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rich and central county of Montgomery, distin- the gathering together on this occasion, I recogguished as well for the profusion of its agricul-nize decisive evidence that here at the capitol of tural productions as for its commercial facilities, your county, great, and I trust successful efforts, greatly distinguished also for the gallantry and are being made. patriotism of its citizens in the revolutionary struggle, when assailed by savage foes hovering on its borders, and the more dangerous wiles of traitors within, is most eminently distinguished not only among the counties which compose this state, but among the most favored portions of the world, for internal improvements which have been effected by art.

Town and county superintendents, teachers and trustees of schools, I pray you to persevere in your labors! Discouraging and disheartening circumstances will occur-difficulties and opposition you will be obliged to encounter-your views and your conduct will be misrepresented and may be traduced. but I entreat you to do your duty, honestly, faithfully and independentÏy. Your reward will surely come. Not a pecuniary reward, nor perhaps, honors or offices, but that which is infinitely more to be valuedthe consciousness of having done good, for the sole reason that it was good.

We may say, and truly say, that a branch of the Atlantic ocean, uniting that ocean with the great inland seas of the west, has by the labor of man been extended through the centre of your highly favored county. The treasures of the Indies, the luxury of the tropical climates, the I may cherish delusive hopes, I may be ensplendid manufactures of Europe, and the valu-thusiastic, but if the munificent funds provided able products of the northern regions are floated by the state for educational purposes, shall be on the bosom of waters formed by art, to your properly applied in rewarding skilful, able and own doors. faithful teachers, if our system of supervision is

be properly appreciated by a majority of the people and carried fully into effect, if parents and guardians can be made to feel and discharge the obligations they owe to their children and their country, I do most confidently anticipate that the next quarter of a century will furnish a new race of men and women, of morals pure and uncontaminated, of elevated ambition, hearts warmed with patriotism and minds refined by literature, and enlightened, strengthened and invigorated by science.

One hundred years ago, had a savage wan-judiciously executed according to its spirit, if the dered from his wigwam on the banks of the enlightened views lately so ably presented to the Mohawk, to Oneida lake, on a hunting excur-public in the form of a report to the assembly, sion, what would have been his astonishment, if by the talented and benevolent Hulburd, shall upon his return the next day or next week, to Caughnawaga, he had discovered an arm of the sea extending through his cornfield, and vessels loaded with the conveniences and luxuries of civilized life, gliding on its surface. If this sight would have excited his admiration and wonder, how would his astonishment have been increased on turning his eye to the east, and beholding a splendid train of coaches, advancing seemingly by means of their own internal energies, and in the absence of all animal power with the speed of lightning? What a mighty Then, a man will not be distinguished by the change here would have come over the spirit of office he holds, but by his intelligence, his tathis dream of the amazed and wondering savage. lents, and his merits as a citizen, and thus the And yet these astonishing changes, these mag-post of honor will emphatically be a private stanificent internal improvements have within less than half, and almost within a quarter of a century, been effected by the ingenuity and labor of


tion. Then, when an American on account of business or pleasure shall visit other countries, and is seen walking the streets of London, of Paris, of Napies or of Rome, he will not be deWill not the inhabitants of this highly fa-signated by the crowd as a person who holds a vored portion of the globe, thus eminently dis. judicial or military station, or as one who has tinguished by improvement of matter as it came been a governor or president, but it will be anfrom the hand of nature, by the hand of art-nounced as a more interesting and it may be, will not the citizens of the ancient and honorable equally honorable designation, THERE GOES AN county of Montgomery, engage in another and AMERICAN CITIZEN!"

more exalted species of internal improvement?

I mean the improvement of the mass of mind.
Will you preserve and transmit to succeeding


Superintendent of common schools of Pennsylvania.]

