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Beginning with the 1965-66 winter season, estimated power demands in the Pacific Northwest will exceed the capabilities of existing and additional assured resources. Estimates shown in the Bonneville Power Administration Power Outlook for 1960-70 indicate that under adverse water conditions an average firm energy deficiency of 117,000 kilowatts can be expected in the West Group Area during the 1965-66 winter season, increasing to 492,000 kilowatts in 1966-67. This deficiency will be reduced to 198,000 kilowatts in the 1967-68 winter season with the addition of 713,000 kilowatts of firm power from Lower Monumental and other projects, but will subsequently increase to in excess of 1,400,000 kilowatts by 1970-71 unless additional resources beyond those currently scheduled for completion are developed. Power shortages, if they occur, will retard industrial and other development essential to regional economic growth.

The development of navigation on the Snake River will extend the Columbia-Snake River authorized waterway upstream 28.7 miles to the Little Goose project. It is estimated that about 2,500,000 tons of commerce would move annually on and through the Lower Monumental pool after all four of the lower Snake River projects are completed. An additional 1,400,000 tons is expected to develop from the Lime Point area after the proposed Asotin project is completed. on the Lower Monumental pool will be principally bulk commodities such as wheat, wood products, limestone, ores, petroleum and fertilizers.


The project will also reduce pumping lifts for irrigation developments along the reservoir shore line and wil1
provide incidental recreational benefits.

FISCAL YEAR 1962: The amount of $8,000,000 will be applied as follows:

Complete first step cofferdam


Continue acquisition of reservoir and relocations lands
Initiate relocation of Union Pacific Railroad

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Initiate first phase construction including south abutment, spillway dam, lock and south shore
fish facilities


Complete Part 1, north abutment


Complete north and south shore access roads
Complete Northern Pacific Railway Shoofly

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Initiate and complete south shore field office


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The funds requested for Fiscal Year 1962 are required for an orderly and economical construction schedule and to meet scheduled power-on-line and completion dates.


COMPARISON OF FEDERAL COST ESTIMATE: The current cost estimate (Corps of Engineers funds only) of $150,000,000 is a decrease of $1,000,000 over the latest estimate ($151,000,000) submitted to Congress. This decrease is due to reanalysis of requirements for Supervision and Administration.

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Mr. RABAUT. This is another project that is not yet started. When will you let the first contract?

General STARBIRD. The funds appropriated for this fiscal year were $1 million. Actually, the first contract has been advertised and we expect to obligate the full sum by the end of the year, although there will be unexpended a very small sum. We expect actually to award two contracts this year.

Mr. RABAUT. That will be under the appropriation for $1 million? General STARBIBD. That is correct.

Mr. RABAUT. And you think you will use this $8 million this coming year?

General STARBIRD. Yes, sir; we do. We will move into large-scale construction.

Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. Chairman.

Mr. RABAUT. The gentleman from Washington.

Mr. MAGNUSON. Are your Ice Harbor contractors bidding on Lower Monumental?

General STARBIRD. I cannot tell yet, sir. The only construction item awarded as of the present moment is the highway. None of the big work has been advertised for an award yet. I would like to correct that. On the road it has been advertised, but not awarded.


Mr. RABAUT. The relocations in this one are also quite high. Is there any indication that you know of that they may be reduced in cost?

General STARBIRD. None as yet, sir. The relocations are quite extensive here. They consist of a railroad on both sides of the river. The total estimated cost of relocation runs $40 million, primarily in the railroad, sir. We have had recent experience in this case of Ice Harbor, so I would say that our estimates are reasonably accurate with regard to this relocation. We may, as in some of the others we have found, run into geologic difficulties. However, as I mentioned to you yesterday, on these structures along the Snake River we seem to be able to get a better estimate of the underground conditions.

Mr. ANDERSEN. Mr. Chairman.

Mr. RABAUT. The gentleman from Minnesota.

Mr. ANDERSEN. There seems to be an extreme amount of relocation, $40 million worth, on this one project. General, what does that entail? I am a little bit curious.

General STARBIRD. It entails picking two railroads

Mr. ANDERSEN. Which two railroads are those?

General STARBIRD. The Spokane, Portland & Southwestern Railroad, which actually turns out of the reservoir area, and the Union Pacific Railroad. The Union Pacific is on the south shore for the most part, and then a division of the Union Pacific provides for one line which continues along the south shore and others which cross to the north shore.

Mr. ANDERSEN. How much of the line do they have to rebuild to get around the damsite?

General STARBIRD. I think it is approximately 65 miles, sir.

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