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Churches in town, shall be the vice-presidents. 5th. A secretary, who shall also serve as collector.

6th. A treasurer.

7th. A prudential committee, consisting of one from each district and joint district.

The officers shall perform the duties usually pertaining to such officers, and together constitute an executive committee, whose duty shall be to call meetings of teachers and the friends of education, at such times as the interests of schools may demand-to make suitable arrange ments for the stated anniversaries and semiannual examinations-to nominate and appoint an examining committee, and do all other business which the interests of the association re quire. The examining committee shall consist of three gentlemen not residents of Westport, together with the vice-presidents.

Westport, July 14th, 1845.

folded, sealed, and directed to the examining committee, Westport, Essex co., N. Y.

Resolved, That the president be requested to write to such gentlemen out of town, as in his opinion will secure the attendance of three to act as an examining commit'ee with the vice-presidents, September 3d.

Resolved, That the secretary inform the offi cers of their election, and call a meeting of the executive committee, August 4th, 1845, 5 o'clock P. M., at the house of Mr. C. B. Hatch, to appoint a marshal and assistant marshals for Sept. 3d, and complete their arrangements.

The foregoing is submitted for publication, that its merits, if any, may be extended; especially that the scheme may be perfected by those having more experience.

The subscriber respectfully solicits that some town superintendent would put in operation a better scheme, and submit his results to the

[Here follow the names of upwards of two readers of the Journal. hundred gentlemen and ladies.]

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Resolved, That the several schools be invited to unite in an examination at Wadhams' Falls, Wednesday, Sept. 3d, 1845, at 9 o'clock A. M. Resolved, That the executive committee solicit subscriptions, payable Sept. 1st, 1845, to the treasurer of the association; one-third of which shall be appropriated at the summer examination, and the remaining two-thirds at the winter examination, and the same shall be awarded by the examining committee to one or more scholars, as shall best express their com parative excellence in the following departments, viz:

1st. Reading-selections from the New Tes tament.

2d. Geography, including an at'as of geo graphical maps executed by the pupils.

3d. Arithmetic, with exercises on the blackboard.

4th. Spelling-as shown by the trial of" spelling down" the assembled scholars.

5th. Writing-including the entire set of writing exercises during the term, with the progressive dates.

6th. A book of trees, illustrating the principles of grammar with their practical application in parsing.

7th. Vocal music.

Will some one describe, definitely, the articles best suited for the teachers' premiums? Will any propose an appropriate medal or device? What shall be the scholars' premiums? Will any unite in an effort of this kind? Could the general deposit be made with some gentleman in Albany?


Town Superintendent.

[From the Watertown Jeffersonian ]




The common schools of Watertown and Pamelia, under the care of their respective teachers, held a celebration at Agricultural Hall, in this village, on Thursday of last week. What with the army of one thousand children belonging to those schools, the large number of persons in attendance, the eloquent addresses and the spirit-stirring music of the juvenile choir and by the band-the display of flags and banners with appropriate devices, &c., the celebration was an interesting and impressive affair.

The Throne of Grace was invoked by Rev. Mr. KNOx, feelingly, fervently and devoutly. Hon. C. E. hour, characterized by great clearness, force and diCLARKE followed, in an extempore address of nearly an


The Rev. J. BURCHARD addressed the assemblage, with more than his usual eloquence and tact-detining clearly and concisely the pre-requisite qualifications of teachers, their duties as such, and also the duties of parents, guardians, c.

The Hon. L. H. BRows next addressed the assem

blage, in a train of fervent eloquence. Although much was expected from him, he greatly exceeded the expectations of his friends, and won "golden opinions" from his auditors.

He spoke about 50 minutes, and was followed by P. MONTGOMERY Esq., the county superintendent, in a well

considered, impressive and effective speech. Though

following as a gleaner"-to use his own words-he showed conclusively that much had been left unsaid which was important to be understood-that the wants of pupils and the spirit of the age demanded untiring efforts on the part of the parents and teachers; that the common school system, though good, is susceptible of improvement, and that sound economy not less than sound morality, required that greater attention should be paid to the basis of free institutions-well cultivated minds.

The examination of the scholars reflected great credit upon their teachers, and went far to prove that much of good may be accomplished in our common schools. Several maps drawn by children from 7 to 14 years of

8th. The best and neatest letter, setting forth age, attracted a good deal of attention and elicited the advantages of school examinations, written,

warm approbation.

