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Mr. Henry suggested the phraseology, "overtasking the infant mind."

the districts for after all, the great reforming pow- Mr. Henry stated that the difficulty, after all, was er was in the minds of the people, teachers and that not one teacher in ten could lecture intelligitrustees-if the object was to excite in them a no-bly, or in a manner to interest children. ble and generous spirit of improvement-the pro- The resolution was withdrawn, after a remark per course was to suggest reforms, not to set out from Colonel Young that the word lecture implied with denunciations. He knew this was not intend- more formality than he presumed was intended. ed by the committee which reported these resolu- | Verbal explanations and conversation, with a view tions. He attributed the form of it rather to the to teach the pupil to think, might be useful; and current practice of stating broadly current evils. every teacher, though not qualified to lecture, This would do, provided you at the same time put might talk to his pupils to good purpose. your finger on facts. But in urging great reforms, The fourth resolution, denouncing the too early it was questionable whether we should deal in ex-application of the infant mind to study, as resulting aggerated statements. Put your finger on indivi- in mental imbecility and even death, drew out dual cases of abuse or error, and then suggest your some debate. remedy. But these ex-cathedra declarations as to the extent of evils were rather calculated to excite prejudice. Although he might accord with the Mr. Potter, after glancing at the new school sentiment of the resolution, yet he could not but law, and dwelling upon the importance and value feel that the evil was not chargeable on teachers of the change made by it, as well as upon the inor their employers. The difficulty was in the pre-creased responsibilities thrown upon the Deputy valent error as to what education should be. Superintendents, went on to speak of the resoluMeans had been taken to enlighten the public tion itself; saying that the proposition intended to mind on this subject, and all must acknowledge be asserted, was of more importance than seemed that results for the last year afforded grounds to to be imagined. As a general rule, children were hope that the moment the people became aware of put to school to soon, and were kept there too the amount of the evil, they would rise cordially long. For children of even eight years of age, he and spontaneously to the work of remedy. should prefer three hours' application to study to six. It was very easy to attract and hold a child's attention for a short time, and but for a short time. You might keep the body chained, but the mind you could not. The mind was made for careering about the universe, and any attempt to chain down the spirit that was given to soaring, would be futile. The effect would only be to make the child hate the seat, and hate the school. Infinitely more progress would be made by the pupil, with more extended personal liberty-a wider range for the body as well as the mind. There was much to be learned out of doors, and if a man was a farmer, with six or eight children, for at least half of the year his true course was to turn his chilProf. Potter did not mean to question the accu-dren out of doors, and they would educate themracy of the fact stated in the resolution. He only questioned the expediency of such a declaration from the Convention. The public would be apt to say that "these fellows have an object in saying this, for if there were no defects in the system, 'Othello's occupation is gone." He knew the Convention were above such sordid considera-nius, set up at four years old to recite all the elotions; but we should recollect what human nature was, and act accordingly. He proposed the following as a substitute, which was adopted:

Mr. Tooker suggested that the resolution should express the idea that though the system had been much improved, yet that it was still defective. He could not vote for the resolution in its present unqualified shape. It was very plain that there were defects of a deeply rooted character in the present system of elementary instruction-the grand difficulty being that scholars were crowded forward to higher and higher studies, before being thoroughly or even tolerably well grounded in the rudiments of learning. At the same time, the system was improving gradually, and by constant efforts might be made to approximate to the design of the framers of it.

Resolved, That while this Convention recognizes with pleasure and gratitude the improvements which are making in common schools, it is incumbent upon its members to keep clearly in view the evils and defects which still exist.

The next resolution, declaring that course of instruction best which simu taneously develops the physical, moral and intellectual faculties, was adopted, with some alterations in its phraseology.

