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Smooth tablets of wood, formed like the mod. ern slate, and covered with a thin coating of wax, were employed to learn the art of writing upon, as well as to retain permanent matter. An instrument called the stylus, was used to impress the characters upon the surface of the wax. If these were imperfect, the writer, by means of a roller of heavy wood, obliterated the marks. Such an apparatus was used both by Greek and Roman boys at school; more flexible and manageable materials were desirable, and certain dried leaves of trees, of a firm substance were also used, as we use paper. The Egyptians wrote on leaves of the palm tree, and some Asiatic people still continue to do so. From this practice comes the phrase " leaves of a book;" for the leaves employed to write upon might he fastened together like the sheets of paper which form our books of the present day. Linen was also used in very ancient times. This substance was first manufactured in Egyyt, and is found written upon among the envelopes of Egyptian mummies three thousand years old.

The inner bark of certain trees, as a material to write upon, is yet used in several parts of Asia. This bark, called by the Romans liber, thus gave name to a book. In the Latin, liber signifies book. Our English word-library-a collection of books, is obviously derived from the former word. The Saxon conquerors of Britain used the bark of a beech tree to write on; the Saxon name of the beech is boc-whence our English word book.

In Egypt grows a rush called papyrus; its stem is tall, straight, and triangular; in a certain stage of its growth the inside of the stem is soft, like the pith of a corn-stalk, and may be separated into long flat strips; these strips, placed like the threads of a piece of cloth, were crossed by other strips, wetted, and then pressed by a heavy roiler. In their soft state, the whole sub. stance thus pressed, formed a sheet, resembling modern paper, and when dried was put to the "ame uses. From papyrus comes the word paOur modern paper is made from linen and otton rags. The papyrus, like cotton and flax, was not merely used to make paper, but was manufactured into cloth, sails, ropes, wicks for lamps, and similar articles. The Romans, on becoming masters of Egypt, about half a century before Christ, bestowed great attention on the manufacture of this paper from the reed of the Nile.

Parchment and vellum were invented, it is said, by Eumenes, King of Pergamus, in AsiaMinor, about two and a half centuries before the Christian era. Parchment is prepared from The skins of sheep and goats; vellum, which is a finer material, from the skins of young calves. Both these are costly, and were only used to pre. serve the most important writings.

kind are indebted for the first manufacture of watches, of gunpowder, of paper, and of printed books-articles, with exception of gunpowder, of such immense service in daily life.

The instruments employed in writing, must, of course, vary with the substance written upon. The chisel was used to cut letters in stone. For writing on wax the stylus, a pointed iron instrument, resembling a pencil in form, was, as has been remarked, employed. This was carried in a sheath or cases. Ivory and bone were also employed to write with.

The English word style, signifying the mode or form of expressing one's thoughts, is derived from the stylus. Reeds or canes, to write upon Egyptian paper and parchment, came into use with those articles. The reed of the Nile-ca lamus-was preferred to any other. This was brought to a point and split, much in the manner of our procent pens, hut it left the writing rough and uneven. Reeds and canes are still employed among oriental people. Quills from the wing of the goose superseded the cane in Europe in the ninth century. At the present time (1845) the steel pen has in great measure taken place of the quill. The latter, still preferred by many, continues to be used, but the steel pen is generally employed. Inks of various colors, are of the same antiquity as paper and pens.

The value of writing, as an art, as a means of instruction and improvement, was highly ap preciated by the Greeks. The subjoined beautiful verses, personifying a reed pen, were translated from the Greek:


[Translated from the Greek.]