The excellent arrangements made and carried out by

A. P. SIGOURNET Esq, of Watertown, and Doctor
SMITH Of Pamelia, town superintendents, contributed
greatly to the pleasures of the day, and many left the
Hall fully impressed that at least one day had been
rightly and profitably spent. We hail these celebra-
tions as the dawn of a new era in the cause of educa-
tion and the onward march of mind, and predict that
each succeeding year will further demonstrate the ad-
vantages of our common school system and the wise
foresight of its projectors.

"When goods and money all are spent,
Learning is most excellent."

[From the Rochester Daily Democrat.]


Mr. Bixby went on to remark, that those who had taught in colleges and academies, knew but little of public schools, and were often unfit for the office.

tion in its original form.
Mr. Johnson had no objection to the resolu-
He could not go with
the Syracuse convention on this point. He be
lieved that there were men who never taught
schools, that were well qualified for the office of
superintendent. He thought there were teachers
who had taught ten, fifteen, and twenty years,
who knew nothing, or next to nothing, of their
business. The offices should be thrown open to
all, and all would feel an interest in them.

Mr. Bixby thought teaching should be an ex

EXTRACTS FROM THE TEACHERS' AND SUPERIN clusive profession in this country, as in Prussia.


Law and physic were exclusive, and it would be The convention of teachers and town superin. considered absurd to throw these professions tendents assembled at the school-house of dis. open to all. If the superintendents were not trict No. 1, in this city, on Wednesday foretical hack, or broken down minister or lawyer. teachers, the office would often fall to some poli.


Dr. Reid, of Rochester, was chosen president -Ira Bellows, of Pittsford, vice-presidentand Jason W. Seward, county superintendent,


Mr. Barnes, of Rochester, presented the claims of the Teachers' Advocate," a periodical lately started under the auspices of the teachers' state convention.

Mr. Jones, from the committee on resolutions, reported in part.

The preamble and first and second resolutions, after some observations from Mr. Jones, were unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, The interest manifested in regard to common school education, within the few years past, by the friends of popular education, and the consequent improvement in our common schools, afford abundant evidence that our common school system, and the measures adopted to carry it out, are in the main, correct. Therefore,

1. Resolved, That we will continue to agitate the subject of common school education, and the improvement of our schools, while there remains any thing to be said or done that shall have a tendency to improve

their usefulness.

2. Resolved, That we will adopt those measures which experience has proved to be the best-rejecting whatever proves deleterious in practice, however plausible the theory, or from whatever source it may originate.

The third resolution was objected to by some gentlemen, on account of indefiniteness; and on motion of Mr. Mack, it was recommitted to the committee, for revision. It was afterwards adopted, as follows:

3. Resolved, That the increased interest in common schools, and the improved condition of those in this state, since the adoption of the system of county and town superintendents' prove conclusively the wisdom of this measure; and in justice to our schools, the same supervision should be continued.

On motion of Mr. Treat, Mr. Mack, the city superintendent, was added to the committee on


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this state, as carried out, was a humbug, be
He thought that the common school system of
office, whether a fool or knave.
cause every person is eligible to the highest

While this resolution was under discussion, the convention passed a ten minutes rule in reference to speakers.

Mr. Johnson regarded the superintendent as an executive officer, and did not deem it necessary that he should be an actual teacher.


many things should be considered in the appoint-
Dr. Howard, superintendent of Ogden, thought
ment of superintendents. Teachers were usually
perintendent was generally a man of some note,
young men, often but little known, while the su-
in the town. His principal duty was to disburse
moneys, change the forms of districts, &c., and
do other executive business, which he could
bably do better than teachers. It was unwise
he thought, to exclude all but teachers. It re-
quired the exercise of great discretion and pru-
dence in healing divisions, &c. The resolution,
as proposed by Mr. B., was not a democratic
one. It was a narrow, proscriptive,
66 native
American" resolution, which he earnestly hoped
the convention would reject.

Mr. Jones, of Mumford, felt compelled to op-
comprised all they had a right to.
pose the amendment. The original resolution
impolitic in them to exclude any class. Nothing
It would be
should operate but fitness. Politics should not
govern in the selection, nor should the candidate
Many superintendents not teachers, had filled
be taken exclusively from the office of teachers.
offices with great ability. The passage of the
resolution would be highly injudicious.

Mr. Bixby rose to explain. He did not intend teachers, should be ineligible. He considered to say that all who were not at the time actual many who had formerly been engaged in teaching, as teachers still, and eligible to the office.

Prof. Dewey called attention to that part of the substitute which prescribed that three years' experience should be necessary to qualify a man for that office.

