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our age, who dare run counter to popular error. We despise the man who is such a cringing slave, as to submit to the tyrannical and demoralizing influence of corrupt and erroneous public opinion.


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tive drill. It makes chasms in classes, gaps in recitations, fatal to a uniform and orderly progress. At examination, the teacher finds, to his mortification and discouragement, that his exertions, for a whole quarter, to make a class do credit to itself and to him, are balked by the fal terings and haltings of every fourth or fifth mem ber, whose frequent absence has been permitted or required by his parent or guardian. The If you would have friends, you must show finest array is thus disordered and utterly dis-yourself friendly. I once had a neighbor, who located. The whole school is encumbered and though a clever man, came to me one hayday retarded in its progress by these unfortunate and said, "Squire White, I want you to come stragglers, harrassing its rear and dragging at and get your geese away." "Why," said I, its skirts. Unfortunate, we say, for very often "what are my geese doing?" "They pick my it is far from being the poor child's fault that pigs ears when they are eating, and drive them he connot dress into line and expedite instead of away, and I will not have it." "What can I hindering the march. Such irregularity is very do?" said I. "You must yoke them." "That bad for the child. The continuity of study and I have not time to do now," said I. "I do not discipline is broken up to him. He may catch see but they must run." If you do not take a little of the knowledge that is afloat in the care of them, I shall; what do you say, Squire school, but his mind will not be trained, he will White?" "I cannot take care of them now, not be educated. There are some studies in but I will pay you for all damages." "Well," which the loss of here and there a lesson is equi- said he, "you will find that a hard thing I valent to the loss of the whole. The missing guess.' So off he went, and I heard a terrible links vitiate the whole chain; the dropped stitch squalling among the geese. The next news es spoil the whole web. It is not to be expected from the geese was, that three of them were that every child in town, between the ages of missing: My children went and found them five and sixteen, can attend school the whole terribly mangled and dead, and thrown into the year through. Circumstances forbid it in some bushes. "Now," said I, "all keep still and let cases. We only say, while he does attend, let me punish him." In a few days the man's hogs him attend constantly, and lose not a day nor broke into my corn; I saw them but let them an hour, but from extremest necessity. So long remain a long time. At last I drove them all as he is a member of the school, let him attend out, and picked up the corn they had torn down with as scrupulous punctuality and constancy as and fed them with it in the road. By this time if he existed for no other object, every thing the man came in great haste after them.else giving way to that. There is no doubt" Have you seen any thing of my hogs?" said that four months of steady, unbroken attendance he. Yes, you will find them yonder, eating is worth more to a child's mind and education, some corn which they tore down in my field." than eight months scattered along at irregular "In your field?" "Yes," said I, "hogs love intervals through the year. This subject de- corn you know,-they were made to eat."serves the most serious consideration of our ci. "How much mischief have they done?" "O, tizens. not much," said I. Well, off he went to look, and estimated the damage at a bushel and a half of corn. "O, no," said I," it can't be." Yes," said he, "and I will pay you every cent of damage." "No," I replied, you shall pay nothing. My geese have been a great trouble to you." The man blushed, and went home. The next winter when he came to settle, he determined to pay me for my corn."No," said I, "I shall take nothing."


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Nothing is more tyrannical, and detrimental to Republican institutions and good order in society than public opinion, when not regulated by the light of reason and truth. Many men bow to its yoke, for the sake of some petty favor from the hands of the public; or for the sake of the emoluments of some petty office. Some After some talk, we parted; and in a day or submit themselves wholly to its slavish influence two I met him in the road, and fell into conver for the sake of a little wordly honor-and they sation in the most friendly manner. But when sacrifice truth, honesty and all convictions of I started on, he seemed loath to move, and I conscience for the sake of being called honorable paused. For a moment both of us were silent. men. Such a slavish submission to public opi- | At last he said, "I have something laboring in nion is, indeed, deplorable; especially, in a free and civilized country.