I was a senseless thing-a lonely reed!
No blossom hung its beauty on the weed;
Alike in summer's sun and winter's gloom,
I breathed no fragrance, and I wore no bloom.
No cluster wreathed me-day and night I pined
On the wild moor, and withered in the wind.
At length a wanderer found me, from my side
He smoothed the pale decaying leaves, and dyed
My lips in Helicon! From that high hour
I spoke! My words were flame—were living

And there was sweetness round me. Never fell
Eve's sweeter dews upon the lily's bell.
I shone! night fled! as if a trumpet called
Man's spirit rose-pure, fiery, disenthralled.
Tyrants of earth, ye saw your light decline
When I stood forth a wondrous, wondering sign;
To me the iron sceptre was a wand-
The roar of nations pealed at my command!
To me the dungeon, scourge and sword were
vain ;

I smote the smiter, and I broke the chain;
Or, towering o'er them all without a plume,
I pierced the purple air, the tempest's gloom,
Till burst the Olympian splendors on the eye,

The origin of cloth paper is uncertain. It was introduced into Europe from the East, and be-Stars, temples, thrones and gods-infinity.

came common about the end of the twelfth cen tury. The oldest English manuscript on linen paper, dates 1340. There are said to be some in Spain of greater antiquity. The oldest German paper-mill was established at Nuremberg, 1390-fifty years before the invention of print ing. The existence of paper is necessary to make printing available to any considerable extent; it is somewhat remarkable that to Germany man


Responsibility arises from the relations which man sustains to his fellow man, and as these relations are almost infinitely diversified so are the responsibilities arising from them. What one man cannot neglect without a breach of trust or a violation of both human and divine

law another man may be under no obligation to perform, and this difference of obligation arises from the different relations they sustain to community. He who is raised to the office of President of the United States, or of Governor of one of our States, from the relation he sustains to the people, incurs responsibilities which rest not on the mechanic or farmer, or the members of the different professions. The judge on the bench, as the dispenser of justice and the expounder of law, has duties to discharge which arise from the relation he sustains to society, and which devolve not on any others. On the lawyer, physician and minister of religion, community has claims which it prefers not against any other of its members. These illus-sition to find occupation for them during the trations are sufficient to show the truth of the doctrine with which we commenced, viz: That Responsibility arises from the relation which man sustains to his fellow man. And we will perceive how important it is that every man should recognize and discharge the responsibilities devolving on him when we consider that the brief period of man's earthly, existence, even when it extends to threescore years and ten does not fix the limit of his influence. The faithfulness or unfaithfulness with which he fulfils his obligations sets in motion influences which continue to move on, when the human machine which gave them their first impulse has ceased to act. Thus the influence which every man exerts, whether good or bad, descends the stream of time with either poisoning or purifying efficacy to succeeding generations. The corrupt judge, the dishonest merchant, the double faced politician, the faithless mechanic, all by disregarding their individual and peculiar responsibilities, inflict an injury not only on their own generation. They have struck chords which send their vibrations far into the future they have set in operation influences which die not when they themselves die, but which travel on and down perhaps to the end of time. The influence of a Napoleon, a La Fayette and a Washington, is still felt in our world, though these names are numbered with the dead. Voltaire, Hume and Paine, still live and act in the infidelity which they set to work, and which continues and will continue to work in poisoning minds to successive generations.

My object in making these few remarks with regard to individual responsibility and the importance of recognizing and meeting individu. ally our obligations, is to introduce the subject to which I design very briefly to direct your attention, viz: The Responsibilities of those who sustain the relation of teachers to the rising ge


If we measure the responsibility of men, by the amount of influence which they have the opportunity of exerting, either for good or bad, or by the influence which in point of fact they do not exert, (and it will be admitted by all I presume, that this is a just rule,) then there is no class of men, unless we make the ministers of religion an exception, on whom devolve more weighty obligations and solemn responsibilities than that to which is entrusted the primary education of our youth. This will appear evident, I think, if we consider the various relations sustained by the instructor of youth.

