shall any Justice grant any such order without oath being made before him, that application has been made to such Cottage-Warden for his consent to such relief being granted, which has been refused. If the Cottage-Warden shall refuse to sign any such lease, either of the contracting parties may complain to some Justice of the district, who may thereon summon the Cottage-Warden, or his assistant, before the next Petty Sessions that shall be held for such district, to shew cause why such lease should not be signed; and the Justices at such Petty Sessions, or any two of them, may sign such lease, after hearing the merits of the case, if they shall think proper; and the person letting any house and land under such lease, shall, if the same shall be so signed, be entitled to the same rewards. as though such lease had been signed by the Cottage-Warden. If any poor person renting any dwellinghouse, the lease of which shall have been signed by the Cottage-Warden or any of his or her family, shall do any act by which the person letting the same would be deprived of any of the above rewards that would be otherwise due to him or her, the lease or agreement VOL. V. * E of such house and land shall be forfeited, and such tenants may be removed out of such house by order of a Justice of Peace, directed to the constable of the parish. The Justice of the district shall hold a Petty Sessions before Easter every year, to hear Appeals from the determination of the CottageWarden, and shall issue precepts to that effect to the High Constable, twenty days before such Petty Sessions shall take place, and the High Constable shall give notice thereof to the Constables fourteen days before such Petty Sessions shall take place, and the Constables shall give notice thereof to the CottageWarden, and in the church after divine service, on the next Sunday after receiving the same from the High Constable; and any High, or other Constable, failing to give such notice, shall forfeit 57. to the person informing, to be levied by distress. Any person who shall feel aggrieved by the determination of such Cottage-Warden, may appeal to such Justices of the Peace as shall be assembled at such Petty Sessions as shall be usually held for the determination of such Appeals ; and if no such Petty Sessions shall be held, or if no such notice of the time and place of holding the same shall be given in the church, then such person may appeal to any other Petty Sessions, in the same year, for the said district, and such Justices in Petty Sessions shall determine finally whether the rewards so claimed are due, and ought to be paid or not, and shall order accordingly; and any Overseer refusing to pay such rewards as he shall be ordered to be paid by the Justices, shall forfeit the sum of 51. for every reward so refused to be paid, which penalty shall be levied on his goods and chattles by warrant of distress, half of which penalty shall be paid by the person making such Appeal, and half towards the discharge of the poor-rate. 8th March, 1895. No. VI. Rules and Regulations, for the Management of the Workhouse School for Females, in GoreLane, Kensington. THIS establishment having been formed for the express purpose of removing the YOUNGER FEMALE POOR from every incitement to VICE, by bad example; and of training them to early habits of VIRTUE and INDUSTRY, SO as to qualify them to be useful and valuable members of the community, in that humble station of life, in which they are most likely to be placed: —and the Trustees of the poor being of opinion that its success will principally depend on a judicious selection of the children to be benefitted by it, and the means to be pursued for securing their future good conduct, RESOLVE, That none but such children as seem to be well disposed, and free from vice, be admitted into this school. That the mistress, who is constantly to reside at the school, shall employ herself wholly in the care and management of the children; and that she make a return monthly, and oftener, if necessary, to the Board of Trustees, of the health and particular behaviour of the children, with any other matters, which may occur. That the children be admitted only by an ORDER from the BOARD OF TRUSTEES, and, that no child be permitted to be absent from the school, except under especial and urgent circumstances, of which the mistress must be satisfied; nor, for more than one day, without an order from the Board.-That no child, who shall remain out, beyond that time, be readmitted, without a like order. And, that the mistress keep an account of all such absences, and report them. That no relation, or acquaintance of the children be permitted to visit them on Sundays, nor oftener than once a fortnight, on other days; and then only, between the hours of one and two, without an ORDER of the BOARD of TRUSTEES, cases of illness excepted. That the hour of breakfast be eight in the morning, from Lady-Day to Michaelmas Day, and nine, from Michaelmas to Lady-Day; |