We think it proper to give a due respect to public opinion, so long as it does not conflict with the eternal principles of truth, honesty and justice. An intelligent and independent man will never yield to public opinion, contrary to his own convictions of right. This is the true principle; that man should ever be governed by the dictates of his own conscience If public opinion sanctions any thing which is wrong, no man should yield to its influence, but raise his voice against it forever. He should exercise his own judgment, and be governed by it in al! his acts and dealings with mankind. We rejoice, that there are some generous spirits of

I killed three of your geese, and shall never rest till you know how I feel. I am sorry." And the tears came in his eyes. "O well," said I, never mind, I suppose my geese were provoking."

mind. Those geese. my


I never took any thing of him for it; but whenever my cattle broke into his field after this, he seemed glad, because he could show how patient he could be.

Now conquer yourself, and you can conquer with kindness where you can conquer in no other way.-Vermont Chronicle.

Books are the best property of the rich; think what they are to the poor who really love them.

Youth's Miscellany.


Maurice, my boy!" said uncle Oliver, in lively humor; " Maurice, my boy! when a thing is to be done, set about it at once: to expect that things will be done of themselves is out of the question. Put a joint down to the fire, and it will roast; put a potatoe in the pot, and it will boil; put a cake in the oven, and it will bake; but if none of these things are done you must be content to go without your dinner.

'He that a growing oak would get, An acorn in the ground must set.' "Take my word for it, that talking, intending, and determining, will never do without acting. You may talk about putting down the joint, you may intend to put potatoes in the pot, and you may determine to put a cake in the oven; but if you stop short of really doing what is to be done, you may just as well have not thought about the matter.

"Where would be the use of the farmer look ing forward to the time when he should reap and mow, were he not diligent to plough and sow? There is much difference in people in this respect: one man dies of thirst, while another digs himself a well of water. Look around you, then, and waste no time in dreaming about things: set about them in good earnest, remembering what I said before,

'He that a growing oak would get,

An acorn in the ground must set.' "The housekeeper's book says, that a cook must catch his hare before he roasts it; and in like manner we must obtain our acorn before we can set it in the ground. Now by the same rule young people must get knowledge before they know how to act properly; and when it is obtained, then comes the principal thing, after all, and that is to turn it to good account. The acorn that is kept up by you, and not planted, will never grow; and knowledge, neglected, will be equally useless.

"If what I have said is unwise, pay no further attention to it; but if, on the contrary, you consider it to be reasonable and right, why, then, put it in practice. Be not content with talking about it, intending to do it, or even with determining that it shall be done; but set about it in right earnest, remembering what I have already told you twice over,

'He that a growing oak would get,
An acorn in the ground mast set.'

Uncle Oliver.


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"In the erection of this chapel, on Hervey Island, a circumstance occurred which will give a striking idea of the feelings of an untaught people when observing, for the first time, the effects of written communications. As I had come to the work one morning without my square, I took a chip, and with a piece of charcoal wrote upon it a request that Mrs. Williams would send me that article. I called a chief, who was superintending his portion of the work, and said to him, 'Friend, take this: go to our house and give it to Mrs. Williams.' He was a singular looking man, remarkably quick in his movements, and had been a great warrior; but in one of the numeroas battles he had fought he had lost an eye, and giving me an inexpressible look with the other, he said, 'Take that! she will call me a fool, and scold me if I carry a chip to her.' 'No,' I replied, she will not: take it and go immediately; I am in haste.'Perceiving me to be in earnest, he took it, and asked, What must I say? I replied, You have nothing to say; the chip will say all I wish." With a look of astonishment and contempt, he held up the piece of wood, and said, 'How can this speak? has this a mouth?' I desired him to take it immediately, and not to spend so much time in talking about it. On arriving at the house he gave the chip to Mrs. Williams, who read it, threw it away, and went to the tool chest, whither the chief, resolving to see the result of this mysterious proceeding, closely followed. On receiving the square from her, he said, Stay, daughter, how do you know that this is what Mr. Williams wants? Why,' she replied, did you not bring me a chip just now? Yes,' said the astonished warrior,' but I did not hear it say any thing.' 'If you did not, I did,' was the reply, for it made known to me what he wanted, and all you have to do is to return with it as quickly as possible.' With this the chief leaped out of the house; and catching up the mysterious piece of wood, he ran through the settlement, the chip in one hand and the square in the other, holding them up as high as his arms would reach, and shouting as he went,See the wisdom of those English people: they can make chips talk! they can make chips talk! On giving me the square, he wished to know how it was possible thus to converse with persons at a distance. I gave him all the explanation in my power; but it was "A drunkard cannot recommend sobriety, a a circumstance involved in so much mystery, that highwayman honesty, or an idle man diligence, he actually tied a string to the chip, hung it round with a good grace, because they do not practice his neck, and wore it for some time. During sethese qualities themselves; nor can you, reason-veral following days we frequently saw him ably, require others to be forgiving, kind-hearted, and peaceable, while you indulge in bitterness, ill-nature, and strife.

