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during this Act, for the purpose of electing and appointing a Committee, in each of the said Cities, consisting of any three Justices of the Peace, residing in the City for which they shall have been elected and appointed, who shall serve for one year next after the day of their election and appointment, and shall be vested with and may exercise all and every the legal powers and authorities, with respect to Not to the Watch and Night Lights in their respective Cities, which are actually, by divest Justices Law, vested in the Justices of the Peace, residing in each of the said Cities, in diction they that respect. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to di-` vest the Justices of the Peace of the Jurisdiction which, by Law, they now have foresaid Acts. in the prosecutions which may occur by virtue of the aforesaid Acts.

of the Juris

possess by vir

tue of the a

the Justices

place within

the Peace to

the time when

In cases of III. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, the election of that in case the election and appointment of the Justices of the Peace shall not not taking take place within the period herein above limited and assigned, it shall neverthethe time speci- less be lawful to make such election and appointment at any other time therefied, Clerks of after, notice, as aforesaid, being previously given, by the Clerks of the Peace, of give notice of the day when such election and appointment is to take place, as herein-above the election is authorised and directed, and that it shall be the duty of the Clerks of the Peace, to take place. in every instance in which such election and appointment shall not have taken Duty of the place within the period above-mentioned, to repeat such notice for some other Peace to give day within a short time next after the failure of such election and appointment notice at such as shall be deemed convenient, and in like manner to repeat such notice, and, as often as such failure shall recur until an election and appointment of such Justices for the purposes aforesaid, shall have taken place.

Clerks of the


In cases of death or геJustices of the

of the Peace, to

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that, in case of the moval of the death or removal of any one or more of the three Justices of the Peace, who may Peace, Clerks have been so appointed, it shall be the duty of the Clerks of the Peace, in like give notice of manner, to give notice of the circumstance, and to convene a similar meeting of the circum- the Justices of the Peace, for the purpose of electing and appointing one or more convene a simi- (as the case may be,) of the Justices of the Peace, to supply the place, in such the Justices of Committee, of the Justices of the Peace who may have ceased to be one of the Committee.

stance, and to

lar Meeting of

the Peace, to elect other Justices.


ment pendant la durée de cet Acte, aux fins d'élire et nommer un Comité dans chacune des dites Cités, composé de trois Juges de Paix résidans dans la Cité, pour laquelle ils auront été élus et nommés, lesquels serviront l'espace d'une année, à compter du jour après celui de leur Election et Nomination, et seront revêtus et pourront exercer toutes et chacune des autorités et pouvoirs légaux, en autant qu'ils concernent le guet et l'éclairage dans leurs Cités respectives, dont les Juges de Paix résidans dans chacune des dites Cités, se trouvent maintenant revêtus à cet égard en vertu de la Loi. Pourvû que rien de contenu en cet Acte, ne sera entendu ôter aux autres Juges de Paix la Jurisdiction qu'ils ont maintenant par la Loi, dans les poursuites qui pourront avoir lieu en vertu des susdites Actes.

III. Pourvû toujours, et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que dans le cas où l'Election et nomination des Juges de Paix n'auroit pas eu lieu, dans le tems ci-dessus prescrit et limité, il sera néanmoins loisible de procéder à telle Election et nomination, en aucun tems après, en par les Greffiers de la Paix donnant notification préalable, comme susdit, du jour où telle Election et nomination aura lieu tel que ci-dessus ordonné et autorisé, et il sera du devoir des Greffiers de la Paix, toutes et chaque fois que telle Election et nomination n'auront point eu lieu, de renouveller dans le temps ci-dessus mentionné, telle notification pour certain autre jour, peu après celui où telle Election et nomination n'auront pas eu lieu, ainsi qu'il sera jugé convenable, et renouveller, en la même manière, telle notification toutes et chaque fois que ce pour ra arriver, jusqu'à ce que l'Election et nomination de ces Juges de Paix les fins susdites ait finalement eu lieu,


IV. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que dans le cas où un ou plusieurs des Juges de Paix qui auroient été ainsi nommés, viendroit à décéder ou changer de résidence, il sera du devoir des Greffiers de la Paix de donner notification en la même manière, de cette circonstance, et convoquer une semblable assemblée des Juges de Paix, aux fins d'élire et nommer un ouplusieurs Juges de Paix, ainsi que le cas pourra être pour remplacer dans tel Comité les Juges de Paix qui peuvent avoir cessé d'être Membres de ce Comité.

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25th Geo. 3, c. 11, recited,


AN ACT to alter and amend certain parts of an Ordinance made and passed in the twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled, " An Ordinance to regulate the proceed"ings of the Courts of Civil Judicature, and to establish Trials by Ju"ries, in actions of a Commercial nature, and personal wrongs, to be compensated in damages, in what relates to the issuing of Writs of "Capias ad respondendum and to Special Bail."




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(22d March, 1825.)