Mr. Barnes was decidedly in favor of the original resolution, as it placed the office on the broad ground of fitness; though he was of opinion that teachers were often best qualified.

Mr. Meriman combatted the idea thrown out, that a teacher who had given up the business fif feen or twenty years ago, was fit for important

offices now. Great improvements had been made, which they had not kept pace with. The county superintendent, he thought, should be a man of education and talent, and capable of managing the best institutions in the country. He thought, the mover of the resolution actuated by an improper spirit, and having an eye to the loaves and fishes."

Mr. Bixby enquired if the speaker meant to 64 loaves be personal in his application of the and fishes."

Mr. Meriman did not mean to be personal, and refused to explain further, as that would give his remarks a personal character.

Mr. Brown did not understand the drift of the resolution; it was too tame, and asserted little or nothing. He saw no necessity of passing it. The chair explained that they had just passed a resolution to agitate questions connected with common schools.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Barnes made further remarks on the political motives that had, in some instances, governed the selection of superintendents. They were strongly in favor of the present system of supervision.

The substitute was then put, and lost, and the original resolution adopted.


[Extract from Annual Report-June, 1845.] The attendance at the several schools the past year, has been as follows:

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

of 263.

This shows an increase in the aggregate attendance over last year, of 700; and in the average attendance, The number of children between the ages of 5 and 16 years residing in the city on the 1st of January last, as shown by the several reports on file in the office of the superintendent, is 5890 of whom 81 are colored children. The number of those who have attended the public schools some portion of the year, as already shown, is......... 4946

Estimated number attending the incorporated and private schools,


[blocks in formation]

pended for the education of so large a number in any city in the Union.

The operations of the schools the past year, have been more harmonious than during any previous one, and the board are led to regard the system of free pub lic schools in the city, as having become permanently rooted in the favor of the people; its utility or continuance can no longer be regarded as problematical-and its benign influence not only upon the children and youth of the city, but by reflection upon the parents and guardians, is now felt through every department of society.

The increased interest manifested by the numerous attendance of parents and others at the spring examinations, has cheered and encouraged the board, and has given the most tangible proof of a favorable change in public sentiment in regard to our schools. The cause of education seems emphatically the great cause of the age in which we live: moral and mental elevation seems destined to become the distinguishing feature of the rising generation-and the impression is daily gaining strength, that in no way so surely can the social, moral, and pecuniary condition of any people be improved, as by raising higher and still higher the standard of popular education.

public opinion. This can only be secured by a candid To effect this, requires the hearty co-operation of consideration of the subject on the part of our fellow citizens, and by a judicious administration of school affairs..

To witness the change that has been wrought in the

minds of a large number of our more wealthy citizens on this subject, has been a source of sincere gratification to the board. It is now a sentiment nearly in stinctive in every man's heart, that the public schools are entitled to the united support of all. That the subject of schools is one which has no sympathy with sectarian or party feeling, and that no one but he who would aim at their overthrow, would seek to identify their administration with either.

The board would do violence to their own feelings should they close this brief report without a becoming acknowledgement of the obligation they are under to the teachers of the public schools, for their most valuable services the past year, and their faithful and intelligent co-operation. And in resigning the trusts which have been committed to us, to our successors in office, we cordially commend the teachers to their confidence and favor; and the schools to their kindly sympathy and watchful vigilance.

L. K. FAULKNER, President.

[For the District School Journal.]

We regret that this notice has been unavoidably post-
poned until this time.-Ed.

The sixty-ninth anniversary of our nation's birthday was celebrated at Fabius, by the several schools of the town, in a manner highly creditable to the inhabitants, and well calculaled to arouse the community to the important subject of universal education.

At an early hour in the day, the several schools of the town, with their teachers, joined each other a short distance from the village, where they were met by the "Fabius Brass Band"-the members of which kindly volunteered their services on the occasion-and escorted them into the village. It was truly an animating and imposing scene, to witness the long train of wagons drawn by four horses each, and filled with smiling, happy youths, each bearing a beautiful banner with some appropriate motto.

I should fail, should I undertake to give an adequate description of the exercises of the day, consequently must forbear. Handbills and circulars were sent throughout the town o the several districts, and a general invita

tion was extended to the inhabitants, and all interested in the common school enterprise. On the arrival of the schools, they were received by the town superintendent in front of the academy, (now occupied as a district school house,) and appropriate places assigned them in the procession.