The third resolution, inculcating upon teachers the propriety of giving daily and familiar lectures on the subjects of study pursued by pupils.

selves. Some of the best students he had ever known, never learned their letters until they were seven years old. Whilst he would not lay this down as a rule, he would say that premature developmen's were not always followed by important results in after life. These prodigies of gequent passages in ancient and modern rhetoric, and who are regarded by doating mothers as almost Ciceros before they had even got out of petticoats, as a general rule dwindled down afterwards to mere third or fourth rate men or woThis was the case in three-quarters of these instances, while the rest might be said to be actually ruined by overtaxing their bouyant minds. Such minds were active enough by nature. They did not need artificial fire thrown into them. The danger was that they would consume by their own intellectual heat.


The resolution was amended, as suggested by Mr. Henry, and adopted.

Thursday 3 o'clock, P. M. On motion of Mr. Dwight, Mr. Palmer, author of the "Teacher's Manual," was requested to address the convention to-morrow morning, at 8 o'clock.

Mr. Mayhew laid before the convention a communication from the publishers of "Pierce's Grammar."

Prof. Potter opposed, saying that the knowledge which we dug up ourselves, and for which we worked hardest, was generally most valuable and least easily lost. His own experience in regard to the best mode of imparting knowledge, had taught him that that which was the most easily acquired was most easily lost. The mode which taxed the energies and efforts of the pupil the most, A resolution to appoint a committee of three, to was the most effective. Lectures were well report to the next meeting of the convention an enough, combined with a thorough course of stu-uniform mode of teaching, was briefly debated by dy, but he would not give them great prominence in the stages of education. Besides, small children would not attend to lecturers. The catechetical mode of instruction was the best adapted to their capacities. Their curiosity should be constantly stimulated.

several members, and adopted.

Mr. Randall called the attention of the convention to the recommendation of the Superintendent, as to the selection of subjects to be embraced in the annual reports of the County Superintendents.

Mr. A. Wright moved that that subject be left

to the discretion of the Superintendent. Agreed and he had always found the effect to be highly beneficial.


UNIFORM STANDARD OF ORTHOGRAPHY. The following resolution was adopted:

Whereas, There is a variety of contradictory standards in orthography and orthoepy now in common use, causing much embarrassment and injury in our schools; and whereas, it is important that an uniform standard should be adopted therefore,

Resolved, That the County Superintendents prepare and report, at the next annual convention, what standards are in general use in their several districts, to the end that some expression of this convention may then be had on this important subject.

Messrs. Dwight, Fonda and A. Wright were appointed the committee to carry the above resolu

tion into effect.

On motion of Mr. Henry, the Rev. Mr. Abbott, agent of the New-York Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, was invited to lay before the convention a statement relative to the different text books now in use, at 8 o'clock this evening.


A resolution offered by Mr. Rochester, that a committee of three be appointed by the chair, to report to the next convention upon the method of teaching, and the best manner of adopting a uniform system, came up.

Mr. Stevens suggested that as this was an important subject, the committee had better consist of five.

Mr. Dwight hoped not, from the increased difficulty of their co-operation. He was glad to see the subject introduced, as he was satisfied that there were several points on which the majority of teachers needed instruction, if he might be allowed to say so. He found that a system of oral instruction was coming more and more in vogue among those who devoted attention to the subject. One advantage to be secured by that system was, that teachers would be compelled to improve themselves.

Mr. Mayhew spoke of the necessity and usefulness of blackboards, maps, globes, &c. He alluded to several cases of gross ignorance of both teachers and scholars on the subject of geography. He had found those in Jefferson county, who knew rot that Geography had any relation to the Planet which we live upon. And in one case, he asked one of the scholars where the "Muscle Shoals" were? The answer was given correctly. He then inquired what they were? "She did not know." "Were they land or water?" "She did not know, but rather thought land." "Were they high or low land?" "High," she thought, "but she had not been used to have such questions asked. Such ignorance would not be found, if there was a suffieiency of scientific apparatus in our schools.

The debate was further continued by Messrs. Rochester, Mayhew, Dwight and Storkes, when the resolution was unanimously adopted.

