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divisor seventy-five is multiplied (as before,) by the four hundred, and the product is set down under the first three figures of the dividend, and there are two thousand and seven hundred remaining. This remainder is set down in the next line, because seventy-five is not contained in two thousand seven hundred any number of hundred times. And so of the residue of the


When there is danger that an advanced class will forget the value of the denominations they are handling, they are required to express the value of each figure in full, throughout the whole process, in the manner above described. I shall never forget the impression which a recitation by a higher class of girls produced upon my mind. It lasted an hour. Neither teacher nor pupil had book or slate. Questions and answers were extemporaneous. They consisted of problems in Vulgar Fractions, simple and compound; in the Rule of Three, Practice, Interest; Discount, &c., &c. A few of the first were simple, but they soon increased in complication and difficulty, and in the amount of the sums managed, until I could hardly credit the report of my own senses, so difficult were the questions, and so prompt and accurate the replies.

ty, should the place be lost, of being obliged to recommence the solution.


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Great attention is paid to grammar, or, as it is usually called in the Plan of Studies,the German language. But I heard very little of the ding-dong and recitative of gender, number make up so great a portion of the grammatical and case,-of government and agreement, which exercises in our schools, and which the pupils are often required to repeat until they really lose all sense of the original meaning of the terms they use. Of what service is it for children to reiterate and reassert, fifty times in a single recitation, the gender and number of nouns, about which they never made a mistake hands? If the object of grammar is to teach even before a grammar book was put into their children to speak and write their native language with propriety, then they should be practised upon expressing their own ideas with elegance, distinctness and force. For this purpose, common every-day phraseology is first to be at tended to. As their speech becomes more copious, they should be led to recognize those slight shades of distinction which exist between words almost synonymous; to discriminate between the literal and the figurative; and to frame sentences in which the main idea shall be brought out conspicuously and prominently, while all subordinate ones,-mere matters of circumstance or qualification,-shall occupy humbler or more retired positions. The sentences of some public speakers are so arranged, that what is collateral or incidental, stands out boldly in the foreground, while the principal thought is almost lost in the shade;—an arrangement as preposterous as if, in the Senate chamber, the forum or the parade-ground, the president, the judge, or the commanding officer, throng of non-officials and incognitos should ocwere thrust into the rear, while a nameless cupy the places of dignity and authority. Grammar should be taught in such a way as to lead out into rhetoric as it regards the form of the expression, and into logic as it regards the se quence and coherency of the thoughts. If this is so, then no person is competent to teach grammar who is not familiar, at least, with all the leading principles of rhetoric and logic.

A great many of the exercises in arithmetic consisted in reducing the coins of one state to those of another. In Germany there are almost as many different currencies as there are states; and the expression of the value of one coin in other denominations is a very common exercise. It struck me that the main differences between their mode of teaching arithmetic and ours, consist in their beginning earlier, continuing the practice in the elements much longer, requiring a more thorough analysis of all questions, and in not separating the processes, or rules, so much as we do from each other. The pupils proceed less by rule, more by an understanding of the subject. It often happens to our children that while engaged in one rule, they forget a preceding. Hence many of our best teachers have frequent reviews. But there, as I stated above, the youngest classes of children were taught addition, subtraction, multiplication and division promiscuously. And so it was in the later stages. The mind was constantly carried along, and the practice enlarged in more than one direction. It is a difference which results from teaching, in the one case, from a book; The Prussian teachers, by their constant habit and in the other, from the head. In the latter of conversing with the pupils; by requiring a case the teacher sees what each pupil most complete answer to be given to every question; needs, and if he finds any one halting or failing by never allowing a mistake in termination, or on a particular class of questions, plies him with in the collocation of words or clauses to pass questions of that kind until his deficiencies are uncorrected, nor the sentence as corrected to supplied. pass unrepeated; by requiring the poetry of the In algebra, trigonometry, surveying, geome.reading lessons to be changed into oral, or writ try, &c., I invariably saw the teacher standing before the black board, drawing the diagrams and explaining all the relations between their several parts, while the pupils, in their seats, having a pen and a small manuscript book, copied the figures, and took down brief heads of the solution; and at the next recitation they were required to go to the blackboard, draw the figures and solve the problems themselves. How different this mode of hearing a lessson from that of holding the text-book in the left hand, while the fore-finger of the right carefully follows the printed demonstration, under penal

ten prose, and the prose to be paraphrased, or expressed in different words; and by exacting a general account or summary of the reading lessons, are,-as we may almost literally say,— constantly teaching grammar; or, as they more comprehensively call it,—the German language. It is easy to see that Composition is included under this head,-the writing of regular "es. says" or "themes" being only a later exercise.

Professor Stowe gives the following account of the manner of teaching and explaining the different parts of speech.

"Grammar is taught directly and scientifi


cally, yet by no means in a dry and technical On the contrary, technical terms are carefully avoided, till the child has become familiar with the nature and use of the things designated by them, and he is able to use them as the names of ideas which have a definite exist ence in his mind, and not as awful sounds, dimly shadowing forth some mysteries of science

into which he has no power to penetrate.

