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In the topographic work the gradientor and sketch book are being superseded by the plane-table and the orograph. The plane-table in use is of a pattern designed by Professor Thompson especially for work of this character. The drawing board is made of a series of slats firmly fixed to canvas in such manner that it can be rolled into small compass for transportation; but when unrolled for work it is so secured by cross-pieces and screws that great stability is attained. When in use it is fastened to the platen of the orograph. The position of important features in the topography are fixed with an alidade by the usual methods of intersection and resection. Details are placed directly upon the map while they are still under the eye of the topographer, and much of the labor and uncertainty of description by notes is avoided. The sketches produced on the plane-table are actual maps and not mere map material. They need only to be adjusted in conformity with the triangulation; and experience has shown that when the work of triangulation precedes that of topography but slight adjustment is necessary.

The orograph is a new instrument in topographic surveying, adapted to the requirements of this work by Professor Thompson. It consists essentially of a telescope erected above a platen or drawing-board, on which the movements of its optical axis are recorded. The telescope rotates about a vertical and about a horizontal axis, similarly to the telescope of a theodolite, and is connected by simple mechanism with a pencil which rests on a sheet of paper attached to the platen. When the topographer moves the telescope so as to carry its optical axis over the profiles of the landscape the pencil traces a sketch of the same. This sketch, being mechanically produced, is susceptible of measurement, and is a definite and authoritative record of the angular relations of the objects sketched. The instrument is also furnished with a graduated circle on which horizontal angles may be read to the nearest half minute, and this circle is used for the secondary triangulation. The orograph and plane table are used conjointly, and their results furnish data for the production of contour maps. It is believed that by their introduction the quality of topographic work has been much improved without addition to its cost.

Mr. Gilbert has made a critical examination and discussion of the barometric observations extending through the previous years of the work, for the purpose of determining the range of error, and of detecting as far as possible the source thereof. The result of this examination tended to show that one of the principal sources of error was inaccuracy in reading and recording, and for the purpose of eliminating these, suggested a number of checks, of which the most important was the reading and recording of the two verniers of the Green barometer instead of a single one. The interval between the two verniers is of such length that their fractional readings are always different, and it is practically impossible to repeat the same error.


During the same time Mr. G. R. Gilbert prepared his report on the Geology of the Henry Mountains, with stereograms, diagrams, and other illustrations, and the manuscript was sent to the printer. The book is now ready for the binder.

A second report was also prepared on the volcanic plateaus of Utah, by Capt. C. E. Dutton, but it was not deemed wise to publish it until the region had been more fully investigated. This was in pursuance of plans that have been followed in all the work under my direction, viz, to publish only monographs, which shall embody the final results of all

the work it is expected to be done in any particular field; and I fully agreed with Captain Dutton that the region of his researches presented problems in structural geology worthy of a third survey.


During the same office season the ethnographic work was more thor oughly organized, and the aid of a large number of volunteer assistants living throughout the country was secured. Mr. W. H. Dall, of the United States Coast Survey, prepared a paper on the tribes of Alaska, and edited other papers on certain tribes of Oregon and Washington Territory. He also superintended the construction of an ethnographic map to accompany his paper, including on it the latest geographic determination from all available sources. His long residence and extended scientific labors in that region peculiarly fitted him for the task, and he has made a valuable contribution both to ethnology and geography.

With the same volume was published a paper on the habits and cus toms of certain tribes of the State of Oregon and Washington Territory, prepared by the late Mr. George Gibbs while he was engaged in scientific work in that region for the government. The volume also contains a Niskwalli vocabulary with extended grammatic notes, the last great work of the lamented author.

In addition to the maps above mentioned and prepared by Mr. Dall, a second has been made, embracing the western portion of Washington Territory and the northern part of Oregon. The map includes the resuits of the latest geographic information and is colored to show the distribution of Indian tribes, chiefly from notes and maps left by Mr. Gibbs.

The Survey is indebted to the following gentlemen for valuable contributions to this volume: Gov. J. Furujelin, Lieut. E. De Meulen, Dr. Wm. F. Tolmie, and Rev. Father Mengarini.

Mr. Stephen Powers, of Ohio, who had spent several years in the study of the Indians of California, had the year before been engaged to prepare a paper on that subject. In the mean time at my request he was employed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to travel among these tribes for the purpose of making collections of Indian arts for the International Exhibition. This afforded him opportunity of more thoroughly accomplishing his work in the preparation of the above mentioned paper. On his return the new material was incorporated with the old, and the whole has been printed.

At our earliest knowledge of the Indians of California they were divided into small tribes speaking diverse languages and belonging to radically different stocks, and the whole subject was one of great complexity and interest. Mr. Powers has successfully unraveled the difficult problems relating to the classification and affinities of a very large number of tribes, and his account of their habits and customs is of much interest.