On motion of Mr. Rochester, the thanks of this convention were presented to Prof. Davies, for his able address of this morning, and he was requested to furnish a copy of the same for publication.


Mr. Rochester called attention to the subject of the place of keeping the district libraries. He deemed it very desirable that they should be kept in the school house, at least during term time. In his own experience, the statistics showed that the books were read, more or less, in the ratio that the library was near to or distant from the school house. As the Superintendent was present he should be pleased to hear his views.

Col. Young said, that was a subject to which he had given some reflection; but recently a letter had been addressed to Mr. Dwight on the same subject, by Mr. Wadsworth, a gentleman who took a very great interest in every thing connected with Mr. Rochester had no other objection to in- our schools. But there was a difficulty in the way creasing the number of the committee, than that of interference by the Department with the custoindicated by the gentleman from Albany-that dy of the books, inasmuch as the trustees were rethere would be more pieces to put together, and sponsible for them. If he should direct the books consequently less prospect of unanimity in the re-to be placed in the school room, under the charge port. He had the subject of oral instruction in of the teacher, and the teacher should be a transient contemplation when he offered the resolution. He person, and at the close of his three months' term, desired to introduce a plan which would do away should carry away half of the library, 2 or 300 with the merely hearing of recitations by the book. miles from the district, the trustees would be liable Any one who could read, could do that; yet that to be sued. If the loss had been inearred in conwas the way that most schools and most sciences sequence of obeying the order of the Department, were now taught in this state. the Superintendent would be placed in an awkward position. The control of this matter must be left with the trustees, and with the people of the district. He recommended that the deputies should, in their lectures and addresses to meetings of the inhabitants, bring the subject of the library before the people-inform them what stores of knowledge were there provided, for the benefit of themselves and their children. Where the trustees could place confidence in the teacher, it would be better, on many accounts, to appoint him sub-librarian, or, if he should be a resident of the district and a voter, he might be chosen librarian. As the law stood, the department could do no more than advise, as to the place of keeping the library.

The resolution was adopted, and the President named Messrs. Rochester, Denman and Woodin as such committee.

Mr. Myers offered a resolution recommending the introduction into our common schools, of scientific apparatus, globes, maps, black-boards, &c.

Mr. A. Wright warmly advocated the resolution, and spoke of the good effect which the introduction of such apparatus would have. It resulted in benefit not only to the mind, but to the morals of the pupils. This subject was not sufficiently regarded by the inhabitants of the State. He hoped the resolution would be adopted, and that he would go home determined to carry it into effect.

Mr. Clement also advocated the resolution, and spoke particularly of the benefit of blackboards. He believed the want of such was one great reason why there was so little thorough and practical knowledge of the sciences, on the part of both teachers and scholars. A globe too, he considered as of great importance to be placed in the school room. Mr. C. stated some facts which had fell under his observation, as illustrative of his position. Mr. Stevens was in favor of the resolution. He spoke of some of the frivolous objections made by some Trustees in his county against blackboards. But uniformly recommended their procurement,

Mr. Tidd said it was lamentable, considering the liberal provision that had been made by the state, of mental aliment, that so little use was made of it. He had made it a point, in the county of Chemung, to urge the keeping of the library in the schoolhouse, and he had succeeded in more than twothirds of the districts. The effect was manifest, in every instance, in an increased circulation of the books.

Mr. Patchin gave some interesting facts as to the effect in parts of Livingston county, of transferring the libraries from private dwellings to the schoolhouses. Libraries that had but from two to five

books in circulation, were found, after the trans- persuasion-of preaching, as it were; and when it fer, to have from eighty to one hundred. Mr. P. was known from history that false doctrines had urged the importance of making the rule as gene-been promulgated by preaching-that Mahommeral as possible. To obviate the objection of the danism had spread through that means-was it not irresponsibility of the teacher, he would recom-incumbent upon us to use them for spreading the mend to the trustees to engage him upon the condi- truth? There was much dependent on the manner tion, that he should act as librarian, and any loss of discharging such duties as devolved on the Suincurred through his neglect, should be deducted perintendents. The manner should be conciliatofrom his wages. Besides, was a man who could ry-far removed from any thing like dictation. not be trusted with the charge of a few books, fit There should be the utmost delicacy in examining teachers. Were he discharging that duty, even to be entrusted with mind? if he knew a teacher to be deficient, he would not tell him so before his pupils. Children, although

