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VIRGINIA was founded by Captain John Smith, and I ought to begin my stories with an account of his wonderful adventures.

At that time nearly all the Western world was called Virginia. This name was given to it in honor of Queen Elizabeth, who was never married, and therefore was called the "Virgin Queen." The country was known to be rich, and adventurous Englishmen attempted to settle it; but for a long time these attempts all failed. The Indians. drove away the settlers, but the plan was not abandoned; and at last, in December, 1606, three small vessels sailed from England to establish a colony in Virginia.

Among the men in the ships was a young soldier of remarkable character. He was not quite twenty-eight, but he had seen many countries, and fought in nearly every part of Europe. His life from boyhood had been a series of romantic adventures, and he was destined soon, as I will show you, to meet with more adventures still in Virginia. You must have heard of this celebrated man -Captain John Smith. He was the founder of the United States, we may say, as Jamestown was the first English

settlement in the New World, and everything about him is interesting. In addition to this, he was so brave and devoted to his duty that his life is an example for boys to follow. I will therefore tell you his story; and his adventures were so singular that they are certain to interest you.

He was born at a town called Willoughby, in England, in the month of January, 1579. Nothing is known about

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his parents, except that they died when he was a child, and he was left alone in the world without any one to take care of him. But young John Smith was not cast down by his lonely situation. He was a brave and independent boy, and resolved to make his own way in the world. He was fond of adventure, as most boys are; so, while he was still a youth, he wandered away to Holland, a country of Europe, and spent some years of military ser

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