generations those rights which have been pur-[Extracts from the Eleventh Annual Report of the State chased by the treasures and blood of your fathers? How, since the unlimited extension of the right of suffrage, can this be done, except by educating and well educating the whole of To the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: the rising generation? Whether German, Eng. lish, Irish, French, Swedes, Swiss or African, GENTLEMEN:-The undersigned Superintendlet them all be taught the language and princi-ent of common schools, would respectfully subples of freemen. This species of internal im- mit his annual report for the school year 1844, provement, and this alone, can save our poster-ending June 3d, 1844. ity from anarchy on the one hand, and despotism Every township, ward or borough in the Comon the other; it is this alone, which can secure monwealth, not within the city and incorporated from decay and ruin the splendid structure of districts of the county of Philadelphia, forms a liberty, order and law, erected by the labor and separate school district, except in a few instances treasures, and cemented by the blood of our fa. where, by special act of the Legislature, a townthers. Need I doubt your determination to en-ship is divided into two districts. Each district has gage cordially and zealously in this benevolent a board of school directors, consistin of six memand patriotic enterprise? No, no. I will not bers, two of whom are elected annually. The didoubt; for in your present association, and in rectors are authorized, if they deem it expedient,

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The whole number of scholars was two hund

to divide the districts into sub-districts, with pow-portion to the number of male teachers, than it er to elect a primary committee of three in each, was last year. who act as a committee of the board, to attend to the local affairs of their respective sub-dis-red and eight thousand four hundred and two, tricts, subject to the orders of the board. In 158,787 males and 129,615 females. This shows wards and boroughs the directors may appoint a considerable increase of the number since last an inspector, who devotes his attention to the year, in proportion to the number of reporting "visitation, inspection and care of the schools." districts. The average number of scholars in Neither the directors, their treasurer, nor the each school was forty-four, and the cost of teachprimary committees, receive any pay or emolu- ing each scholar per month thirty-eight and a ment whatever, for their services as such. It half cents. will thus be seen, that each district forms a distinct and independent organization, represented by the board of directors, having no connection with the township or county officers; the only other officer being the Secretary of the Commonwealth, who is ex-officio Superintendent of common schools.

The state appropriation paid this year to the accepting districts, exclusive of that paid to Philadelphia city and county, amounted to two hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. The school tax levied by the districts upon themselves amounted to three hundred and ninety-one thousand three hundred and forty dollars and sixty-eight cents; making the whole sum set apart for school purposes six hundred and fifty-five thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars and sixty-eight cents.

Each board of directors is required, by one or more of their number, to visit every school with in their district at least once in every month, and to cause the result of said visit to be entered on the minutes of the board. And on the first The amount expended for instruction in the Monday of June, annually, they are required to reporting districts was four hundred and thirtymake a report to the Superintendent, setting forth cre thousand one hundred and ninety-two dolthe progress and condition of the schools, the lars and seventeen cents. For fuel and continexpenses incurred in maintaining them, togeth-gences thirty-nine thousand and thirty-three doler with such other information as may be of use in forming a just estimate of the value of common schools.

lars and seventeen cents- And for school-houses seventy-five thousand nine hundred and eighteen dollars and ninety-four cents. Making the The district reports, which at present consti- whole expenditure in the reporting districts, five tute the principal, and almost the only means of hundred and forty-six thousand and thirty-one ascertaining the condition of the schools through-dollars and twenty-eight cents. Estimating the out the State, have been pretty generally receiv-expenditure in those that have been paid, but ed; and their contents, so far as relates to the statistics, have been published at length in the accompanying table. An inspection of this table will afford a much better view of the operations of the system in the different sections of the Commonwealth, than could be obtained from any general statement, though it is believed the publication of these details, only once in three years, will sufficiently answer their purpose.

The number of districts in the state is of course increasing every year, as the townships and boroughs increase. The whole number, at the close of the present year, was eleven hundred and seventy-two.

Reports have been received from eight hundred and forty-six districts. This is considerably smaller than the number received last year.

The number of schools reported as being in operation within the year, is five thousand nine hundred and ninety-three. The average length of time that the schools were kept open was five months and fifteen days.

The number of teachers was seven thousand five hundred and eigty-five, of which two thousand four hundred and ten were females.

In his last report, the undersigned took occasion to remark on the advantages which females possess over the other sex as instructors of small children, such as the schools in summer are generally composed of, and also, that in consequence of their expenses for board, &c., being less, they could afford to teach for a smaller salary than men of the same literary qualifications. For these, and other reasons, he ventured to recommend their more frequent employment as teachers. He is now gratified at being able to state that the proportion of female teachers is rapidly increasing, being considerably greater, in pro

have not reported, at one-tenth of the whole, it will make the whole amount expended during the year for school purposes about six hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount expended in the city and county of Philadelphia. This we think affords no small evidence of the interest taken by the people of this state in the education of the young; and that there is now nothing wanting to ensure the success of our school system, but a continuance of the appropriation they have been receiving for some years past, together with a more thorough visitation on the part of those entrusted with the management of the system, and the dissemination of correct views among the people on the importance and nature of ed ucation, and the best means of directing their efforts in its promotion.