Mr. Dwight offered the following resolution, which was adopted


The County Superintendents, by the exercise of great industry as well as discretion-by talking

Resolved, That to increase the usefulness of the Livery small, have keen perceptions, and the teacher braries, and to facilitate the examination of their con- might thus lose respect in their eyes. dition by the county Superintendents, and thus to secure their preservation, it is expedient that in all cases they should be kept in the district school-house, when by so doing, the safety of the books will not be jeop-with and advising the teachers, but showing no dictatorial spirit-by convening the people, and awakening their interest in the cause of education Mr. Randall read from a communication of the-by assembling the teachers of a town, and interSuperintendent giving his views on this question. He thought the Department had gone as far as it could go under the present law. The Trustees were made responsible for the safe keeping of the Library.

Col. Young said if the teacher was a resident of the district and a voter he could be Librarian. But if he was not, he was not eligible to that office. The whole matter must be left with the Trustees, and if they have confidence in the Teacher, though he be not a resident of a district, they could make

him a sub-Librarian.


changing views and communicating improvements could effect inestimable good. In this way, more could be effected than by any number of ordinances of legislation, or rules issued from the Department. He felt that he was powerless compared with the County Superintendents. They could go to the houses of the inhabitants-rouse the apathetic-stimulate the lax-and advise and aid those who were disposed to be actively engaged. They could demonstrate to parents how much economy of time there was in employing a a good teacher rather than a poor one; that more could be learned in six months under one, than in eighteen under another; and that their children's daily expenses were the same in both cases. They could point out what great advantages the man will reap from the better education of the child. They could excite a spirit of emulation among the teachers, to excel in their high vocation. were the daily duties of the Superintendents; and it must be a grateful reward to witness their sucMr. F. remarked, that this subject was so im-cess-to see the spirit which they have sent abroad portant, and the aspects in which it should be treat-caught by a few of the most intelligent inhabitants, ed so varied, that the committee felt the impossi-and rapidly spreading to others, and manifesting bility of doing justice to it in the time allowed for its beneficial results." making a report to the convention. They thought they would best discharge their duty by submitting a resolution in general terms.

Mr. Frazier, from the committee on the duties of citizens, reported in part, by offering the following


Resolved, That all improvement in our common schools, very greatly depends on the inhabitants themselves; and that the best care and supervision cannot be of avail, if the inhabitants refuse their sanction and support.


He repeated-the weapon of the County Superintendent was persuasion. The law of the last session, depriving any county of the public money Messrs. Clement. Henry, Patchin, Mayhew, which shall not appoint a County Superintendent, Storks and Woodin each submitted some sugges-was probably sufficiently penal, and would, no tions, and gave illustrations of the state of public doubt, prove entirely efficient. It was natural that sentiment in their respective counties, on the sub-men should be attached to the customs to which ject of education. they have been educated-or rather that they Mr. Dwight said the subject embraced in the re-should be slow to appreciate the merits of new solution was indeed an important one, and the convention would no doubt be gratified to hear the views of their honored Superintendent upon it.

He was

systems. Nor was there anything strange in the repugnance which some of the Superintendents had noticed, in men to visit schools. He had himCol. Young said he came into the convention as self been taught in the old style; he had sat for an auditor, being fully aware that it was composed hours on a slab bench, without a back. of men better qualified than he was to enlighten not at all surprised that men of 45 or 50 should anothers on the practical business of education. He ticipate no pleasure in going into a school house; knew that, not only from the fact that they were he felt an instinctive horror when he looked at one all men of experience in that pursuit, but from the himself. Col. Y. here alluded to the remarks of reports which he had received from them-re- Prof. Potter, this morning, on the subject of the ports which he was proud of, and which he re-too long confinement of children. Nature required garded as containing more actual knowledge that all young animals should have exercise, withmore practical information on the subject of com- out which, the muscles cannot become hardened, mon schools in this State, than had been embodied nor the frame developed. As a rule, he had rather before for years. children should be kept in school three hours than a longer time.