the first place. he sustains an important re

lation to the parents of his pupils. They have committed to him a matter of vast moment both to themselves and their children. They solicit the assistance of the school teacher to perform for them a work, the value of which cannot be estimated by dollars and cents. It is true indeed, that all parents do not regard the early instruction of their children in so serious a light. Judging from the indisposition of some to provide comfortable and convenient school-houses, and the necessary books and their want of interest in the whole subject, we are compelled to conclude, that it is not so much from a desire to secure for them a thorough education, that they send their children to schools, as from a dispo years they would be useless, or perhaps in the way at home; or if a more worthy motive is before their minds, it seems to have little or no reference to the mental improvement of their children, but rather a sordid regard to the means of securing a support for their merely animal natures, to the entire neglect of their moral and intellectual. The idea of embracing in their education a preparation for moral and intellectual enjoyment, enters not into their calculations. If their children are qualified to give a practical solution to the question "what shall I eat and what shall I drink, and wherewith shall I be clothed?" the purpose of education is in the estimation of such parents fully secured. But while there are some who are thus blind to the higher and nobler offices of education, and entertain these limited ideas with regard to its object, there are others, and we believe the number is rapidly increasing, who do not restrict the instruction of their children only to those subjects which may be turned to immediate account in the business employments of life; but regarding their rational as well as the mere animal nature, acknowledge the claims which mind has for both nourishment and enjoyment. They desire therefore, to see their children qualified not only to take part in the active business of life, and provide for themselves, but also prepared to enjoy pleasures of an intellectual and moral kind, both in the pursuit and possession of the good things of this life. But to be thus educated the mind of the youth must be occupied with something more than the dry detail of learning to read, write and cypher. He must know the history of the past and present; must be taught to think, compare and judge. There are few parents, however, who have either the time or the qualifications for performing a task of this kind; and of those who make the instruction of youth therefore they avail themselves of the assistance their business, and commit the whole subject to them. And their desires and hopes with regard to their children, are realised, only when the teacher, entering into their views and feelings, aims at securing these ends. And this they have a right to expect. They are, on the one hand, obligating themselves to pay to the teacher a reasonable compensation for his services; and he, on the other, assuming the responsibilities of an instructor of youth, is bound in honesty to discharge all the duties which that office contemplates. If he neglect to do so, he wrongs those who have employed him.

(To be continued.)



that a majority of the intelligent and judicious part of our population were in favor of this, I should be in favor it myself. There are many of our intelligent and valuable citizens who are in favor of this abolishment, but I think a much greater number who are opposed to it. There are some individuals high in office, also, who are using their influence to this end; but I am happy to say that we have some intelligence in our county out of office. This carping, however, about the office, renders it very unpleasant for the officer, and in a great measure destroys his usefulness. But though I find so much that is trying, I must, in justice to the people of my county say, that I have found much that is pleasant to me; I have found in many sections of the county an interest manifested in the schools, and a readiness to cooperate with me on the part of trustees and inha. bitants of districts which has been encouraging and gratifying to me; and I have had extended to me the kindest hospitality, which I shall not soon forget. Finally, I can say that my interest in the schools has not in the least diminished; but that I believe that some other person may be selected to all the omce, who may be more useful to the schools than I can be. I shall therefore not visit the schools again as an officer, after I have gone through with my present tour of visitation. And though I shall not act as an officer, yet I expect to exercise my little influence as opportunities shall offer, for the improvement of the schools; and I can but wish that if the office of county superintendent be abo lished, there may be no effort made to abolish the schools. SAMUEL A. SMITH, Co. Sup't Suffolk Co. Smithtown, Feb. 15th, 1845.