It appears from the statement here submitted that the schools of the Commonwealth are rapidly improving. Better modes of instruction are adopted and more capable teachers employed now than formerly. The number of scholars is annually increasing. The interest feit by the people in the cause of general education is becoming greater. Customs and prejudices that have existed for years, and furnished the greatest obstacles to the progress of the school system, are fast yielding to its benign influence; and districts before hostile are year after year becoming reconciled, and voluntarily adopting its provisions. A knowledge of their beneficial influences, and their happy conformity to the character of our citizens, and the principles of our government, secure for them the favor and support of the people. The system with but little amendment is well calculated to attain the object for which it was established. Its prosperity and existence rest with the legislature. If, as heretofore, it shall continue to be aided and

sustained by the fostering care of the legislature, its progress to perfection and permanency cannot be doubted. But should an injudicious economy cause it to be neglected, and the support of the state withdrawn from it, but little hope can be entertained of the advancement of education in our Commonwealth.

At the last session of the legis'ature the propriety of withholding the annual appropriation to the common schools was seriously considered. It was gratifying to the friends of education to find that a large majority of the representatives of the people were opposed to the adoption of this measure. Notwithstanding this, the annual appropriation was curtailed nearly one-half its usual amount.

The principal argument advanced in favor of this measure did not arise from a want of confi

dence in the school system, but was drawn from the financial embarrassment of the state, her revenues not being sufficient to meet the demands upon her public treasury. That the pecuniary difficulties under which our Commonwealth has labored for the last few years have been great, is admitted and deplored by all; and that the claims of her creditors are just, and should be paid, Lone will dispute. The honor of the state and of every citizen of it, requires that the most efficient and prompt means should be adopted to enable her to meet with punctuality her pecuniary liability. But in doing so the appropriation to common schools should if possible be contin. ued-although its amount does not much more than equal one-third of the sum raised in the districts by taxation for school purposes, yet the source from whence its is derived gives it much influence in supporting the school system.Its withdrawal would be understood as an abandonment by the state, of our system of educa tion, and would have the effect of dampening the zeal of its friends, and unnerving the energies of the people in its support. The means of acquiring instruction would soon deteriorate, and the youth of our Commonwealth be left without the opportunities enjoyed by those of other States, to acquire a proper education, and fit themselves to discharge the important duties of citizens.

During the most gloomy period ever experienced in the financial concerns of the state, she has not failed to extend her aid to the advance ment of her school system. When, less than three years ago, the holders of the permanent loans were loudest in their complaints, when the legislative hall was surrounded with domestic creditors, importunate in their demands for pay. ment, when the business of the country was prostrated, the revenues of the state greatly diminished, and a pecuniary gloom hung over the affairs of the people and the Commonwealth, she still upheld, with an energetic hand, her system of general education. A mistaken economy should not, under present circumstances, induce her legislature to withhold this support Now that the claims of her domestic creditors have been satisfied, and her increasing revenues give every assurance of the speedy and complete redemption of her character and credit, now that the genial sun of prosperity is fast dissipating the cloud of embarrassment that enveloped her government and her citizens, surely it is not a

time for Pennsylvania to give up her prosperous and popular system of common schools, and suffer it to fall into dilapidation and decay. While the governments of other states and countries are providing, by liberal appropriations, for the education of their youth, shall it be the stigma of the great Keystone State, that she has abanhaving ascertained its excellencies, and the mass doned her system of general instruction, after of her citizens have indicated, by their votes and actions, the deep interest they feel for its con

tinuance and advancement?