On the important subject of public sentiment, however, he would say a few words. Public senCol. Y. said he had thought that if the County timent could be created. The County Superintendents, by lectures and by conversations with Superintendents should classify the subjects conthe people, could diffuse a light which would go nected with education, and divide them among home to the bosoms and consciences of parents and each other, that this State could furnish a book of citizens. That influence had already in part been reports of great value, not only in this State, but in felt; and it would be found that where the Super-other States, and in Europe. He thought so, from intendents had been most industrious, it was felt what he knew the Superintendents could do. He in the highest degree. Their office was one of alluded to some of the reports made last winter,

particularly to one by Mr. Mayhew, of Jefferson; and there were others also displaying great ability.

He concluded by urging the Superintendents to seek to enlist public feeling-to identify themselves with that feeling-in short, to become popular. That end attained, and there was hardly a limit to their power for good. Seven o'clock, P. M.

TEXT BOOKS. Mr W. Wright reported on the subject of an uniformity of text books, that

While the committee regard the subject of an uniformity of text books of great and vital importance, yet in the accomplishment of so desirable an object, the committee find that there are at present insuperable barriers. It will be recollected that at the last annual meeting of this convention, it was "recommended that the Deputies of the several counties convene as many of the inhabitants of the several districts within their jurisdiction as may be possible, and recommend the appointment of a committee to prepare lists of suitable text books for their adoption." Presuming that many, if not all of the Deputies have already acted upon this subject, and with the concurrence of the friends of pular education in their respective counties, have already committed themselves to certain work, and are consequently unprepared to sanction any selection that a committee of this convention might hope to make for the State, we are therefore forced to the conclusion, that, however desirable uniformity may be, uniformity at present is impract cable The committee beg leave, therefore, to offer the following resolutions, viz:


Resolved, That it is inexpedient, if not impracticable, for this convention to recommend, at this time, a list of text books for the use of the common schools of this State.

Resolved, That a committee of one from each Senatorial district be appointed, to take into consideration the subject of uniformity of text books," and report at the next convention.

The report was discussed by Messrs. Randall, Woodin, Foord, Stevens, Clement, Patchin, and others.

Rev. Mr. Abbot addressed the convention, giving the results of an examination of a committee of the "New-York State Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in relation to the relative merits of the various text books in use in the county. Of the spelling books, there were one hundred and twenty brought under critical and careful examination for about eight months. The result was given in a printed report of the committee. The examination resulted in the selection of only two out of the one hundred and twenty, as being worthy of special examination. These two were then minutely criticised, the respective authors having appeared before the committee, and explained their distinctive principles. Mr. A. then read from the report of the committee, saying that he should, from motives that would be appreciated by all, withhold the names of the authors of these two books.

all, a propriety in the examples which were given. In this last particular, the committee had found that the great mass of books failed. Numerous examples were given, taken from different works, which were objected to on the ground of low vulgarity and irreverence. The committee were not fully prepared to report. The investigation had been already narrowed down to three grammars, one of which was English, and two American. The committee had been most diligently and arduously engaged for eighteen months.

The next subject of inquiry would be the arithmetics. While he had not felt permitted to call the names of the books which had been under review, yet he might be permitted to say that there were two books which had been pronounced entirely faultless by the unanimous expression of the friends of education throughout the country: these were "Colburn's First Lessons in Intellectual Arithmetic," and "Porter's Rhetorical Reader." On motion of Mr. King, the thanks of the convention were presented to the "New-York Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge," for the interest manifested in the cause of education, and to their corresponding secretary for his able and interesting address this evening.

