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They mocke and scorne him, and him foule miscall;
Some by the nose him pluckt, some by the taile,
And by his goatish beard some did him haile1:
Yet he (poore soule!) with patience all did beare;
For nought against their wils might countervaile:
Ne ought he said, whatever he did heare;

But, hanging downe his head, did like a mome 2 appeare.


At length, when they had flouted 3 him their fill,
They gan to cast what penaunce him to give.

Some would have gelt him; but that same would spill
The wood-gods breed, which must for ever live:
Others would through the river him have drive 5
And ducked deepe; but that seem'd penaunce light:
But most agreed, and did this sentence give,

Him in deares skin to clad; and in that plight

To hunt him with their hounds, himselfe save how hee might.


But Cynthia's selfe, more angry then the rest,
Thought not enough to punish him in sport,
And of her shame to make a gamesome iest;
But gan examine him in straighter sort,7
Which of her nymphes, or other close consort,8
Him thither brought, and her to him betraid.
He, much affeard, to her confessed short
That 't was Molanna which her so bewraid.
Then all attonce their hands upon Molanna laid.


But him (according as they had decreed)

1 Haile, hale, drag.
2 Mome, blockhead.

3 Flouted, derided.

• Spill, spoil.

5 Drire, driven.

• Then, than.

7 Straighter sort, stricter fashion

8 Consort, companions.

With a deeres-skin they covered, and then chast With all their hounds that after him did speed; But he, more speedy, from them fled more fast Then1any deere; so sore him dread aghast.2 They after follow'd all with shrill out-cry, Shouting as they the heavens would have brast3; That all the woods and dales, where he did flie, Did ring againe, and loud reeccho to the skie.


So they him follow'd till they weary were;
When, back returning to Molann' againe,
They, by commaund'ment of Diana, there

Her whelm'd with stones: Yet Faunus, for her paine, Of her beloved Fanchin did obtaine,

That her he would receive unto his bed.

So now her waves passe through a pleasant plaine, Till with the Fanchin she herselfe doe wed, And, both combin'd, themselves in one faire river spred.


Nath'lesse Diana, full of indignation,

Thenceforth abandond her delicious brooke;

In whose sweete streame, before that bad occasion,
So much delight to bathe her limbes she tooke:
Ne onely her, but also quite forsooke

All those faire forrests about Arlo hid;

And all that mountaine, which doth overlooke


The richest champian that may else be rid 5;

And the faire Shure, in which are thousand salmons bred.


Them all, and all that she so deare did way,6

Then, than.

2 Aghast, terrified.
3 Brast, burst.

4 Champian, champaign, plain.

5 Rid, read, spoken of.

• Way, esteem.

Thenceforth she left; and, parting from the place,
Thereon an heavy haplesse curse did lay;

To weet, that wolves, where she was wont to space, Shou'd harbour'd be and all those woods deface, And thieves should rob and spoile that coast around. Since which, those woods, and all that goodly chase Doth to this day with wolves and thieves abound: Which too-too true that lands in-dwellers since have found!


1 from love to Natures bar,
Bold Alteration pleades

Large evidence: but Nature soone
Her righteous doome areads.2


AH! whither doost thou now, thou greater Muse,
Me from these woods and pleasing forrests bring?
And my fraile spirit, that dooth oft refuse

This too high flight unfit for her weake wing,
Lift up aloft, to tell of heavens king
(Thy Soveraine Sire) his fortunate successe;
And victory in bigger noates to sing,
Which he obtain'd against that Titanesse,

That him of heavens empire sought to dispossesse?


Yet, sith 3 I needs must follow thy behest,
Doe thou my weaker wit with skill inspire,
Fit for this turne; and in my sable 4 brest
Kindle fresh sparks of that immortall fire
Which learned minds inflameth with desire
Of heavenly things: for who, but thou alone
That art yborne of heaven and heavenly Sire,

1 Pealing, appealing.

2 Areads, declares.

1. 1.-Thou greater Muse.] Clio.

3 Sith, since.

4 Sable, dark, misty.

II. 3. — Sable brest.] Some editions have feeble, instead of sable.

Can tell things doen in heaven so long ygone,

So farre past memory of man that may be knowne?


Now, at the time that was before agreed,
The gods assembled all on Arlo Hill;

As well those that are sprung of heavenly seed,
As those that all the other world doe fill,
And rule both sea and land unto their will:
Onely th' infernall powers might not appeare;
As well for horror of their count'nance ill,
As for th' unruly fiends which they did feare;
Yet Pluto and Proserpina were present there.


And thither also came all other creatures,
Whatever life or motion doe retaine,
According to their sundry kinds of features;
That Arlo scarsly could them all containe;
So full they filled every hill and plaine:
And had not Natures Sergeant (that is Order)
Them well disposed by his busie paine,

And raunged farre abroad in every border,

They would have caused much confusion and disorder.


Then forth issew'd (great Goddesse) great Dame Nature With goodly port and gracious maiesty,

Being far greater and more tall of stature


Then any of the gods or powers on hie;


Yet certes by her face and physnomy,3

Whether she man or woman inly were,
That could not any creature well descry;

Then, than. 2 Certes, surely. 3 Physnomy, countenance.

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