At ten o'clock, A. M., the citizens under the direction of the marshals, the children under that of the superintendent, formed in procession, and marched around the west square of the village, each headed by a band of music. Arrived at the green of the Baptist church, the children were comfortably seated under a bower provided for the occasion.

dren was estimated at seven hundred. A larger and more respectable assemblage of people, was never before witnessed in this town, on any occasion.

Thus passed off the "glorious fourth," in Fabius, not an accident having occurred to mar the enjoyments and festivities of the day. VINDEX.

Fabius, Onondaga Co., N. Y.


On motion of Dr. Elijah Powell, county superintendent,

Resolved, That in the opinion of this association, moral instruction is of paramount importance, and that the teacher who neglects to enforce moral truth by example as well as precept, is deficient in one of the most important qualifi cations of a teacher of youth. This resolution was supported by Dr. Powell in some very ap propriate and feeling remarks.

The Tioga County Common School Teachers' Association met at the district school-house in the village of Owego, on Saturday, the 17th of The exercises of the forenoon commenced May, according to previous notice. The presiwith music from the band, and singing by the dent, John M. Parker, Esq., being absent, Chas. juvenile choir. Prayer was then offered by. Coburn, of Owego, was elected president pro tem. After the meeting was organized, the folRev. H. Tremain, after which the Declaration lowing resolutions were discussed and passed of Independence was read by L. M. Pratt, su- unanimously. perintendent of common schools, and was followed by an address from O. L. Sprague, Esq. on the subject of education. The address was one of the first order, and drew forth the highest commendation from those who had the pleasure of listening to it. The exercises were interspersed with music from the band, and juvenile singing, which contributed much to the interest of the day, and happily gratifying to all present. The exercises of the forenoon having concluded, the children again formed in procession and marched to the basement of the church, where a rich and bountiful supply of refreshments was provided by the inhabitants of each district. After a short recess, the children formed in procession and marched to the east end of the village, and back to the stand, when they listened to a spirited and well timed address from Mr. Truair, of Otsego county. Mr. Truair was very happy in his remarks, and adapted them peculiarly to the capacity of children, and the interest they manifested on the occasion, was enough to convince any one present that a favorable impression was left on their minds.

The several schools were then called upon in order, and each teacher given an opportunity for an examination of their scholars in some particular branch.

On motion of Andrew Coburn,

Resolved, That the office of county superintendent is of great utility to common schools, and that we will at all times urge the necessity of continuing said office.

Remarks were made by Andrew Coburn, the mover, showing the great benefit the office of county superintendent had been to the schools in this county, by Amos C. Stedman, town superintendent of Owego, and Willis Atkins, town superintendent of Spencer, and to the same point by Dr. J. L. Corbin, ofwego, giving some of the reasons why that office was so unpopular with the people.

On motion of Charles R. Coburn,

Resolved, That every person who intends to become an intelligent and successful teacher, should be a subscriber for, and a constant reader of the District School Journal. Remarks by the mover contrasting the conduct of teachers with men in other business; while the lawyer, the physician, the clergyman, the politician, the mechanic and the farmer, strive to become better qualified to perform the duties devolving upon them by reading or studying the opinions, advice and experience of others in their respective professions who have become eminent for their wisdom and success, the teacher, as a general thing, is plodding his way along unaided by the counsel or advice of those who have toiled and are now toiling in the same business. Also by Dr. Corbin, showing the value of the Journal to all in any way engaged in the cause of education. On motion of Dr. E. Powell,

The first school prepared was District No. 3, Miss Moon, teacher. One in declamation, and a class in astronomy-explained upon the black-board. The examination did much honor to the teacher, as well as pupils, illustrating practically the advantages of the blackboard in teaching geography. District No. 2, Miss Sherman, teacher, a class in concert reading. District No. 10, Miss Irish, teacher, a class in Geography. District No. 9. Mr. Clark, teacher, declamation and concert reading, by a class of fifty. Much credit is due the teachers for their efforts and untiring ex-discharge the duties of town superintendent or ertions in the cause of common school educa

Resolved, That the individuals who faithfully teacher, are conferring incalculable benefits on the rising generation, and ought to receive the support of all classes in community. Remarks The schools were all, with but one or two by the mover as to the responsibility resting exceptions, present, and the number of chil-upon the teacher; also by O. D. Davis of Spen



cer, and Charles R. Coburn, showing the extent of the influence exerted by the teacher, not only upon the rising generation, but also upon generations yet unborn; which influence the teacher must meet, with all its fearful responsibilities at the bar of God.

