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maintenance. Those, therefore, who applied to be admitted into the poor's houses, would be principally the aged and the totally helpless. A rivalship which may diminish the number of those who need to be supported by other charitable establishments, is not that surely of which their managers ought to be jealous. In this view the Orphans' Hospital is the rival of the Poor's House, the Dispensary of the Infirmary, and the Society for relief of the destitute sick of both.

The more such societies multiply, within proper bounds, the more easily are funds for them obtained, and the burden of the public is lightened by resting on a broader base. The members of each society have all of them connections and friends to whom, by their means, information is conveyed of their several merits and peculiar utility, and the humanity and benevolence of such persons are excited, which might otherwise remain dormant and inactive. Nay, even the hard hearted and the thoughtless are prevailed on to aid the designs of the beneficent. They are taxed with their own consent, and the drones become serviceable to the labourers of the hive. It is not to be supposed, that such societies will multiply to

much for the public to support. Have they increased hitherto with the increase of wealth, or in proportion to the diminution of the value of money? Have they borne, or are they likely to bear any proportion to the various means and contrivances for personal indul gence, or to the increase of places of public pleasure and amusement?

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No. XVI.

The following Resolutions of a numerous Meeting of the Physicians and Medical Gentlemen of Liverpool, convened on the important subject of VACCINE INOCULATION, upon the 29th of April 1806, are submitted to the Reader's consideration.

WE the undersigned, being impressed with a strong conviction, that the advantages of Vaccine Inoculation are, in many important circumstances, greatly superior to those of Inoculation for the Small Pox, and being desirous of extending and diffusing these advantages as widely as possible in this town and neighbourhood, where Vaccination has hitherto been practised to a less extent in proportion to the population, than in many other parts of this kingdom, and even of this county, have agreed to the following resolutions, as declaratory of our sentiments on this most interesting subject, viz.

I. That, in our opinion, Inoculation for the Cow-pock, affords to the human constitu

tion a protection against the contagion of the Small-pox, as complete and effectual, as can possibly be derived from inoculation for the Small-pox.

II. That, in our opinion, inoculation for the Cow-pock, is greatly preferable to inoculation for the Small-pox, for the following reasons:

1st, Because the disease produced by Vaccination, not only is never fatal, but is never even attended with danger; whilst, on the contrary, it is well known, that, of such as have been inoculated for the Small-pox, some have occasionally died, notwithstanding every precaution; and it is equally notorious, that in those who have passed through the inoculated Small-pox, the disease has been sometimes dangerous and severe, and its effects on the constitution, have been often permanently injurious, by exciting other diseases into


2ly, Because the Vaccine disease is not infectious, as the Small-pox always is, whether it be received naturally, or by inoculation.

3dly, Because it may be communicated with perfect safety, under circumstances which render the Small-pox Inoculation peculiarly

formidable; as in the state of

pregnancy, and during infancy, and the period of dentition.


And lastly, Because it has never been followed, in any instance that has yet come to our knowledge, by any effects of a serious nature. Cutaneous eruptions have occurred in a few instances after Vaccination, here as well as elsewhere; but it has by no means been proved, that such eruptions are fairly to be ascribed to Vaccination as their cause. in this opinion we are confirmed by the public testimony of the ablest and most respectable practitioners in the metropolis, who have paid close attention to this subject, and who have declared, that," many well known cutaneousdiseases, and some scrofulons complaints, have been represented as the effects of Vaccine Inoculation, when, in fact, they have originated from other causes, and in many instances have occurred long after Vaccination; and that such diseases are infinitely less frequent after Vaccination, than after either the natural or inoculated Small-pox."

III. That, influenced by these powerful considerations, we feel it to be our incumbent

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