HEREAS, in and by an Ordinance made and passed by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Province of Quebec, in the twenty-fifth year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled "An Ordinance to regulate the proceedings in the Courts of Civil Judicature, and to "establish Trials by Juries, in actions of a Commercial nature and personal wrongs, to be compensated in damages," it is, among other things, ordained and enacted, that in all and every case where one or more Judges of any Court of Common Pleas is or may be satisfied, by the Affidavit of the Plaintiff, or his Book-keeper or Clerk, or legal Attorney, that the Defendant is personally indebted to the Plaintiff in a sum exceeding ten pounds sterling, and may also be satisfied, by the oath of the Plaintiff or some other person, that the Defendant is immediately about to leave the Province, and whereby the Plaintiff might be deprived of his remedy against such Defendant, it shall and may be lawful for one or more Judge or Judges of any Court of Common Pleas, to grant a Capias or attachment against the body of such Defendant, to be directed to the Sheriff, to hold such Defendant to Bail for his appearance at the return of such Writ, and in default thereof to commit him to prison, there to remain until Special Bail may be given by such Defendant, or until two days after Execution may be obtained by the Plaintiff, if Judgement be in his favour; And whereas the facility thereby afforded of obtaining a Capias ad respondendum against Debtors, whereby such Debtors become liable in their body for the payment of debts for which otherwise, and of common right, they would not be so liable, has encouraged, and may for the future encourage, divers Creditors vexatiously to obtain such Capias as a means of altering and tortiously improving the nature of their security, to the manifest oppression and ruin of such Debtors: Be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and con



ACTE pour changer et amender certaines parties d'une Ordonnance faite et passée dans la vingt-cinquième Année du Règne de feu Sa Majesté, George Trois, intitulé," Ordonnance qui règle les formes de procéder dans les Cours Civiles de Judicature, et qui établit les procès par Jurés dans les affaires de Commerce, et d'injures personnelles qui doivent être compensées en dommages en la Province de Québec, en ce qui concerne l'émanation des Writs de capias ad respondendum et les cautionnemens spéciaux."

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(22e. Mars, 1825.)

U que par une Ordonnance faite et passée par le Gouverneur et le Conseil Législatif de la Province de Québec, dans la vingt-cinquième année du Règne de feu Sa Majesté, George Trois, intitulée, "Ordonnance qui règle les "formes de procéder dans les Cours Civiles de Judicature, et qui établit les pro-" cès cès par Jurés dans les affaires de Commerce, et d'injures personnelles qui "doivent être compensées en dommages en la Province de Québec." Il est entre autre chose ordonné et statué, que dans tous et chaque cas où un ou plusieurs Juges d'aucune des Cours de Plaidoyers communs seront ou pourront être satisfaits par le Serment du Demandeur, ou de son teneur de livres, de son Commis ou de son Procureur légal, que le Défendeur est personnellement endetté au Demandeur d'une somme excédant dix Livres sterling, et qu'ils pourront aussi être satisfaits par le Serment du Demandeur, ou de quelqu'autre personne que le Demandeur est sur le point de quitter la Province, et que ce départ pourroit priver le Demandeur de son Recours contre tel Défendeur, il sera et pourra être loisible à un, ou plusieurs des Juges des Cours des Plaidoyers communs d'accorder un Capias ou Prise de Corps contre tel Défendeur, qui sera adressé au Shérif, pour prendre tel Défendeur à cautions, pour sa comparution au retour de tel ordre; et au défaut de cautions, de le confiner en prison où il sera détenu, jusqu'à ce qu'il puisse donner cautions spéciales, ou jusqu'à deux jours après que l'Exécution pourra être obtenue par le Demandeur, sile Jugement est en sa faveur; Et vû que la facilité ainsi accordée d'obtenir contre des Débiteurs un Capias ad Respondendum, en vertu duquel tels Débiteurs deviennent contraignables par corps pour le payement de dettes, pour lesquelles autrement et de droit commun, ils ne seront pas ainsi contraignables, à encouragé et peut à l'avenir encourager divers Créanciers à se procureret obtenir d'une manière véxatoire tel Capias, comme un moyen de changer et accroître injustement la nature de leurs C sûretés,


Recitation de de la 25e. Geo.


III. chap. 1.

every recog

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sent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province of Lower-Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, "An Act to repeal certain parts "of an Act passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act for making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, in North America," and to make further provision for the Government of the said Province;" And it is hereby enacted by the authority of Condition of the same, that, from and after the passing of this Act, the condition of every nizance of Recognizance of Special Bail, or Bail to the action, to be given or put in by any bail to the ac- Defendant, who shall have been arrested under and by virtue of any Writ of or put in by Capias ad respondendum, issued agreeably to the provisions of the said Ordinance, Defend shall be such that the Cognizors thereof shall not become liable unless the Deby virtue of a fendant shall leave this Province without having paid the debt, interest and costs, ad responden- for which the action shall have been brought, and such Special Bail may be put in and given, at any time after the arrest of the Defendant in virtue of such Capias, either before the Court from which the same shall have issued, or before any Judge or Justice of such Court, at any time before or after Judgment,

special bail or

tion tobe given


ant arrested

Writ of Capias


Not to affect the right of the

II. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, bail to take & that nothing in this Act contained shall be construed, or taken in any manner, surrender the to affect the right of the Bail to take and surrender the discharge discharge of of themselves.

Defendant in


issue at the

person resid

per Canada,

ther person re

No Capias ad III. And whereas persons residing in the Province of Upper-Canada, coming respondendum into this Province with an intent speedily to return to the said Province of suit of any Upper Canada, have oftentimes been arrested and imprisoned in this Province, ing in the Pro- by virtue of Capias ad respondendum issued therein, at the suit of their Credivince of Up: tors, also resident in the said Province of Upper-Canada, to the intolerable vexagainst any o- ation of such Debtors, and contrary to the true intent and meaning of the said siding in the Ordinance, which was made for the Province of Quebec, comprehending the said Province, Provinces of Lower-Canada and Upper-Canada; for remedy thereof, be it furtion to the af- ther enacted by the authority aforesaid, that, from and after the passing of this plaintiff makes Act, no Writ of Capias ad respondendum shall be granted or issued at the suit of Defendant is any person or persons residing in the Province of Upper-Canada, against any about to resort person or persons residing within the said Province, unless, in addition to the try, and out of Affidavit required by the said Ordinance, the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, or some Upper Cana- other person or persons, shall make oath, before a Judge or Justice of any Court

unless in addi

fidavit the

oath that the

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