By request, Charles R. Coburn gave an account of his recent visit to Albany, where he spent three weeks in the State Normal School. He described the principal and professors of the institution, the arrangement, classification and management, the studies pursued, together with the mode of instruction and other interesting details. From the account given by Mr. Coburn, the association was deeply im pressed with the importance of its permanent continuation, as a valuable means of furnishing the state and nation with a supply of thoroughly

educated teachers.

Upon invitation, Mr. Pearsall, editor of the Owego Gazette, made some general remarks upon our school system, also upon the resolution under consideration showing the necessity of those engaged in teaching making it a profession, and so qualifying themselves for the business, as to ensure them steady employment and a fair compensation for their services. O. D. DAVIS, Pres. pro tem. CHARLES R. COBURN, Sec. pro tem.


[Extract from an Address delivered before a County Convention of Common School Teachers, held in Owego, Aug. 2, 1845, by Rev. Mr. Peck.]

"There are, however, many most honorable exceptions among this class, who, true to the spirit of the pilgrim fathers, cease not to seek proper channels, through which to pour their liberal benefactions and with which to bless the present and unborn generations. High in this

Resolved, That the procedings of this mecting be published in the papers of this county and in the District School Journal published at Albany.list s'ands the name of the noble and lamented CHARLES R. COBURN,

J. L. CORBIN, Rec, Sec.

Pres't pro tem.

OWEGO, August 2d, 1845. The Tioga County Teachers' Association met at the district school-house in the village of Owego. The meeting was called to order by electing O. D. Davis, teacher of Spencer, presi. dent pro tem., and Charles R. Coburn, teacher of Owego, secretary, A committee consisting of Willis Atkins, town superintendent of Spencer, and Chas. R. Coburn was appointed by the chair to prepare business for the afternoon session. Adjourned until half past twelve.


The delegates to the Teachers' State Convention at Syracuse were called upon for a report. Whereupon Charles R. Coburn gave a brief statement of the proceedings of said convention from its organizaiion up to the time of his leav. ing-being the afternoon of the second day's session.

The Rev. Mr. Peck of the Baptist church then gave an entertaining and instructive address filled with good advice to teachers and parents. On motion of Charles R. Coburn, a vote of thanks was presented to the speaker for his plain, practical and excellent address.

The committee on resolutions then reported the following resolution:

Resolved, That the time has arrived when the teachers of the state of New-York ought to have a periodical-and if such paper should be established, we will do all in our power to sustain it.

Resolved, That in the opinion of this association, the business of teaching should be made a profession as much as the practice of law or medicine.

These resolutions were adopted after an animated discussion; the last one particularly elicited much interest. The inconvenience attending the adopting and carrying out the spirit of the resolution, was set forth on the one hand, and on the other the manifold advantages that would arise from it, both to teachers and patrons of schools; and that the obstacles were no greater in this than in all instances where new and great reforms were proposed.

Wadsworth of our own state. Such cause the widow's heart to sing for joy-eyes are they to the blind-feet are they to the lame-fathers are they to the poor--and the cause they know not they search out. Were the examples of the no. ble few followed by the rich as a class, even then their ample treasures would avail but little in producing or perpétuating this difference without another and mightier agency.

Nor should we look for the occasion of this difference in the influence of academies and universities. As confessedly useful and important as are these institutions to a necessary and extensive intelligence, they avail but little in elevating the whole people. France, Germany, Eng. land and other countries of middle Europe, have long had their universities. Ireland has had hers too-but the effect has been to produce only here and there a fertile spot; while the vast territory around remained a barren waste. The same is true and has been to a great extent, of the states of our union already referred to. They have always had their universities and their cultivated intellectual giants as their fruits, but the masses have been neglected and must still be for aught these can do. To these, then, we cannot look as the radical cause of the distinguished position, which we, the common people, hold over the masses of other nations. If it is not, then, the form of our government-nor the freedom of the press-nor the accountability of the ruler to the ruled-nor the power of wealth-nor the influence of academies and universities, (however important all these may be to the result as second causes,) I ask if these are not the great agency, what is it? It is our system of popular education. It is our system of common schools. It is the idea of universal education reduced to practice. This is the great hinge of influence, more than any other, on which has turned our happy destiny. It stands highest in the list of second causes. Indeed so truthfully may it be called the great, efficient agency, that were it to perish, its vacuum would be the shadow of death, through which the other agencies must speed their passage to hopeless ruin. But leave to us our system of popular education in vigorous operation; then obliterate our form of gov. ernment and we would hit upon the same again -shackle the press, and we would declare it

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