"Now, then, to the point! If you wish a growing oak, you must both get and set your acorn; and if you wish to live a useful, peaceful, and happy life, you must learn lessons of knowledge, wisdom, and piety, and put them in practice also.

"Do you wish others to forgive you when you have injured them; forgive those then who have injured you:-this is the most likely way of bringing about the thing you desire. Do you wish others to behave kindly to you, set them the example by behaving kindly to them; there is no doubt of your being successful. Do you wish all the world to be at peace with you; be yourself at peace, then, with all the world This way of bringing about things is the surest of any yet discovered; and if it should not answer, it is not at all likely that any other way



surrounded by a crowd, who were listening with intense interest while he narrated the wonders which this chip had performed."


to do an evil deed, however advantageous it may appear, is to deceive yourself.

There are but very few schoolboys who do not remember the lines

"When house and land are gone and spent,
Then learning is most excellent,"

consists in the good use to which it is applied; if you judge otherwise, you deceive yourselves.

Be not deceived in thinking that money can make you happy, though this is one of the most common errors prevailing in the world. No, no: money is an admirable thing in good hands, and enables many to do much good: but, though your paths were paved with bright guineas, you might still be as unhappy as misery could make you.

Deceive not yourselves in depending on reputation: inestimable as it is, it hangs on the frail thread of human opinion; and the breath of calumny may blow it away forever.

Among the curious things I was permitted to examine at Haverstraw, nothing awakened so much interest as the machinery for making nee dles. Let every good housewife rejoice with me. We are no longer to be dependent on foreign countries for an article of such primary necessi---but forget not, that the excellency of learning ty as needles. This, I am told, is the first at tempt of the kind in America, and now is almost perfected. I saw needles in various stages of the processes by which they are made from the wire, prepared on the same premises, and was surprised at the facility afforded by the curious machinery which human ingenuity has invented to lessen the manual labor, and multiply the results of the numerous operations. The wire is first cut into lengths, which will make two needles each. The depressions where the eyes are to be made, and where the grooves are found in the finished article, are stamped in both needles by a single stroke of a machine, with which a single hand can turn off 30,000 in a day. It is then turned over to a boy, who, with another machine, punches the eyes, and again another separates the two needles, and smoothes away any irregularities left or made by the former processes. But the eye of the needle is still rough, and must be bored by another process, which leaves it so smooth as not to cut the thread. After this, a man grinds a handful at a time on a common grindstone, hold ing them in his left hand and giving them a perpetual rotary motion with the right, so that when the operation is finished, they must be round as well as sharp. They are now to be "case hardened," and finally burnished, all of which is done by simple processes, in which immense numbers can be subjected to the operation at the same time.-Dr. Bond's letters from Rockland.


There are few people who knowingly deceive themselves; but a great many who deceive themselves without knowing it. I hope, my boys, that you will do neither the one nor the other.

Perhaps we never deceive ourselves more than when we endeavor to deceive others. The boy who thinks that he cheats his master by repeating his old lesson instead of learning a new one, or by getting another boy to do his task for him, is cheating himself much more than his master; and this he will find on some future day.