To the Editor of the District School Journal: DEAR SIR-Inasmuch as Suffolk county has not been much heard from in the very interesting educational movement which has been made during the last three years, in the way of improving the common schools throughout the State, by means of the new system, in the supervision of schools by county and town superintendents; I have thought it to be my duty to give some account of my action as superintendent of this county, and to state some of the many trials and difficulties which it is my lot to encounter, as well as the few encouragements with which I am occasionally cheered in the discharge of my duties. When I first entered upon the discharge of the duties of my appointment, I felt a very considerable degree of zeal for the promotion of the interests of the schools. I was well aware that it was very necessary that the schools in this county generally, should be improved; and though I felt that in the discharge of the duties of the office I might be subjected to pecuniary sacrifices, as well as to all that is disagreeable in leaving a home of some comforts and many endearments, to travel about the county at the inclement seasons of the year; yet I consoled myself with the reflection, that if I could be of any service to the schools of my native county, it would be something that I could look back upon with pleasure, and which would be an ample reward for any sacrifices which I might be called upon to make. I have endeavored, in all my action in this matter, to keep myself back-to avoid any thing like the arrogance or "insolence of office." I was, from the first, impressed with the belief that I could do very little myself, except by the co-operation of those who were immediately interested in the schools: I have therefore endeavored to exercise the little influence which I possess, to the end, that a greater interest might be felt by parents and trustees of districts, in a matter which is so closely connected with the best interests of their children. I have, as opportunities have offered, addressed the people of the districts; but I have found that it is very difficult to be very interesting upon this, as well as upon any other subject, where there is no sympathy-no feeling in common between hearers and speaker. What a difference between talking to an audience upon this subject, and the subject of poli- and were examined in reading, arithmetic, geogIn Berlin, three schools entered for the prize, ties! In politics, all feel the inspiration, and raphy and English grammar, by their respective the most commonplace and even senseless re- teachers, and also by the committee. The ques marks are sure to meet with a response from the tions were promptly answered in all the branchaudience, if there be a pretty frequent repetition es, and the peculiar mode of teaching, clearly of the words democracy and whiggery. It is exhibited. Many of the inhabitants of the revery unfashionable in this country for the people, spective districts were in attendance, and mani. or even the trustees, to visit the schools, and it fested a deep interest in the examination. The is rather seldom that they get out at my visita- scholars of each school, and their teachers, ac. tions. It is sometimes said to me that I am paid quitted themselves in a manner highly satisfac for visiting the schools; it is my business, and I tory to all present; and led the committee and must go without them. This is rather trying, others, only to regret that they were not supplied but I have, notwithstanding, endeavored to do with a set of maps for each school. Berlin has my duty as well as I could. I have been very done nobly, and may she continue her onward sensible, though, that I was doing, and could do course. much less good to their schools. In Petersburgh, only two schools were perintendents I have ever found ready to co- each school. The town su- examined. The prize was warmly contested by operate with me. There is a considerable cla- trained, and were so equally balanced that the The schools had been thoroughly moring in this county for the abolishment of the committee were greatly embarrassed in giving office of county superintendent ; and if I believed | the preference to either school. The reading by


A contest for a set of Outline Maps. portunity of attending the common school exMR. DWIGHT-I have recently enjoyed the opaminations and celebrations in Berlin and Petersburgh, Rensselaer county. Mr. William Van Rensselaer had offered a set of outline Maps, (each set worth fifteen dollars,) to the best schools in the towns of Berlin, and Petersburgh, and Grafton, to be adjudged by an impartial committee of five.

Mr. Clows' school was decidedly the best I ever heard in a common school; but the school taught by Mr. Green, excelled his in arithmetic and geography. A pupil in the school of Mr Green drew a map of the world upon the blackboard, with such a degree of skill and accuracy as to astonish all present. Indeed, there was much to admire in the modes of teaching adopted by all the teachers in both towns, while the appearance and conduct of the scholars were such as to excite our admiration.

offences in the bud, when a warm-hearted old gentleman exclaimed, depend upon it, more young people are lost to society from the first offence being treated with injudicious severity, than from the contrary extreme. Not that I would pass over even the slightest deviation from integrity, either in word or deed; that would certainly be mistaken kindness; but on the other hand neither would I punish with severity, an offence committed, perhaps, under the influence of temptation-temptation, too, that I had the pleasure of addressing large and at- we ourselves may have thoughtlessly placed in tentive audiences in the evening, on the great the way, in such a manner as to render it irresubject of education. Though I cannot approve sistable. For instance a lady hires a servant; of the principle of awarding prizes, yet I trust the girl has hitherto borne a good character, an impulse has been given to the cause of edu- but it is her first place; her honesty has never cation, through the efficient county superintend-yet been put to the test. Her mistress, without ant, Dr. Thomas, in Rensselaer county, which will lead to important results.

8. R. SWEET,

City of Albany, March 5th, 1845.



Think gently of the erring!

Ye know not of the power
With which the dark temptation came,
In some unguarded hour.
Ye may not know how earnestly
They struggled, or how well,"
Until the hour of weakness came
And sadly thus they fell.