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Prussia, although despotic in its government, furnishes an example worthy, of imitation, not only in the organization of her public schools, but also in the successful efforts made by her government and people to sustain them under the most trying circumstances. Alluding to this, Professor Stevens, in his excellent letter relating to the schools of Germany, &c., addressed to a tions of Europe, Prussia was reduced to the former superintendent, says: "Of all the nagreatest extremity by the wars of Napoleon. even the revenue from the endowments of schools, The system of confiscation went so far, that of poor-houses, and the funds for widows, was eign loans were made to meet the exorbitant diverted into the treasury of France. Forclaims of the conqueror. An army must be created, bridges re-built, ruined fortifications in evelie extremity that the Prussian ladies, with nory quarter repaired; and so great was the pubble generosity, sent their ornaments and jewels and other ornaments of cast-iron, were given in to supply the royal treasury. Rings, crosses,

They bore the inscription, Ich gab gold um return to all those who had made this sacrifice. eisem,'-(I gave gold for iron,)-and such Spartan jewels are much treasured at this day by the possessors and their families. This state of in 1813. But it is the pride of Prussia, that at things lasted till after the 'War of Liberation,' the time of her greatest humiliation and distress, she never for a moment lost sight of the work she had begun in the improvement of her


If under such circumstances the people of a monarchial government, impressed with the tained it, is there not great cause to believe that importance of public education, successfully susthe free citizens of a republic will not permit much smaller difficulties to compel them to desert their system of public schools?

Much has already been done-but all has not yet been accomplished that is requisite to render.. perfect and permanent our school system. It has rapidly advanced on the road to perfection; let it not be permitted to recede from the point it has attained, but by a wise and generous, and unwavering support, let it be brought to maturity, and established on a basis that will secure its usefulness and perpetuity. Thus will be obtained the highest honors for the Commonwealth, and incalculable blessings for her citizens. I have the honor to be,

Very respectfully, &c.,
Superintendent of Common Schools.

Hurrisburgh, December, 1844.



Agriculture-report on, 83; committee on, appointed, 156; communication on, from Henry O'Reilly, 268. Albany-city school celebration, 227; County Superin tendent's report, 16.

Allegany county-convention of Town Superintendents,
108; an account of the schools in the south part of,
161; Teachers' Institute, proceedings of, 277; Teach
ers' Association, proceedings of, 315.
Alphabet-method of teaching the, 92, 109.
American Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge
-proceedings of, on education, 203; abstract of the
annual report, 204.

Amusement-Hon. Samuel Young's letter on, 97; and
Toys in Germany, 297.
Animals-language of, 248.

Arab account of debtor and creditor, 47.


Arithmetic-as taught in Europe, 90; how taught, 239. Arnold, L. M. County Superintendent of Dutchess-resolation on text-books, 74; report on, 79. Arnold, Miss R.-letter from, on character of teachers, Association-District School, Wawarsing, 22; Town and County, recommended at State convention, 81; Montgomery county common school, 142; Fulton co. educational, 165; Yates county, proceedings of, 173; Herkimer county common school, 231; Teachers of Orleans county, 261; first annual ineeting of Oswego common school, 305.


Baldwin, Joshua Hon.-extract from his second annual report on the schools of New-Orleans, 45. Barnard, Henry-letter to, giving an account of the Brat. tleboro schools, 310; a reference to his valuable services in Rhode Island, 109.

Barnes, Orson-opinion of small districts, 78; letter from, 169.

Benton, Hon. N. S.-State Superintendent, 313; notice to County Superintendents, 313; notice to Town Superintendents, 313; regulations of State normal school, 213. Bethlehem celebration of schools-account of, 228. Bible-discussion on at State convention, 74. Blanks-for County and Town Superintendents' official notice, 129.

Bloss, W. C.-remarks on corporal punishment, 73.
Brandon-school celebration in, 199,

Brattleboro, Vermont-account of schools of, 310.
Brodt, J. T.-letter from, on Institute in Broome, 258.
Brooklyn-public school celebration of, 165.
Brown, L. H.-address of, at Watertown, 233; on com
mittee on text-books, 68.

Buffalo schools-extract from report of City Superintendent, 25.


Caldwell, S. City Superintendent of Buffalo-extract from report of, 25.

Cash, M. H-letter from, on the school system, charg. ing it with defects, 130. Cayuga county convention, 162; Teachers' Association, proceedings of, 315.

Celebrations-school, recommended by Albany County Superintendent, 17; account of in Cattaraugus, by Mr. Rice, County Superintendent, 19; in Cortland, 38; of Rochester public schools, 77; of public schools of Brooklyn, 165 of Camillus, 168; of Albany public schools, 227; at West-Carlton, 170; at Ellenville, Ulster county, 171; at Hebron, Washington county, 173; at Brandon, Franklin county, 199; at Cambridge,

[ocr errors]

Washington county, 201; at Bethlehem, Albany, 228 Certificate of qualification-official order in relation, at Watertown, Jefferson county, 232; at Troy, 235. Challenge-offered by J. Patchin, County Superintend 97; State granted, 3, 130, 300, 313. Character-formation of, H Greeley's remarks on, 117. ent of Livingston, to the other county officers, 85; by Chautauque-County Superintendent's notice to Town Superintendents and teachers, 135; report of County Superintendent, 278.