"The first object is to illustrate the different parts of speech, such as the noun, verb, adjective, adverb; and this is done by engaging the pupil in conversation, and leading him to form sentences in which the particular part of speech to be learned shall be the most important word, and directing his attention to the nature and use of the word, in the place where he uses it, For example, let us suppose the nature and use of the adverb is to be taught; the teacher writes upon the blackboard the words here, there, near, &c. He then says, 'Children, we are all together in this room, by which of the words on the blackboard can you express this?' Children, We are all here.' Teacher, Now look out of the window and see the church

The fact

what can you say of the church with the second word on the blackboard? Children, The church is there.' Teacher, The distance between us and the church is not great; how will you express this by a word on the blackboard? Children,- The church is near.' that these different words express the same sort of relations is then explained, and accordingly, that they belong to the same class, or are the same part of speech. The variations of these words are next explained. Children, you say the church is near, but there is a shop between us and the church; what will you say of the shop ?' Children, The shop is nearer.'Teacher, But there's a fence between us and the shop. Now when you think of the distance between us, the shop, and the fence, what will you say of the fence? Children,- The fence is nearest.' So of other adverbs. The lark sings well. Compare the singing of the lark with that of the canary bird. Compare the singing of the nightingale with that of the canary bird."

I heard excellent lessons on the different meanings which roots, or primitive words assame, when used with different affixes or suffixes. An analagous lesson in our language would consist in giving the meanings of the different words which come from one root in the Latin, as, convene, intervene, prevent, event, advent, &c.; or accede, recede, succeed, exceed, proceed, secede, precede, intercede, &c.


JExtract from the report of H. WILSON, County intendent of Allegany.]

The following are the methods generally used: 1st. The twenty-six letters are presented to the child in rapid succession three or four times a day.

2d. One letter only at a time; let it be written on the black-board, and when it is thoroughly learned, place another near it, proceed in the same way until all are mastered; care should be taken that those already learned are not forgot. ten as the child proceeds, &c. When one letter has been learned, let the child have a small slate and try to make the letter on that, or let a small black-board be procured and let him chalk the letter on that, &c.

3d. Divide the alphabet into lessons of a few letters each, let these form the names of objects familiar to the child, as follows: cat, dog, hen, bird, &c. The letters in each word, let it be is learning the letters in the word selected for the borne in mind, form a lesson. When the child lesson, let the teacher tell him an anecdote about the object, something that will please him.

4th. Divide the alphabet into lessons, and class together on a black-board or card the let ters that have a similar form, thus: ij, lf, tr, hk, num, oce, bd, pq, vxz, wy, sag, double letters, th, sh, ch, ph, terminations, ing, tion, ple, ble. Each division is a distinct lesson; the teacher should point out the similarity and differences in the shapes of the letters, &c.-thus in the first lesson, the dotted letter j differs from the i in its greater length and curve at the bottom; the land fare of equal length, the one has a square top, the other a curved one, and so on to the others.

In double letters and terminations, the teacher should carefully give, and practice the child in their proper sounds, as without it he would not be able to perceive them from the combinations of the letters. The child should not be permit ted to pass on to a new class until he has fully mastered the one before him.

5th. Words and letters are taught at the same time. Show the child the first letter in the Bible, I, and let him find it then wherever it occurs in the first verse. Having done this, show him the second letter, n; let him find every n in the first verse. He should then be informed what I-n spells. This enables him to read the first word in the Bible; let his second lesson be the next word in the Bible, the letters of which and their combinations should be learned as be fore. Proceed in the same manner through each successive lesson, till he can read the first verse in Genesis. "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth."

6th. Present the child with a picture of some object, having the name on the card in capitals. It may be a dog, &c. The word is shown to the child, and he is referred to the picture for the Super-meaning, after having pronounced it. The child

To compile some of the various modes that have been recommended for teaching the alphabet, and from these to suggest the best, is all that the undersigned has aimed to accomplish; he presumes this is all the department expects at his hands; and could he persuade himself that this expectation would not be wholly disappointed, he could then believe that, at least, some service had been rendered to the cause of general education.

may then be taught these three letters, and that One word is sufficient for a lesson, and when the they perform the same office as the picture, &c. letters in this are thoroughly learned, take another word and proceed as before. The teacher should accompany each lesson with an interesting anecdote respecting the object, &c. Set the child to draw the letters designed for the lesson... or the picture of the object, upon the black-board or slate.

(We shall continue the subject in our next.)





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Appollos W. Harrison,


The object of this system is to furnish to Common or District school teachers, the means of accomplishing | all with their pupils in the art that the best writing

masters can.


Is for beginners, and is peculiarly adapted to their youthful capacities. The lessons are so arranged that This it is believed will be fully realized on trial, and tised first, according to similarity of formation; then, short, long, and capital letters are classed and pracat a less cost for books, than for the use of blank writ-alphabetically in single letters and words, so as to ing books. It has been ascertained by careful analysis, that Root's Writing Books, average four times as much writing for the pupil, as the same number of blank books; and as the cost for each number is but a trifle more than for blank books, they must be much the cheapest, at least by more than one half. Besides there is a great saving of time to be teacher, the copies being all set in a fac-simile of the beautiful hand of the author.

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fix the form of cach letter in the pupil's mind. Each lesson is alternated with exercises, to give facility of action to the muscles, and establish the correct nianner of holding the hand and pen.

THE INTERMEDIATE PART, Though a proper successor to the primary, may be used as a com mencement by pupils somewhat advanced, or self instructors. It will produce a practical business style. It comprises as exercises, single small letters, entire words, capital letters, alphabetical sen tences, and a series of bold exercises for acquiring great freedom and command of hand.


Contains off-hand or whole arm exercises, capital letters, select sentences of one and two lines each, and business transactions; such as Notes, Orders, Drafts, Receipts, &c., and the ornamental branches of the art, comprising Round Hand, German Text, Old English, &c. Each part although gradually progressive, and designed to be used in regular succession; is so planned as to make a complete series of itself, and may be used independently of the others. The whole forming the most complete, philosophical, practical, and economical system ever before published,

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