In the volume with his paper will be found a number of vocabularies collected by himself, Mr. George Gibbs, General George Crook, U. S. A., General W. B. Hazen, U. S. A., Lieut. Edward Ross, U. S. A., Assist ant Surgeon Thomas F. Azpell, U. S. A., Mr. Ezra Williams, Mr. J. R. Bartlett, Gov. J. Furujelm, Prof. F. L. O. Roehrig, Dr. William A. Gabb, Mr. H. B. Brown, Mr. Israel S. Diebl, Dr. Oscar Loew, Mr. Albert S. Gatschet, Mr. Livingston Stoue, Mr. Adam Johnson, Mr. Buckingham Smith, Padre Aroyo, Rev. Father Gregory Mengarini, Padre Juan Camelias, Hou. Horatio Hale, Mr. Alexander S. Taylor, Rev. Antonio Timmeno, aud Father Bouaventure Sitjar.

The volume is accompanied by a map of the State of California, compiled from the latest official sources and colored to show the distribution of linguistic stocks.

The Rev. J. Owen Dorsey, of Maryland, has been engaged for more than a year in the preparation of a grammar and dictionary of the Ponka language. His residence among these Indians as a missionary has furnished him favorable opportunity for the necessary studies, and he has pushed forward the work with zeal and ability, his only hope of reward being a desire to make a contribution to science.

Prof. Otis T. Mason, of Columbian College, has for the past year rendered the office much assistance in the study of the history and statistics of Indian tribes.

On June 13, Brevet Lieut. Col. Garrick Mallery, U. S. A., at the request of the Secretary of the Interior, joined my corps under orders from the honorable Secretary of War, and since that time has been engaged in the study of the statistics and history of the Indians of the western portion of the United States.

In April last, Mr. A. S. Gatschet was employed as a philologist to assist in the ethnographic work of this Survey. He had previously been engaged in the study of the languages of various North American tribes. In June last at the request of this office he was employed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to collect certain statistics relating to the Indians of Oregon and Washington Territory, and is now in the field. His scientific reports have since that time been forwarded through the honorable Commissioner of Indian Affairs to this office. His work will be included in a volume now in course of preparation.

Dr. H. C. Yarrow, U. S. A., now on duty at the Army Medical Museum, in Washington, has been engaged during the past year in the collection of material for a monograph on the customs and rites of sepulture. To aid him in this work circulars of inquiry have been widely circulated among ethnologists and other scholars throughout North America, and much material has been obtained which will greatly supplement his own extended observations and researches.

Many other gentlemen throughout the United States have rendered me valuable assistance in this department of investigation. Their labors will receive due acknowledgment at the proper time, but I must not fail to render my sincere thanks to these gentlemen, who have so cordially and efficiently co-operated with me in this work.

A small volume, entitled "Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages," has been prepared and published. This book is intended for distribution among collectors. In its preparation I have been greatly assisted by Prof. W. D. Whitney, the distinguished philologist of Yale College. To him I am indebted for that part relating to the representation of the sounds of Indian languages; a work which could not be properly performed by any other than a profound scholar in this branch. I complete the statement of the office work of the past season by mentioning that a tentative classification of the linguistic families of the Indians of the United States has been prepared. This has been a work of great labor, to which I have directed much of my own time, and in which I have received the assistance of several of the gentlemen above mentioned.

In pursuing these ethnographic investigations it has been the endeavor as far as possible to produce results that would be of practical value in the administration of Indian affairs, aud for this purpose especial attention has been paid to vital statistics, to the discovery of linguistic affinities, the progress made by the Indians toward civilization,

the work it is expected to be done in any particular field; and I fully agreed with Captain Dutton that the region of his researches presented problems in structural geology worthy of a third survey.


During the same office season the ethnographic work was more thoroughly organized, and the aid of a large number of volunteer assistants living throughout the country was secured. Mr. W. H. Dall, of the United States Coast Survey, prepared a paper on the tribes of Alaska, and edited other papers on certain tribes of Oregon and Washington Territory. He also superintended the construction of an ethnographic map to accompany his paper, including on it the latest geographic determination from all available sources. His long residence and extended scientific labors in that region peculiarly fitted him for the task, and he has made a valuable contribution both to ethnology and geography.

With the same volume was published a paper on the habits and customs of certain tribes of the State of Oregon and Washington Territory, prepared by the late Mr. George Gibbs while he was engaged in scientific work in that region for the government. The volume also contains a Niskwalli vocabulary with extended grammatic notes, the last great work of the lamented author.