The resolutions under discussion when Mr. Abbot commenced his address, were then taken up and adopted.

The convention then adjourned.

Friday morning, May 19.
Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Bullions.
Mr. Tidd offered the following resolution:


Whereas, the common school is congenial with the institutions of our country, and affords greater facili ties for the education of the masses of the people than any other institution: therefore,

Resolved, That this convention recommend to parents and guardians that they use all their influence to elevate the condition of common schools to such a degree

of excellence as will wholly supersede the necessity of select schools.

And after further debate between Messrs. Woodin, Stevens, Cleaveland and Mayhew, the resolution was adopted.

The President announced the following as the committee to report at the next convention on the subject of text books: Messrs. Stone, Clement, Fonda, Sprague, W. Wright, Patchin, Hopkins and Rochester.


Mr. A. Wright, from the committee to whom was referred the subject of female teachers, made the following report:

The influence of moral and well educated females has always been salutary in the highest degree. It is only in savage or barbarons nations where the weaker sex is kept in ignor nce and degradation, that woman does not shed a healthy and softening influence on all who come within her reach. The fireside, the social circle, and many of the more public assemblies, owe most of their charms to the presence of enlightened females.

Nature has wisely constituted the female the earliest guardian and natural protector of the child; and as the God of nature always adopts the best means to ac

The next subject was grammars. A catalogue of three hundred and fifty was furnished the committee, one hundred and sixty-four of which were British, and the rest American. They had been published at different periods, from 1680 to 1840. More than one hundred and fifty specimens were before the committee. There were two kinds of grammars: one where the author was an inde-complish the desired ends, he has endowed her with all pendent thinker, and the other where he was a mere copyist. He alluded to the fact that Murray had borrowed largely from one of his predecessors, but others had more than retaliated upon him; for the committee found more than one hundred grammars which were almost literally copied from Murray. He also spoke of the different styles in which the grammars were got up. The essential characteristics of a good grammar were a proper system of arrangement-correctness, precision and definition of the rules-and a clearness, and above

that beauty of person, mildness of disposition, gentleness, kindness, unwearied patience, and love of children, which eminently qualify her for the arduous and important duty of guiding the youth of our land to virtue, intelligence, usefulness and happiness.

The accomplished female teacher can usually control by moral means the tumultuous passions and turbulent conduct of the scholars, even more effectually schools delightful exercises in vocal music; they have than the male; they more usually introduce into their greater tact in dealing with the minds of small chil dren, and are equally capable of teaching nearly all the sciences which are introduced into our primary schools.

[blocks in formation]

We therefore offer for the consideration of the convention, the following resolutions :

Col. Young read an extract from the Report of the Board of Education of Massachusetts, showing the success of the experiment of employing female teachers in that State.

that female teachers would be employed in the winter schools. Nor was this anticipated some three or four years ago in Massachusetts-where female teachers of proper qualifications could betnow it had been shown by actual experiment, that ter manage turbulent young men of 18 and 19 than male teachers. He had concluded, from what he had heard, that well qualified females could teach a winter school as well as males, and that they would eventually supersede maies in our common schools. They were cheaper, and could teach the