J. F. Mack, City Superintendent of Rochester, 86. Chenango-Teachers' Institute, an account of, 139. Cobb, Lyman-spellers and readers referred to, 70. Columbia county convention, 156.

Composition-how taught in Europe, 91. Committee-executive, of normal school, 111; reports of, in Chenango Institute, 140; on District School. Journal, 70; on school apparatus, 70; on political science, 70; on agriculture, 70; appointed to organize next convention, 74.9

Comstock, R. T. Town Superintendent of Sherburne-letter from, on schools under his care, 163. Comstock, E., County Superintendent of Óneida--report Conference-Teachers', at Chenango Institute, 140. on female teachers, 8. Conventions, State-called, 3, 33; report of proceed. ings, 65; notice of, 85; remarks on organization of, 75, 76; plan of organization of next convention reported, 75; adopted, 76.

Convention, county-in Ulster, 106; Ontario, 107; Pultney, 136; Cortland, 107; Allegany, 109; Washington, 109; Otsego, 143; Columbia, 156; Cayuga, 162; Oneida, 167; Lewis, 281; Greene, 302; Otsego, 305; Seneca,306; Suffolk, 261; Wayne,236; Westchester, 237; Saratoga, 235: Dutchess, 229; Erie, 229; Franklin, 231; in Onondaga, 317; in New-Hampshire, 215. Connecticut-educational movement in, 311. Conversation-tea-table, 60.

Cook, J. H.-teacher, letter from, 244.
Cooper, E.-advocates Town's Analysis, 70; remarks
on corporal punishment, 68

Cooper's, Mr.-views on union schools, 78.
Cornell, Mr.-his globe recommended by, 70.
Corporal punishment-extracts from reports of Messrs.
Henry & Stevens, in relation to, 34, 36; extract from
Mr. Mann's report on, 22; discussion on, 68, 72; de-
fence of, 117.

Cortland County Superintendent's circular to schools,


Cropsey, H. B.-remarks on organization of State convention, 75. Culture-harmonious, 116.

Curtis, E. W.-remarks on organization of State convention, 76.


Davies, Chas., Prof.-mathematical works spoken of at State convention, 70; remarks on organizing the next convention, 76.

Deaf and dumb-mode of teaching, extract from Mr. Mann's report, 13; manner of obtaining a certificate in the New-York institution, official, 197. Delaware county-Superintendent's report on female teachers, 8. Dewey, Prof. of Rochester-remarks on corporal punishment, in State convention, 69; resolution for statistical information, 70; remarks on organizing the next State convention, 75. Dictation-Direction for practising, 266. Discussion-topics of, in Chenango county institute,


Dudley, George E.-letter on common school celebra-
tion, 171.

Dunckle, George D.-commending School Journal, 240.
Dutchess county-convention of teachers, 229.
Dwight, F.-County Superintendent of Albany, extract
from the report of, 16; resolutions on school libraries
in State convention, 74; resolution on organizing the
next convention,[75.


Economy-domestic, recommended to be taught by Miss
Beecher, 59.

Education-proceedings of American Society on, 203;
in Germany, 43; popular-an address upon, 207; ele-
mentary, 241; experimental, 150, 133, 209, 301; intel-
lectual, 71; intellectual and moral, 115, mental and
moral, 116; moral, 71, 211; physical, 289.
Educational Society of Rockland-proceedings of, 170.
Educate-what will, 15.

Edwards, A., County Superintendent Onondaga-notice of town celebrations, 18.

Ellenville common school celebration, 171.

Ely, Enoch S.-letter on Teachers' Institute of Erie,
259; report in favor of union schools, 76; remarks
on union schools, 78.
Emulation-motives of, 24.

Erie county-convention of Town Superintendents, 227.
E. R. on good manners, 21.
Essay-prize, 111.

Essex County Superintendent-report of, 4.
Examination of teachers in Chenango Institute, 141;
examination of teachers, 264.


