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that of dinner, both during the summer and winter months, to be at half past twelve; of supper, during the summer half year, at seven, and the winter, at six: and that prayers be read, before breakfast, and after supper, and gracê said before and after each meal; and, that the mistress constantly attend, and see due order observed.

That the children do say a short and suitable prayer on their going to rest, and, rising, in the morning, always kneeling; and that every possible care be unremittingly taken, to inculcate the principles of religion, propriety of behaviour, and constant cleanliness.

That the children attend divine service at church, with the mistress, twice a day, on Sundays, Good Fridays, Christmas-Days, and Public Fasts and Thanksgivings.

That the children be employed in work, and receiving instructions, from breakfast till supper, allowing such time for recreation as may be deemed most expedient, according to the ages of the children, and the seasons of the


That all irregularities, neglects, offences, and wilful faults of the children, be immediately noticed, and reproved by the mistress; that

disobedience and obstinacy be carefully corrected; and that a wilful lie, or swearing, (if such a thing be possible,) or pilfering, never be suffered to pass, without correction.-For the three last (if private) the offender to be strongly admonished, privately, as the mistress may think proper.-If public, the offender to be placed with her face to the wall, during the next meal, and a paper pinned to her back, written upon, "LIAR,' ""BLASPHEMER," or THIEF,” and not allowed to eat, till the rest have done, and be kept all that day from play; nor shall she be restored to favour, till she shall have made the following confession, in the presence of the mistress and the children:-" I have

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sinned, in telling a lye, or (by swearing,) or (thieving :) I will take more care,-I hope God will forgive me." And if these offences be often repeated, then to be reported, and the offender brought before the Board of Trustees, who will order her to be REMOVED FROM THE SCHOOL, or will inflict such other punishment, as may appear to them to be proper.

That the mistress be particularly enjoined not to suffer the children to be terrified by being confined in the dark, or with any idle tales.

That the benevolent ladies who have so kindly and generously interested themselves in this establishment, (of the value of whose exertions the Trustees are highly sensible,) be requested to continue their visits, and to write their observations respecting the management of the children, and any improvements that they may think necessary to suggest, in a book to be kept for that purpose. And that those observations be considered at the following Board.

3d Jan. 1805.

No. VII.

Copy of the Regulations of the Kensington Ladies Society, for the Care of the Schools, and the Promotion of the Welfare of the Female Poor.This Society consists of nearly Sixty Ladies; seven of whom are Visitors of the Charity School; each taking a Particular Day in the Week, and one branch of Instruction for the Children; Four of the Ladies visit the Workhouse School, and twelve of them superintend the Sunday School and School of Industry, each taking one Month in the Year.

1. THAT the object of these ladies be the care of the schools, and the superintendance of the female poor, as far as the means of life and domestic occupations of each will permit.:

2. That these ladies, or as many of them as can make it convenient, meet once a month (or oftener if any particular case require it) at each others houses, to discuss different subjects of benefit to the poor and schools; and that the lady, at whose house they meet, be the

President for the evening; and that she recommend one poor woman as the object of charity for the evening, towards whose relief each lady subscribe on shilling.

3. That this object of charity must be personally known to the lady who recommends her, as a woman of good character, industry, and sobriety; and under circumstances of distress, which makes her at that time a particular object of charity.

4. That the ladies take into consideration the particulars of her situation, and consult together on the best means of employing the evening contribution, and that the name, circumstances, and mode of relief, be entered in a book kept for that purpose.

5. That each lady be requested to save all the old linen, flannel, and other useful articles she can spare in her family, to assist lying-inwomen; which, if made up into little caps, shirts, &c. by those who have leisure, will be the more valuable; and that these things be presented at the monthly meeting, and disposed of according to Mrs. Ormerod's recommendation, unless particular objects are known by any of the ladies.

6. That the improvement and welfare of the

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