Resolved, That we will use every exertion to induce the females of our country to qualify themselves for the very appropriate duty of becoming the permanent and professional teachers of our primary schools. Adopted. Resolved, That we earnestly recommend the employ-elementary branches as well as men. They learnment of female teachers in the summer schools, and ed perhaps with more intuitive quickness than in all winter schools, where the circumstances render males. Some of the best mathematicians and asit proper and expedient. tronomers had been females. Some of the best teachers in the higher seminaries of learning had occasionally been females. He should not, however, recommend such a change as would put them at the head of our colleges; but he believed them Col. Stone said it was hardly worth while to dis- to be as competent to conduct all branches of comcuss a proposition to which there was no opposi- mon education as males. He did not think the retion. He rose, therefore, not to debate the resolu- solutions went too far; and if he were now to give tion, but to express his entire concurrence in it. advice and direction in reference to the examinaThere could be no question that females did exer- tion of female teachers, he should somewhat vary cise a happier and more powerful influence over the language of the former State Superintendent. the minds of children than males, and that they He should not say that they should not undergo as were perfectly competent, might be made obvious strict an examination in all the departments, as to any one who would look into the schools taught males. Particularly where they were to teach by them. He spoke, of course, with reference to winter schools, they should have the same examithe schools under his supervision. There were Col. Stone did not understand the resolutions as many of these teachers in New-York, that ranked as high intellectually, and on the score of attain-contemplating the employment of females to the ment and thorough discipline, as any of the males. He could name several, and would, but for the fact that females shrunk from having their names given in the newspapers. In respect to moral influence, the female teachers were better than males, and in all the departments of knowledge taught in the common schools, they were fully competent. This was the result of his experience.

Mr. Woodin fully concurred in these remarks saying, however, that as there was no arguing against facts, he would state one or two in illustration of the capacity and peculiar qualifications of female teachers-which he did-drawing his illustrations from results in his own county.

Mr. Shumway also took ground in favor of the



exclusion of males. He was not a disciple of Mary Woolstoncraft. He would not put females on the bench in the courts of justice, or in the jury room, or in Congress; but as a general rule, he believed that in moulding the young mind, women exercised a stronger, a more healthful moral influence. He did not believe in carrying out the projects of modern theorists, such as unsexing the sex, and putting them in boots and pantaloons. But he did know that females were as competent to teach every branch of human knowledge as males-as well qualified intellectually as in every other respect. He had thought they did not as readily grasp the mathematical science, or the science of political economy, as males.

Col. Young-Miss Martineau is as good a political economist, if not mathematician, as any of


Mr. Denman remarked upon the array of strength which the resolutions seemed to call out, and the futility of any attempt on his part to combat the Col. Stone replied that Miss Martineau was an general feeling. Nevertheless, he felt that quali-exception to the general rule, and went on to say, fications, and not sex, should be the test; that before females should become professional teachers, the relative duties and avocations of the two sexes should be changed; that until there was such a revolution in the social system, it was idle to think of females taking charge of our primary schools; that young women were not the persons to teach lads of sixteen. He had no objection that females should have charge of the younger children; but the idea conveyed in the resolution that females were to be encouraged to qualify themselves to teach all the primary schools, with a view ultimately to the exclusion of male teachers, was going too far.

Mr. A. Wright denied that the resolutions went that length, insisting that they merely recommended the employment of well qualified female teachers, when first rate male teachers could not be had.

Mr. Myers fully concurred in the resolutions, though it struck him that they went far beyond the case contemplated by the State Superintendent, in his instructions on the subject of female teach


Col. Young said no instructions had been issued on this subject since he had had charge of the Department. His predecessor had given such instructions, but Mr. Spencer evidently did not anticipate

that in a conversation with Dr. Wayland, the other day, he (Col. S.) had told him that he had examined a class, recently taught by a female, in moral philosophy, that would vie with any class ever turned out of Brown University; and it was literally true. Away, then, with the idea that we were introducing a sort of-he did not know how to express himself-he liked to have said, a lower order of petticoat government. There was no fear of that; and if county superintendents did their duty, there could be no danger that any evil would result from encouragement to females to make teaching a profession.

The resolutions were for the present laid on the table, but afterwards taken up and adopted.


Mr. Sprague, from the committee on the subject of vocal music, submitted a report, concluding with a series of resolutions strongly urging the introduction into the common schools of exercises in vocal music, and instruction in the rudiments of the science.

The hour having arrived for the exhibition of the proficiency of Prof. Illsley's pupils in vocal music, on motion of Mr. Randall, the resolutions were laid on the table.

Prof. Illsley here introduced his choir of juvenile

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