Finch, R. R.-County Superintendent of Steuben, letter from, containing an account of Pulteney celebration, 137; view of the influence of habit on children, 137. Fonda, Alex., County Superintendent of Schenectadyresolution on organizing the next convention, 76; resolution offered by, in relation to the District School Journal, 77.

Fowle, W. B., Boston-remarks on corporal punish ment, in State convention, 69; address delivered at the State convention, 75, 98.

Franklin County-Superintendent's report, 34; com-
mon schools in, 164; convention of Town Superinten-
dents, 231; Teachers' Institute, 279.

Free schools of Poughkeepsie-an account of, 58.
Fulton County-educational association of, 166.


Holbrook, J.-letter from, on school apparatus and ex-
changes, 149.
Hudson public schools-an account of, 57.
Hughston, R. S.-County Superintendent of Delaware,
Hulburd, C. T., Hon.-chairman of the committee on
report on female teachers, 8.
colleges, academies and common schools, report of,
145, 180, 212.


Institute-Teachers' of Allegany county, 277; Broome
Institute, American-proceedings of the, 271.
county, 259; Chenango county, 138, 199; Erie county,
259; Franklin county, 279; Genesee county, 280; On-
ondaga county, 281; Otsego county, 234; Saratoga
county, 305; Seneca county, 307; Wyoming county,
263; letter to, 301; remarks on, 240; report on, 90;
notice of, 48; extract from the Boston Courier in re-
lation to, 291; extract from Mr. Mann's eighth annu-
al report on, 311.

[blocks in formation]


Genesee County-Teachers' Institute, an account of, Mack, J. F. City Superintendent, Rochester-extract 280; Teachers' meeting at Le Roy, 316. Geography-how to teach, 60.

Gillam, Mr.-advocates Town's Analysis in convention,


[blocks in formation]

Hamilton, W. J.-Town Superintendent of Genesee, re-
marks on organizing the next convention, 75, 76.
Haywood, X.-report on moral culture, 87.
Hawley, E. S. City Superintendent of Buffalo-remarks
on corporal punishment, 73; remarks on the Dist
School Journal, 77; moved a vote of thanks to Dr.
Potter for his able lecture before the State conven-
tion, 82; union schools, opinion of, 78.
Hebron-school celebration at, 173.
Hempstead-common schools in the town of, 320.
Henry, James, Jr., County Superintendent of Herkimer-
report on corporal punishment, 36; report on cor-
poral punishment, 70; remarks on the same subject,
73; on organizing the next State convention, 75; on
Town and County Superintendents, 77; on District
School Journal, 77; code of rules adopted, 141; field-
book for Town Superintendents, remarks on, 272.
Herkimer County-Superintendent's report,36; common
school association of, 231; convention of Town Su-
perintendents, 141.

Hobbs, J. County Superintendent of Westchester-re-
port of, 262,

from report of, 26; remarks on organization of State convention, 76; remarks on District School Journal, 77; on free schools, 74.

McFarland, D., County Superintendent, Delaware-re-
port on female teachers, s.

McKoon, M. S.-report on Town Superintendents, 76;
remarks on organization of convention, 75.
Mann, Horace, Hon-extracts from reports, 8, 13, 22,
Manners-importance of, 21.
39, 311, 322; letter from, 66.

Manual, common school-notice of, 48.
Maps-drawn in the schools of Livingston, 79; Mitch-
ell's outline, the value of, 211; map of the State of
New-York, 265.

Massachusetts-annual report, 9, 13.
Memory-W. B. Fowle's lecture on, 98.
Mental and moral culture, 151; mental and moral de-
velopment, 269.

Mendon, Mr.-remarks on corporal punishment, 68.
Method of teaching-report on, 81.
Montgomery County common school association, 142.
Montgomery, J. County Superintendent-report to Jef-
ferson county teachers' association, 303.
Moore, L. M.-read Miss Robbins' essay on her text-
books, 70.

Moral culture-report on, by X. Haywood, 87; instruc-
tion, report on, 71, 79.
Music, vocal-extract from report of E. S. Shumway,4;
from report of Ira Patchin, 6; of W. F. Stone, 6; of
E. Smith, 6; report on, at convention, 83.


New Orleans public schools-second municipality, 48; New Hampshire common school convention, 215. public schools, first municipality, 246.

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