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which have been cast and are now being finished at the factory of James T. Ames, esq., Chicopee, Massachusetts, are nearly done, and will, in all probability, be put in place next season.

A large water main is now being laid for the better supply of water to the Capitol.

again beg leave to refer to the necessity of extending the central portico; the necessity of this improvement has been set forth in the former report from

this office.

$109,622 04

Amount expended from October 31, 1866, to October 31, 1867.
Amount paid for marble cutting, dressing, and setting.....
Amount paid for marble from the quarries at Lee, Massachusetts.
Amount paid for monolithic columns from the Maryland quarries
Amount paid for painting in fresco

Amount paid for painting, paint, and glass.

Amount paid for materials, casting, and fitting, on account of bronze doors....

Amount paid on rolls of mechanics, laborers, &c.

Amount paid for miscellaneous bills, such as bricks, lime, sand, cement, hardware, lumber, iron work, &c...

43,637 58

2,800 00

3,000 00

3,337 62

15,366 24

59, 061 12

19,705 22

Cash account of the Capitol extension.

Amount available October 31, 1866.

Amount of proceeds of sale of old material

Appropriated March 2, 1867....

Expended from October 31, 1866, to October 31, 1867

255, 529 82

$80,410 S3 706 15

300, 000 00

381, 116 98

255, 529 82

Leaving, on the 31st of October, 1867, an unexpended balance of 125, 587 16

An appropriation of $125,000 is required for the next fiscal tinuance of this work.



for the con

By the act approved March 30, 1867, the repairs and improvements of the Capitol were placed under the directions of this office, and in conformity to a provision in the item for casual repairs, water-closets have been placed in the reporters' gallery of the House of Representatives, and also in connection with the House committee-rooms of the judiciary, commerce, foreign and military affairs. The old and defective hot-air furnace under the room of the Court of Claims has been taken away, and steam radiators supplied; also six bays of radiators placed in the lower passages of the old portion of the building; all of which are supplied by steam from the boilers of the Senate and House wings. As the passages and stairways between the rotundo and the Senate wing will be kept comfortably warm by the steam heating apparatus of the Supreme Court, I recommend that the rotundo and the old hall of representatives may also be heated in the like manner. At present the rotundo and the passages of the central portion, are cold in winter, and often damp from the condensation of the moisture of the atmosphere on the cold walls. Persons often cross from one end of the building to the other from the heated halls or committee-rooms without the precaution of their overcoats, or even hats, much to their discomfort and

with danger to their health. If the rotundo and old hall of representatives were heated in the manner proposed, there would be no great difference of temperature in any portion of the building. If the documents were provided for in another building, as has been already proposed, all the rooms under the old hall of representatives could be made available for committee-rooms, and could be heated by the apparatus for heating the rotundo and old hall of representatives. Sundry repairs have been made to the roof and other portions of the building, the walls of several passages and stairways have been painted, and iron rainspouts are being placed in the court-yards.

Bills have been presented to the amount of $5,281 75, at this office for work done under the direction of B. B. French, esq., as Commissioner of Public Buildings, during the last fiscal year. As it was decided that these bills could not be paid out of moneys appropriated for the annual repairs of the Capitol for the ensuing year, an appropriation for that amount will be required to pay these deficiencies.

Amount expended from July 1, 1867, to October 31, 1867. Amount paid for labor and materials in putting in waterclosets, upper portion of House of Representatives.. Amount paid for steam radiators for heating the Court of Claims and passages connected therewith.....

$2,178 38

1,025 00

Amount paid on rolls of mechanics, laborers, &c., for general repairs...

Amount paid for paint and painting..

Amount paid for miscellaneous bills, such as copper, lumber, hardware, bricks, lime, sand, &c..

2,025 36 594 55

2,417 94

8, 241 23

Cash account, annual repairs of the Capitol.

Amount appropriated March 2, 1867, for annual repairs of the
Capitol, water-closets, &c..

Amount appropriated March 2, 1867, for casual repairs of all the
furnaces under the Capitol.

Amount appropriated to replace the bruised and worn copper waterpipes with iron pipes..

Amount expended from July 1,.1867, to October 31, 1867....

Leaving on the 31st October, 1867, an unexpended balance of..

$12,000 00

500 00

3,000 00

15,500 00

8, 241 23

7,258 77

An appropriation of $15,000 is required for the necessary repairs and improvements for the central portion of the building.


The wings have been completed, and the additional stairways supplied. New glass have been put in the inner skylight, and other improvements and repairs have been made to the principal room.

This work has been more extensive than was originally contemplated; the principal items being the enlargement of the north wing, and supplying additional shelving. There are over 4,000 lineal feet more shelving than was at first provided for. Some changes had to be made for the accommodation of the books

of the Smithsonian library, and in consequence of the expense attending these and other changes, the funds appropriated have not been sufficient to pay the claims. A balance is due the Architectural Iron Works Company of $5,922 46, for which deficiency an appropriation is asked.

Amount expended from October 31, 1866, to October 31, 1867.

Amount paid to Architectural Iron Works Company.

Amount paid for skylig ts and painting in central room.

Amount paid for wire screens..

$21,502 40

2,026 60

4,875 00

Amount paid for plumbing and materials..

Amount paid on rolls of mechanics, laborers, &c....

Amount paid for miscellaneous bills, such as bricks, lumber, tile,

hardware, &c.....

Amount paid on account of steam-heating apparatus

Cash account, enlargement of the Congressional Library.

Amount available October 31, 1866....

Amount appropriated March 2, 1867.

Amount of proceeds of sale of iron railing and glass..

Amount expended from October 31, 1866, to October 31, 1867..

