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Purchased for the Pectoid musena. 14th June 1858. for £315.


A. D. 1612-13.

THE following is a tranfcript of a deed executed by our author three years before his death. The original deed, which was found in the year 1768, among the title deeds of the Rev. Mr. Fetherstonhaugh, of Oxted, in the county of Surry, is now in the poffeffion of Mrs. Garrick, by whom it was obligingly tranfmitted to me through the hands of the Hon. Mr. Horace Walpole. Much has lately been faid in various publications relative to the proper mode of fpelling Shakspeare's name. It is hoped we shall hear no more idle babble upon this fubject. He fpelt his name himself as I have just now written it, without the middle e. Let this therefore for ever decide the question.

It should be remembered that to all ancient deeds were appended labels of parchment, which were inferted at the bottom of the deed; on the upper part of which labels thus rifing above the rest of the parchment, the executing parties wrote their names. Shakspeare, not finding room for the whole of his name on the label, attempted to write the remaining letters at top, but having allowed himfelf only room enough to write the letter a, he gave the matter up. His hand-writing, of which a fac-fimile is annexed, is much neater than many others, which I have seen, of that age. He neglected, however, to fcrape the parchment, in confequence of which the letters appear imperfectly formed.

He purchased the eftate here mortgaged, from

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Henry Walker, for 140l. as appears from the enrolment of the deed of bargain and fale now in the Rolls-Chapel, dated the preceding day, March 10, 1612-13. The deed here printed fhows that he paid down eighty pounds of the purchase-money, and mortgaged the premises for the remainder. This deed and the purchase deed were probably both executed on the fame day, (March 10,) like our modern conveyance of Leafe and Releafe. MALONE.

THIS of March, in the yeares of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lorde James, by the grace of God, king of England, Scotland, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. that is to fay, of England, Fraunce and Ireland the tenth, and of Scotland the fix-and-fortieth; Between William Shakefpeare of Stratford-upon-Avon, in the Countie of Warwick, gentleman, William Johnson, Citizen and Vintener of London, John Jackfon, and John Hemyng of London, gentlemen, of thone partie, and Henry Walker, Citizen and Minftrell of London, of thother partie; Witneffeth, that the faid William Shakespeare, William Johnson, John Jackfon, and John Hemyng, have demifed, graunted, and to ferme letten, and by theis prefents do demife, graunt, and to ferme lett unto the faid Henry Walker, all that dwelling houfe or tenement, with thappurtenaunts, fituate and being within the precinct, circuit and compaffe of the late Black ffryers, London, fometymes in the tenure of James Gardyner, Efquire, and fince that in the tenure of John Fortefcue, gent. and now or late being in the tenure or occupation of one William Ireland, or of his affignee or affignees; abutting upon a ftreete leading downe to Puddle Wharfe, on the eaft part, right

"HIS INDENTURE made the eleventh day

against the kings Majefties Wardrobe; part of which faid tenement is erected over a greate gate leading to a capitall meffuage, which fometyme was in the tenure of William Blackwell, Esquire, deceased, and fince that in the tenure or occupation of the right honourable Henry now Earle of Northumberlande: And alfo all that plott of ground on the weft fide of the fame tenement, which was lately inclosed with boords on two fides thereof, by Anne Baton, widow, fo farre and in fuch forte as the fame was inclosed by the faid Anne Baton, and not otherwife; and being on the third fide inclofed with an old brick wall; which faid plott of ground was fometyme parcell and taken out of a great voyde peece of ground lately used for a garden; and alfo the foyle whereupon the faid tenement ftandeth; and alfo the faid brick wall and boords which doe inclose the faid plott of ground; with free entrie, acceffe, ingreffe, and regreffe, in, by, and through, the faid great gate and yarde there, unto the ufual dore of the faid tenement: And alfo all and fingular cellors, follers, romes, lights, eafiaments, profitts, commodities, and appurtenaunts whatsoever to the faid dwellinghoufe or tenement belonging or in any wife apperteyning: TO HAVE and to HOLDE the faid dwelling-house or tenement, cellers, follers, romes, plott of ground, and all and fingular other the premiffes above by theis prefents mentioned to bee demised, and every part and parcell thereof, with thappurtenaunts, unto the faid Henry Walker, his executors, adminiftrators, and affignes, from the feaft of thannunciacion of the bleffed Virgin Marye next coming after the date hereof, unto thende and terme of One hundred yeares from thence next enfuing, and fullie to be compleat


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