In addition to the maps above mentioned and prepared by Mr. Dall, a second has been made, embracing the western portion of Washington Territory and the northern part of Oregon. The map includes the resuits of the latest geographic information and is colored to show the distribution of Indian tribes, chiefly from notes and maps left by Mr. Gibbs.

The Survey is indebted to the following gentlemen for valuable contributions to this volume: Gov. J. Furujelin, Lieut. E. De Meulen, Dr. Wm. F. Tolmie, and Rev. Father Mengarini.

Mr. Stephen Powers, of Ohio, who had spent several years in the study of the Indians of California, had the year before been engaged to prepare a paper on that subject. In the mean time at my request he was employed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to travel among these tribes for the purpose of making collections of Indian arts for the International Exhibition. This afforded him opportunity of more thoroughly accomplishing his work in the preparation of the above mentioned paper. On his return the new material was incorporated with the old, and the whole has been printed.

At our earliest knowledge of the Indians of California they were divided into small tribes speaking diverse languages and belonging to radically different stocks, and the whole subject was one of great com. plexity and interest. Mr. Powers has successfully unraveled the diffi cult problems relating to the classification and affinities of a very large number of tribes, and his account of their habits and customs is of much interest.

In the volume with his paper will be found a number of vocabularies collected by himself, Mr. George Gibbs, General George Crook, U. S. A., General W. B. Hazen, U. S. A., Lieut. Edward Ross, U. S. A., Assist ant Surgeon Thomas F. Azpell, Ú. S. A., Mr. Ezra Williams, Mr. J. R. Bartlett, Gov. J. Furujelm, Prof. F. L. O. Roehrig, Dr. William A. Gabb, Mr. H. B. Brown, Mr. Israel S. Diehl, Dr. Oscar Loew, Mr. Albert S. Gatschet, Mr. Livingston Stone, Mr. Adam Johuson, Mr. Buckingham Smith, Padre Aroyo, Rev. Father Gregory Mengarini, Padre Juan Camelias, Hou. Horatio Hale, Mr. Alexander S. Taylor, Rev. Antonio Timmeno, aud Father Bonaventure Sitjar.

The volume is accompanied by a map of the State of California, compiled from the latest official sources and colored to show the distribution of linguistic stocks.

The Rev. J. Owen Dorsey, of Maryland, has been engaged for more than a year in the preparation of a grammar aud dictionary of the Ponka language. His residence among these Indians as a missionary has furnished him favorable opportunity for the necessary studies, and he has pushed forward the work with zeal and ability, his only hope of reward being a desire to make a contribution to science.

Prof. Otis T. Mason, of Columbian College, has for the past year rendered the office much assistance in the study of the history and statistics of Indian tribes.

On June 13, Brevet Lieut. Col. Garrick Mallery, U. S. A., at the request of the Secretary of the Interior, joined my corps under orders from the honorable Secretary of War, and since that time has been engaged in the study of the statistics and history of the Indians of the western portion of the United States.

In April last, Mr. A. S. Gatschet was employed as a philologist to assist in the ethnographic work of this Survey. He had previously been engaged in the study of the languages of various North American tribes. In June last at the request of this office he was employed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to collect certain statistics relating to the Indians of Oregon and Washington Territory, and is now in the field. His scientific reports have since that time been forwarded through the honorable Commissioner of Indian Affairs to this office. His work will be included in a volume now in course of preparation.

Dr. H. C. Yarrow, U. S. A., now on duty at the Army Medical Museum, in Washington, has been engaged during the past year in the collection of material for a monograph on the customs and rites of sepulture. To aid him in this work circulars of inquiry have been widely circulated among ethnologists and other scholars throughout North America, and much material has been obtained which will greatly supplement his own extended observations and researches.

Many other gentlemen throughout the United States have rendered me valuable assistance in this department of investigation. Their labors will receive due acknowledgment at the proper time, but I must not fail to render my sincere thanks to these gentlemen, who have so cordially and efficiently co-operated with me in this work.

A small volume, entitled "Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages," has been prepared and published. This book is intended for distribution among collectors. In its preparation I have been greatly assisted by Prof. W. D. Whitney, the distinguished philologist of Yale College. To him I am indebted for that part relating to the representation of the sounds of Indian languages; a work which could not be properly performed by any other than a profound scholar in this branch. I complete the statement of the office work of the past season by mentioning that a tentative classification of the linguistic families of the Indians of the United States has been prepared. This has been a work of great labor, to which I have directed much of my own time, and in which I have received the assistance of several of the gentlemen above mentioned.

In pursuing these ethnographic investigations it has been the endeavor as far as possible to produce results that would be of practical value in the administration of Indian affairs, aud for this purpose especial attention has been paid to vital statistics, to the discovery of linguistic affinities, the progress made by the Indians toward civilization,

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