ioue himselfe, the patron of the place, Preserud from being to his foes betrayde, 151 Why do vaine men mean things so much deface, And in their might repose their most assur ance, Sith nought on earth can chalenge long endurance? 12 When these sad sights were ouerpast and gone, My spright was greatly moued in her rest, And ye, that read these ruines tragicall IF I The Visions Twas the time, when rest soft sliding downe Then did a Ghost before mine eyes appeare, On that great riuers banck, that runnes by Rome, Which calling me by name, bad me to reare And crying lowd, loe now beholde (quoth hee) Sith onely God surmounts all times decay, 2 On high hills top I saw a stately frame, same, All wrought with Diamond after Dorick wize : Golde was the parget, and the seeling bright And ouerthrew this frame with ruine great. Then did a sharped spyre of Diamond Ten feete each way in square, appeare to mee, The top thereof a pot did seeme to beare, Vpon foure corners of the base were pight, 40 I saw a tempest from the heauen descend, Which this braue monument with flash did rend. of Bellay. 4 I saw raysde vp on yuorie pilloures tall, On each side purtraid was a Victorie, No worke it seem'd of earthly craftsmans wit, Sith that mine eyes haue seene so faire a sight 5 Then was the faire Dodonian tree far seene, Vpon seauen hills to spread his gladsome gleame, And conquerours bedecked with his greene, There many an auncient Trophee was 61 524 7 I saw the Bird that can the Sun endure, With feeble wings assay to mount on hight, By more and more she gan her wings t'assure, Following th'ensample of her mothers sight: I saw her rise, and with a larger flight To pierce the cloudes, and with wide pinneons To measure the most haughtie mountaines hight, 91 Vntill she raught the Gods owne mansions : There was she lost, when suddaine I behelde, Where tumbling through the ayre in firie fold; All flaming downe she on the plaine was felde, And soone her bodie turn'd to ashes colde. I saw the foule that doth the light dispise, Out of her dust like to a worme arise. I saw a spring out of a rocke forth rayle, It seem'd that Art and Nature had assembled All pleasure there, for which mans hart could long; 160 And there a noyse alluring sleepe soft trembled, 119 Of manie accords more sweete than Mermaids song: Sterne face, and front full of Saturnlike awe; stout, His right hand did the peacefull Oliue wield, And head with Lawrell garnisht was about. Sudden both Palme and Oliue fell away, And faire greene Lawrell branch did quite decay. 13 Much richer then that vessell seem'd to bee, Which did to that sad Florentine appeare, 170 Casting mine eyes farre off, I chaunst to see, Vpon the Latine Coast herselfe to reare: But suddenly arose a tempest great, Bearing close enuie to these riches rare, Which gan assaile this ship with dreadfull threat, This ship, to which none other might compare. But I the ship saw after raisd' againe. 14 180 the Long hauing deeply gron'd these visions sad, I saw a Citie like vnto that same, Which saw the messenger of tidings glad; But that on sand was built the goodly frame: It seem'd her top the firmament did rayse, And no lesse rich than faire, right worthie sure (If ought here worthie) of immortall dayes, Or if ought vnder heauen might firme endure. FINIS. That with great noyse I wakte in sudden wonder. 210 As much it grieueth me to thinke thereon. With deadly force so in their cruell race They pincht the haunches of that gentle beast, That at the last, and in short time I spide, 10 2 After at sea a tall ship did appeare, Made all of Heben and white Yuorie, The sailes of golde, of silke the tackle were, Milde was the winde, calme seem'd the sea to bee, The skie eachwhere did show full bright and faire ; With rich treasures this gay ship fraighted |