He who cheats another out of a trifle, is not aware that he is cheating himself of a thing of great importance, and that is, the consciousness of his own integrity. Why, this is a jewel in a man's bosom that all the roguery in the world can never obtain, so that the man who acts dishonestly is deceiving himself.

Jonathan Wild, even from his earliest years, was so clever in deceiving others, that he was more than a match for those with whom he associated. He continued to deceive all through his life; but, alas! no one was half so much de ceived as himself; for he cheated himself out of all the comforts that an honest man enjoys, and endured the evils that a dishonest man has to suffer; a prison and a gallows were his reward. Lay it down, my boys, as a standing rule, that

Esteem and honor your friends; but run not into the error of depending upon them: rather think how you can serve them, than how you can be served by them.

Do not deceive yourselves in believing, that should you deprive yourselves by folly, or be deprived by misfortunes, of your possessions, the many you now call your friends would cling around you: if you think this, you are sadly deceived indeed. No, no: though a few might be found at your side, the many would know you no more.

A ship was stemming the ocean tide,
And O how gallantly did she ride!
A storm came on; it was sad to see :
And she rolled a wreck on the fathomless sea.

Her mariners left her one by one

In that season of peril, almost alone;
But a few there were who endur'd the blast,
And succor'd her in her distress to the last.

She righted again, and she brav'd the tide :
And, O how gallantly did she ride!

It was strange to see, while she stemm'd the main,
How her mariners all came back again!

While ocean winds her canvass swell,
That ship of the terrible storm shall tell;
And her log-book the names of the crew shall bear,
Who abandon'd her not in her hour of despair.

I hope, my boys, that I am not deceiving myself, in thinking that you will remember what I say to you. What! shall Uncle Newbury give you all his maxims in vain? Never, never let it be said that you neglected the admonitions of an old man who was warmly interested in your welfare. Remember that I am not a crusty crabstick of an old fellow, that would fright away mirth and pleasure; but, on the contrary, one who delights to see youth, and innocence, and happiness, go hand in hand through the world.

But now, my boys, comes my most important charge on the maxim-" Do not deceive yourselves." You may deceive yourselves, and all around you, a thousand and a thousand times in worldly affairs, and yet find opportunities to atone for your errors: but, my dear boys, do not deceive yourselves in reference to eternity. Eternity! words are not yet formed that can fully explain all that it involves: but enough that it contains never-ending joy, and never-ending

woe. My maxims, it is true, are moral maxims: but it would be immorality in an old man, who has been taught by bitter experience the instability of all things here below, to omit the opportunity of directing your youthful mind to things that shall abide for ever. Take then, in one word, the conviction that past events have impressed on the mind of Uncle Newbury. Could you, through the longest life, enjoy the wealth, the honors, and the pleasures of the world, all of them put together would be as nothing, in the latter end of your days, compared with the well-grounded hope of eternal life through the merits of our blessed Redeemer. Most earnestly, and most affectionately, does he press this on your consideration.-Parley's Magazine.



Be kind to each other!

The night's coming on,

When friend and when brother

Perchance may be gone!

Then 'midst our dejection

How sweet to have earned
The best recollection,

Of kindness-returned !
When day hath departed,
And memory keeps
Her watch, broken-hearted,
Where all she loved sleeps!

Let falsehood assail not,
Nor envy disprove-
Let trifles prevail not
Against those we love!
Nor change with to-morrow,
Should fortune take wing,
But the deeper the sorrow,
The closer still cling!
Oh! be kind to each other!
The night's coming on,
When friend and when brother
Perchance may be gone!


by a blazing fire, with one rosy child on his
knee, another at his feet, and a third assisting
her mother to prepare the evening meal.
"Well, Jacques!" said his wife, when their
frugal repast was ended, "what news do you
think I heard to-day? But you might guess all
night and never guess right; so I'll tell you my-
self; and you may be sure 'tis true, for it was
told me by my nephew, Louis, who heard it
from Pierre the carrier himself. The king is
come to Fontainbleau !"--" The king come to
Fontainbleau!" exclaimed Jacques; "the great.
the good King Henry come to Fontainbleau!
Then I will go and see him, if my name is
Jacques Dussain!"

