A Hidden Heir to Redeem Him

Front Cover
Harlequin Enterprises ULC, 2020 - Fiction - 224 pages
Secrets and passion collide for a red-hot reunion in this secret baby romance by USA TODAY bestselling author Dani Collins.

She kept their child hidden... Now the secret's out!

Valentino Casale is outraged to find Kiara kept their daughter a secret from him for two years! Forever branded by his own illegitimacy, the hardened billionaire wants to do things differently...

Kiara could never regret the consequence of her one delicious night with Val. Even if he turned out to be every bit as coldhearted as their night was hot! Yet behind Val's reputation is another man--revealed only in their passionate moments alone. Could she give that man a second chance?

From Harlequin Presents: Escape to exotic locations where passion knows no bounds.

Read both Feuding Billionaire Brothers books by Dani Collins:

Book 1 -- A Hidden Heir to Redeem Him
Book 2 -- Beauty and Her One-Night Baby

About the author (2020)

When Canadian Dani Collins found romance novels in high school she wondered how one trained for such an awesome job. She wrote for over two decades without publishing, but remained inspired by the romance message that if you hang in there you'll find a happy ending. In May of 2012, Harlequin Presents bought her manuscript in a two-book deal. She's since published more than forty books with Harlequin and is definitely living happily ever after.

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