Think gently of the erring!
Oh do not thou forget,
However darkly stained by sin,
He is thy brother yet.
Heir of the self-same heritage!
Child of the self-same God!
He hath but stumbled in the path,
Thou hast in weakness trod.

Speak gently to the erring!

For is it not enough

That innocence and peace have gone,
Without thy censure rough?
It sure must be a weary lot

That sin-crushed heart to bear,
And they who share a happier fate,
Their chidings well may spare.

Speak kindly to the erring!

Thou yet mayst lead them back,
With holy words, and tones of love,
From misery's thorny track.
Forget not thou hast oftened sinned,
And sinful yet must be,-
Deal gently with the erring one
As God hath dealt with thee!

From Chambers' Edinburg Journal,

IN the cheerful dining-room of my bachelor friend, Stevenson, a select party was assembled to celebrate his birth-day. An animated discussion had been carried on for some time, as to whether the first deviation from integrity should be treated with severity or leniency. Various were the opinions, and numerous the arguments brought forward to support them. The majority appeared to lean to the side of crushing all

thinking of the continual temptation to which she is exposing a fellow-creature, is in the habis of leaving small sums of money, generally copper, lying about in her usual sitting-room. After a time, she begins to think that these sums are not always found exactly as she left them, Suspicion falls upon the girl, whose duty it is to clean the room every morning. Her mistress, however, thinks she will be quite convinced before she brings forward her accusation. She counts the money carefully at night, and the next morning some is missing. No one has been in the room but the girl; her guilt is evident. Well, what does the mistress do? Why, she turns the girl out of her house at an hour's notice; cannot, in conscience, give her a character; tells all her friends how dreadfully distressed she is; declares there is nothing but ingratitude to be met with among servants; laments over the depravity of human nature; and never dreams of blaming herself for her wicked

yes, it is wicked thoughtlessness in thus constantly exposing to temptation a young ig norant girl; one, most likely, whose mind, if not enveloped in total darkness, has only an imperfect twilight knowledge whereby to dis tinguish right from wrong. At whose door, I ask, he continued, growing warmer, will the sin lie, if that girl sink into the lowest depths of vice and misery? Why, at the door of her who, after placing temptation in her very path, turned her into the pitiless world, deprived of that which constituted her only means of obtaining an honest livelihood-her character; and that without one effort to reclaim her-without af fording a single opportunity of retrieving the past, and regaining by future good conduct the confidence of her employer.

There is, I fear, too much truth in what you say, remarked our benevolent host, who had hitherto taken no part in the conversation; and it reminds me of a circumstance that occurred in the earlier part of my life, which, as it may serve to illustrate the subject you have been discussing, I will relate.

There was a general movement of attention; for it was a well known fact that no manufac —was surrounded with turer in the town of so many old and faithful servants as friend Stevenson.


In the outset of my business career, said he, I took into my employment a young man to fill the situation of under clerk; and, according to a rule I had laid down, whenever a stranger entered my service, his duties were of a nature to