"My dear Jacques Dussain," said his wife, "how you talk! Think of the distance!" "Yes, father, said his little Marie; "do go, and take him some of my strawberries." And one of

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my new cheeses," said her elder sister Annette: "mother says they are very good." "I wish I had something to send him," sighed little Philip; 'but, father, tell him, when I'm a great man, I'll be his soldier, and fight his battles." So you shall, my boy," said his father, patting his head; "and I hope you thank God every night that you have such a king to reign over you; truly is he called Good and Great! So, wife, take out my Sunday clothes; for see him I must."

"Well, but Jacques," said his wife, who, with the curiosity of her sex, did not like the idea of her husband seeing such a sight as "le grand Monarque" without her," but, Jacques, had not I better go with you?" "Thee go with me, Jeanne! Couldst thee walk thirty miles? No, no, Jeanne, stay at home, and I'll bring thee a particular account of him, and all I see."

"Why now I dare say," said the persevering Jeanne, that you won't see him after all; he'll be out, or at dinner, or something: or, if you should see him, it will be at a distance; you'll catch a glimpse of the feather in his cap; or you'll hear the people shouting Vive le Roi!' and you'l call that seeing him. Besides, you'll never know him from all his lords; thee'd better stay at home." "No," said the woodcutter, who, in this instance, was determined to have his own way; "I've heard much of Henri Quatre; and if I could only see him, were it "I was reading this morning," said Mrs. Stan- but for a moment, I should go to my grave a hope, to her son George, " an anecdote of Hen-happier man. I'll set off by peep of day." ry the Fourth of France, which I thought would interest you; and, if you wish it, I will tell it to you. I am not quite sure that it is a true story; but as Henry was a kind and condescending prince, it is most likely to be so."-"Thank you, dear mother," said George; "but let me first call Egbert and Gertrude."-" Do, my dear boy. I am glad to find that your pleasures are not selfish."

The party being assembled round the fire, Mrs. Stanhope related the following story.

It was in the reign of Henry the Fourth of France, and towards the close of a fine autumnal day, that a wood-cutter, fatigued and wearied with his day's labor, was slowly returning to his hut, situated on the borders of a forest in the province of Orléannois. He quickened his pace, as he perceived the light in his humble dwelling; and thought of the smiling faces which were there to welcome him: and in a few minutes honest Jacques Dussain was comfortably seated

Accordingly, early the next morning, Jacques, arrayed in his best suit, and carrying in his hand Marie's little basket of strawberries, (the cheese, on second thoughts, was not considered good enough,) commenced his loyal journey to Fontainbleau, which was distant about thirty miles. That very morning, and just at the hour that Jacques left his lowly cot, King Henry with his faithful friend and prime minister, the immortal Sully, at his side, and accompanied by a numerous escort of noblemen and attendants, rode through the gates of Fontainbleau,-a gay and gallant assemblage-to enjoy his favorite diversion of hunting.

It was a splendid morning: the monarch, so justly beloved by his people, was in high spirits, and his good-humored gaiety communicated itself to all around, as, the king setting them the example, they entered with ardor upon the pleasures of the chase. Many a turn, and many a bound, had the poor stag to take that day, in

order to baffle his unwearied pursuers; but he did baffle them; and it was not till the sun had for some hours passed the meridian, that Henry found himself on his road homewards, but alone, and at some distance from his palace.

He blew his bugle, to summon his attendants, and was riding slowly on, when he was accosted by a countryman, who was seated at the foot of a tree, with these words: "Do you think, sir, there is any chance of our good King Henry's passing this way? I have walked twenty miles to see him." Why, there is some chance," said Henry; "but if you could go to Fontainbleau, you would be sure of seeing him there." "Ah! sir," said the old man, who was no other than Jacques Dussain, "I am so weary!" "Well, then," said his majesty, "get on my horse, behind me; I will take you towards it." Jacques accordingly mounted, and, after rid. ing some way, asked the king, how he should know his majesty from his courtiers. "Easily enough," replied the king; "his majesty will wear his hat; his courtiers will be bareheaded." This satisfied Jacques, and they rode on; when Henry asked him what he had in his basket. "O, sir," said Dussain, they are some strawberries of my little Marie's, which she has sent as a present to our good king." "Strawberries are they? I dare say, the king will not object to my taking a few, for I am very thirsty: let me taste them, friend?" "Willingly, sir," said Jacques, handing him the basket.


