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foresaid, shall pass against them for that effect; and the heretors shall be always free of the same during the life renter's lifetime. And if any person find themselves wronged by the inequality of the proportions imposed, it shall be lawful for them to seek redress thereof before the commissioners of supply, sheriff of the shire, or other judge competent, within the space of a year and day after the imposing of the stent, and no otherwise. And also it is declared, that the providing of the said schools and schoolmasters is a pious* use

* There was a circumstance in the religious establishment both of Scotland and New England, extremely favourable to these schools, the co-operation of the parochial clergy. The period preparatory to holy orders, was very generally filled up by the exercise of the duties of the parish school-master. This has many advantages.-It prepares the Clergy for those parochial functions, which they are going to sustain. It gives consequence and consideration to these seminaries of instruction, on account of the literary and respectable character of the masters thus acquired: and it affords a provision for the scholar, in the interval between the period of his education and of his admission to the exercise of his religious functions. It is thereby, in many instances, not only contributory to the future usefulness and respectability of the clergyman, but it is convenient to his present pecuniary circumstances. These advantages are still further extended in Scotland, by that which exists only partially in the other parts of the British Empire; the constant residence of the parochial clergy.

within the parish, to which it shall be lawful leisinne to patrons, to employ the vacant stipends as they shall see cause; excepting from this act the bounds of the synod of Argyle in respect, that by a former act of Parliament in the year one thousand six hundred and ninety, the vacant stipends within the said bounds are destined for the setting up and maintaining of schools in manner therein mentioned: and the said vacant stipends are hereby expressly appointed to be thereto applied, at the sight of the sheriff of the bounds foresaid. And lastly, His Majesty, with the advice and consent

"The clergyman (says Dr. Currie) being every where resi "dent in his particular parish, becomes the natural patron "and superintendant of the parish school; and is enabled in "various ways to promote the comfort of the teacher, and "the proficiency of the scholars. The teacher himself is "often a candidate for holy orders, who, during the long

course of study and probation required in the Scottish church, "renders the time, which can be spared from his professional "studies, useful to others as well as to himself, by assuming "the respectable character of schoolmaster."-Dr. Beattie was educated at one of these parish schools; and on his quitting the Marischall College at Aberdeen, was five years schoolmaster of the little obscure parish of Ferdoun; where he continued his studies, and produced some of his most beautiful poetical compositions.

aforesaid, ratifies and approves all former laws, customs, and constitutions made for establishing and maintaining of schools within the kingdom, in so far as the same are not altered nor innovate by this present act.

October 2, 1807.

No. XX.

Advice to Masters and Apprentices. By the Rev. Dr. GLASSE.

AN APPRENTICE is a servant for a limited

time; but differing from other servants in being more closely bound, under a mutual covenant, of maintenance and support, instruction, and care, on the part of the master; and of sobriety, diligence, and obedience, on the part of the apprentice. All this is well set forth in the indentures, which should not only be distinctly read, when the indentures are executed, but should also be frequently read over, and carefully considered by every master and apprentice.

A well-disposed apprentice generally sets off with fair promises of good conduct, and professes a desire to discharge his duty faithfully, and endeavour to make himself useful to those about him. But experience shews us, that, through the corruption of human nature, and through the evil influence of bad

examples, too many young persons are drawn aside from the path, in which for a time, they seemed determined to walk, as good servants ought to do.

The master, it must be acknowleged, is too often careless of what is as much his interest as his duty; in not taking particular care, that his apprentice be duly attentive to the services of religion on the LORD's Day: on which day the master is too generally absent from home, leaving the apprentice unprotected and unrestrained.-This may be considered as the foundation of every subsequent irregularity: for where religion does not early engage the mind and affections, the devil, the world, and the flesh, will not fail to take the advantage; and incline the poor deluded youth, first, to a neglect of his duty towards GOD; and then, of all his other duties, to his master, his neighbour, and himself. This is the beginning of sorrows, both to the apprentice and the master: the former grows indifferent about giving satisfaction, while the latter has too much cause to be dissatisfied.As the apprentice advances in the knowledge of the art and mystery of the trade which he

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