involve as little responsibility as possible, until The greatest regularity and attention-the utsufficient time had been given to form a correct most devotion to my interests-marked his busiestimate of his character. This young man, ness habits, and this without any display; for whom I shall call Smith, was of a respectable his quiet and humble deportment was from that family. He had lost his father, and had a mo-time remarkable. At length, finding his conther and sisters in some measure dependent up-duct invariably marked by the utmost openness on him. After he had been a short time in my and plain-dealing, my confidence in him was so employment, it happened that my confidential far restored, that, on a vacancy occurring in a clerk, whose duty it was to receive the money situation of greater trust and increased emolufrom the bank for the payment of wages, being ment than the one he had hitherto filled, I placed prevented by an unforeseen circumstance from him in it; and never had I the slightest reason attending at the proper time, sent the sum re- to repent of the part I had acted towards him. quired by Smith. My confidence was so great Not only had I the pleasure of reflecting that I in my head clerk, who had been long known to had in all probability saved a fellow-creature from me, that I was not in the habit of regularly a continued course of vice, and consequent misecounting the money when brought to me; but ry, and afforded him the opportunity of becoming as, on the occasion, it had passed through oth-a respectable and useful member of society, but I er hands, I thought it right to do so. Therefore, had gained for myself an indefatigable servant-a calling Smith back as he was leaving my count- faithful and constant friend. For years he served ing-house, I desired him to wait a few minutes, me with the greatest fidelity and devotion. His and proceeded to ascertain whether it was quite haracter for rigid, nay, even scrupulous nonesty, correct. Great was my surprise and concern on was so well known, that as honest as Smith, befinding that there was a considerable deficiency, came a proverb among his acquaintances. One 'From whom' said I, 'did you receive this morning I missed him from his accustomed place, money?' and, upon inquiry, learned that he was detained at home by indisposition. Several days elapsed and still he was absent; and upon calling at his house to inquire after him, I found the family in great distress on his account. His complaint had proved typhus fever of a malignant kind. From almost the commencement of his attack, he had, as his wife, (for he had been some time married) informed me, lain in a state of total unconsciousness, from which he had roused only to the ravings of delirium, and that the physician gave little hope of his recovery. For some days he continued in the same state; at length a message was brought me, saying that Mr. Smith wished to see me; the messenger adding that Mrs. Smith hoped I would come as soon as possible, for she feared her husband was dying. I immediately obeyed the summons.

He replied from Mr. -,' naming my confidential clerk.

'It is strange,' said I, looking steadily at him. But this money is incorrect, and it is the first time that I have found it so. He changed countenance and his eye fell before mine; but he answered with tolerable composure, that it was as he had received it.

It is in vain, I replied, to attempt to impose on me, or to endeavor to cast suspicion on one whose character, for the strictest honesty and undeviating integrity, is so well established. Now, I am perfectly convinced that you have taken this money, and that it is at this moment in your possession: and I think the evidence against you would be sufficient to justify me in immediately dismissing you from my service. But you are a very young man; your conduct On entering his chamber, I found the whole of has, I believe, been hitherto perfectly correct, his family assembled to take a farewell of him and I am willing to afford you an opportunity they so tenderly loved. As soon as he perceived of redeeming the past. All knowledge of this me, he motioned for me to approach near to matter rests between ourselves. Candidly con- him, and taking my hand in both of his, he fess, therefore, the error of which you have turned towards me his dying countenance, ful! been guilty; restore what you have so dishon-of gratitude and affection, and said, 'My dear estly taken; endeavor, by your future good con- master, my best earthly friend, I have sent for duct, to deserve my confidence and respect, and you that I may give you the thanks and blessing this circumstance shall never transpire to injure of a dying man for all your goodness to me. To you. The poor fellow was deeply affected. In your generosity and mercy I owe it, that I have a voice almost inarticulate with emotion, he ac-lived useful and respected, that I die lamented knowledged his guilt and said that, having fre- and happy. To you I owe it, that I leave to my quently seen me receive the money without children a name unsullied by crime, that in after counting it, on being entrusted with it himself, years the blush of shame shall never tinge their the idea had flashed across his mind that he cheeks at the memory of their father. O God!' might easily abstract some without incurring he continued, 'Thou who hast said blessed are suspicion, or at all events, without there being the merciful, bless him. According to the measufficient evidence to justify it; that, being in sure he has meted unto others, do thou mete undistress, the temptation had proved stronger to him.' Then turning to his family, he said, than his power of resistance, and he had yield. My beloved wife and children, I intrust you, ed. I cannot now, he continued, prove how without fear, to the care of that heavenly Padeeply your forbearance has touched me; time rent who has said, 'Leave thy fatherless chilalone can show that it has not been misplaced.dren to me, and I will preserve them alive, and He left me to resume his duties.

Days, weeks, and months, passed away, dur. ing which I scrutinized his conduct with the greatest anxiety, whilst at the same time, I carefully guarded against any appearance of suspicious watchfulness; and with delight I observed that so far my experiment had succeeded.

let thy widows trust in me.' And you, my dear master, will, I know, be to them as you have been to me-guide, protector and friend.' That, continued the kind old man, looking round upon us with us with glistening eyes, though mixed with sorrow, was one of the happiest moments of my life. As I stood by the bedside of the

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