The fruit was very refreshing, and gradually disappeared; and the king, returning the empty basket, said with a smile, You see I have more than tasted them." "I am sure, sir, I do not grudge them to so kind a gentleman, and Marie can send his majesty some more." At this moment, the attendants rode up, and, though much surprised at King Henry's companion, awaited his commands with their hats off, in respectful silence.

"O, mother, how very funny!" exclaimed little Gertrude, unable longer to restrain her glee. "How pleased Jacques must have been! But did the king take him to the palace on the same horse?" "No, my love; he procured him a horse, and, when arrived at the palace, Jacques was so kindly treated, that, as he afterwards told his wife, he several times thought it must be all a dream. Before his departure, the next morning, the king sent him a louis d'or, (a piece of money,) with a fine milch cow for little Marie, in return, as he said, for the refreshment her strawberries had afforded him; and the delighted Jacques returned home, and could attend to nothing, and talk of nothing, for three whole days, but his adventure with the king: though, he said, it took that time to convince his wife that he had actually been on the same horse with his majesty."

"I think I should have liked that king, mother," said Egbert; "he must have been very good-natured." "He was of a most amiable disposition, Egbert; and so fond of children, that he used frequently to join in the amusements of his own little family.

"One day, when this great monarch, the restorer of France, and the peace-maker of Europe, was playing on all-fours, with his little son on his back, an ambassador suddenly entered the apartment, and surprised him in this attitude. The monarch, without moving from it,

said to him, 'Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, have you any children? Yes sire,' he replied. Very well, then I shall finish my race round the room.""

'Was he a brave king, mother?" asked George. "I like valiant monarchs." "He was bold and intrepid, George, from his childhood; and his education did not tend to diminish his naturally brave character.

"He was brought up amongst the mountains of Berne; where he was dressed in plain apparel, fed on the coarsest food, and early accustomed to many privations. He used to sit under a rock, when he was a boy like you, Eg. bert, and eat his barley bread and cheese with as great a relish as if it had been the daintiest morsel in his father's palace. The end of this good king, who was indeed the father of his people, was most melancholy. He was stabbed to the heart, by an assassin, named Ravaillac, as he was in his carriage, and almost instantly expired. Few kings have been more deeply or universally lamented by their subjects."-Parley's Magazine.



On a certain occasion, General Washington invited a number of his fellow officers to dine with him. While at the table, one of them uttered an oath. The general dropped his knife and fork in a moment, and in his deep undertone and characteristic dignity and deliberation, said, "I thought that we all supposed ourselves to be gentlemen." He then resumed his knife and fork, and went on as before. The remark struck like an electric shock, and, as he intended, did execution, as his remarks, in such cases, were very apt to do. No person swore at the table after that. And after dinner the officer referred to remarked to his companion, that if the general had struck him over the head with his sword, he could have borne it; but the home thrust which he gave him was too much. It was too much for a gentleman. And it is hoped it will be too much for any one, and every one who pretends to be a gentleman.-Dr. Edwards.


Every young man should remember that the world always has, and always will honor industry. The vulgar and useless idler, whose energies of mind and body are rusting for want of exercise-the mistaken being, who pursues amusement as a relief to his enervated muscles, or engages in exercises that produce no useful end, may look with scorn on the smutty laborer engaged in his toil. But his scorn is praise. | His contempt is an honor. Honest industry will secure the respect of the wise and good among men, and yield the rich fruit of an easy conscience, and give that hearty self-respect which is above all price.

Toil on then, young man. Be diligent in business. Improve the heart and the mind, and you will find the well-spring of enjoyment in your own souls, and secure the confidence and respect of all those whose respect is worth an effort to obtain.

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