Leaving on the 31st October, 1867, an unexpended balance of..


274 75 2,561 96

1, 412 97 3,845 00

36, 498 68

$31, 129 50 5, 260 00 619 19

37,008 69

36, 498 68

510 01

The court room, the law library, the office rooms, passages and stairways connected with the Supreme Court have been heated by means of steam. The old vertical skylight, which was defective and greatly marred the appearance of the eastern front, has been taken away and a new light provided, the frame of which is made of iron, and in which are placed small hexagonal lights set in with an elastic cement. It is believed that from the small size of these lights, and the peculiarity of the cement, leaks will be prevented.

If, after a trial, this light proves satisfactory, I recommend that similar ones be placed over the halls of Congress, in order to avoid the trouble and expense now experienced in keeping those now in use in good condition.

The ceiling and walls of the court room have been cleaned and painted, and the whole room has undergone a general renovation.

Amount expended from July 1, 1867, to October 31,


Amount paid for steam heating apparatus..

$4,750 00

Amount paid for new skylight, with iron frame.

2,838 62

Amount paid for carving column caps and cleaning marble work...

640 00

Amount paid for plumbing and gas-fitting in cellar.

443 59

Amount paid on rolls of mechanics, laborers, &c.....

4,624 12

Amount paid for miscellaneous bills, such as painting, hardware, lumber, brick, &c. ....

1,621 22

14,917 55

Cash account, repairs to Supreme Court room, law library, &c.
Amount appropriated March 2, 1867....
Amount expended from July 1, 1867, to October 31, 1867......

Leaving on the 31st October, 1867, an unexpended balance of....

$15,000 00 14,917 55

82 45


The stone stairway leading to dome has been repaired and covered with iron plates; the floor of the first landing has been paved, and the necessary painting is being done.

This work is of such a character that it requires constant attention; leaks and the corrosion of the iron require the services of painters constantly.

In accordance with the act approved March 2, 1867, the rotunda has been lighted by gas, in connection with the electric battery for lighting the dome. This work has been done by the electrician for the sum appropriated, $3,000.

Amount expended from October 31, 1866, to October 31, 1867.

Amount paid for paint and painting.....

Amount paid for repairing and cleaning electric instrument..
Amount paid on rolls of mechanics, laborers, &c.

Amount paid for salaries of watchmen..

Amount paid for miscellaneous bills, such as bricks, hardware, lumber, iron work, &c

$4,666 87 217 15

1,340 08

881 33

851 21

7,956 64

Cash account of the new dome.

Amount available October 31, 1866...
Amount appropriated March 2, 1867.

$1,539 59

15,000 00

16, 539 59 7,956 64

Amount expended from October 31, 1866, to October 31, 1867....

Leaving on the 31st of October, 1867, an unexpended balance of..

8,582 95

An appropriation of $5, 000 will be required to finish this work and to keep it in order during the next fiscal year.


Over 141,000 loads of earth have been deposited in the cavity at the south of the Capitol, and the terraces at the north wing have been somewhat put in shape. It is desirable that the boundaries of the proposed extension of the grounds should be agreed upon, and authority given to open and pave the streets at the northern and southern limits, and to vacate A street north and south, so that the lower terraces can be finished.

In laying out the terraces, it is the intention to flag or pave the upper and narrow one, and to plant the lower and wide one.

In connection with these improvements, provision should be made for building stables for post office vehicles of the Senate and House, as the present stables must be moved before the grounds can be graded and planted. When the streets leading from Pennsylvania avenue to Capitol hill are laid out, there will be two triangular reservations at the north and southwestern corners of

these grounds, which will be sufficiently large for these stables and for the proposed document storehouses. If, however, it be deemed improper to obstruct these reservations with buildings, convenient sites might be purchased for this purpose.

In justice to the property holders in squares 687 and 688, an early decision should be made in relation to the incorporation of those squares in the public grounds. Several persons owning property in these squares have been deterred from making improvements, on account of the action of the Senate relating to the purchase of their property. In my judgment, these squares are indispensable to the proper completion of the Capitol grounds; and I consider the grounds, even with this addition, too limited. If they were extended to C streets north. and south, the Capitol would stand about in the centre of the grounds, whereas if B street should be the northern and southern limit, the lawn from the foot of the terrace will be very narrow.

Amount expended from July 1, 1867, to October 31, 1867.

Amount paid for earth for filling..
Amount paid on rolls for labor.
Amount paid for miscellaneous bills, such as shovels, picks, ad-
vertising, &c.....


$14, 133 60 5,620 06

218 78

19,972 44

Cash account, grading and filling United States Capitol grounds. Amount appropriated March 30, 1867...

Amount expended from July 1, 1867, to October 31, 1867..


Leaving on the 31st October, 1867, an unexpended balance of......

$20,000 00 19,972 44

27 56

An appropriation of $100,000 is required to continue this work for the next fiscal year.


The marble work of the north portico has been completed, and the granite steps are now being set. The curb and coping stone are worked, and if the weather permits, will be set this season.

$96, 066 02

Amount expended from October 31, 1866, to Oetober 31, 1867.
Amount paid for marble, dressing, and setting for north portico.
Amount paid on rolls of watchmen, laborers, &c. . . . . .
Amount paid for miscellaneous bills, such as lime, sand, cement,
copper, bricks, &c..


4,326 96

7,445 06

107, 838 04

Cash account.

Amount available October 31, 1866....

Amount appropriated March 2, 1867...


Amount expended from October 31, 1866, to October 31, 1867.

Leaving on the 31st October, 1867, an unexpended balance of.
An appropriation of $20,000 is asked for this work.

$54,138 18 75,000 00

129, 138 18 107,838 04

21, 300 14

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