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American Bee Journal



First insertion, per line,.

Each subsequent insertion, per line,.

One square. 10 lines or less, first insertion,..
Editorial Notices, solid Nonpareil, per line,.

$0.20 .15



Second and fourth page of covers double rates. Twelve lines of solid Nonpareil occupy one inch. One column contains 96 lines solid Nonpareil.

A deduction of 20 per cent, made on advertisements inserted three months, 30 per cent. for 6 months, and 50 per cent. for one year.

Bills of regular Advertisers payable quarterly, if inserted three months or more. If inserted for less than three months, payable monthly. Transient advertisements, cash in advance. We adhere strictly to our printed rates. Address all communications and remittances to the Manager.

Single Copies of THE BEE JOURNAL are worth 20 cents each.

Not one letter in ten thousand is lost by mail if rightly directed.

C. E. Muth's Honey Jars have been again reduced in price. See advertisement.

Additional names to a club already formed may be sent at any time, at the same club rate.

Upon each JOURNAL, or upon the wrapper will be found the date at which subscriptions expire.

All Agricultural and Bee papers are requested to notice the change in THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL.

Subscribers wishing to change their Post-office address, should mention their OLD address, as well as the one to which they wish it changed.

The date with each subscriber's name will show the time to which the subscription has been paid, and will constitute a receipt for moneys remitted.

Those who are owing for advertisements for the past year are requested to send the amount to this office without delay, as we are closing up the old Books.

No more Wet Carpets!

When a subscriber sends money in payment for THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL, he should state to what time he thinks it pays, so that we can compare it with our Books, and thus prevent mistakes.

We would call attention to the new advertisement of the CHICAGO HONEY HOUSE appearing in this issue. Parties having honey to sell, will do well to correspond with the above House, now located at 360 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.

The article on "Bee Pasturage," in the December Number was written by Dr. J. P. H. Brown, of Augusta, Ga., for The Southern Cultivator," and would have been credited to that sheet, had the printers not omitted it, by an oversight.

Every subscriber is requested to look at the date after his name on the wrapper label of this Number of the AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL, and if it is not corect send a Postal Card to this office, and tell us and we will make it right AT ONCE.

Baldwin Bros.. Who are scientific and practical beekeepers from Cattaraugus Co., New York, have taken several colonies of pure Italian bees to Missouri, with a view of thoroughly testing the honey producing capacity of that state.

D. P. Lane of Koshkonong, Wis. some time since sent to this office a specimen of a new Honey Plant abounding io his section, and asks the name of it. It is a pretty, aromatic plant, with clusters of white flowers, nicely pressed, and seems to be a species of wild Hyssop.

We would call particular attention to an advertisement in this Number, of N. Nevin's Straw Mats. We have a sample Mat in this office, which was made by Charles F. Muth, 976 Central Avenue, Cincinnati, and is identical with those made by Mr. Nevin. It is a good thing.

From Vetch Seed grows the Honey Plant in Germany. It is sown broadcast, like Rape Seed, and at the same time. It grows like Peas and has flowers of all colors. Vetch (Wicken) is used principally as chop feed for horses and cattle. It takes 75 lbs. to the acre, with about 4 lbs. of rape seed. See advertisement of "Honey Plant."

To-day THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL comes to its readers in a bright new dress, printed on fine tinted paper,and makes a very handsome appearance. As two numbers of Vol. 9 are now already out of print, and we cannot supply any more complete Vols., we commence Vol. 10 with this number. Hereafter the volumes will run even with the year, making it much better for binding and preservation. Of course this will not affect those who have paid for Vol. 9 as they have credit to next June, inclusive of that number.

No more Cold Feet!



DESCRIPTION.-The above engraving represents our Adjustable Threshold (broken at one end), which is acknowledged by all to be the only invention yet produced that will positively exclude rain, cold, dust, snow, &c., from coming under the door. The parts marked A are made of hard wood, and are united by a strip of heavy pure rubber, marked B in the engraving. The rubber is let into the wood pieces, as will be observed in the sectional view above, and is securely fastened there, thus forming a rubber arch in the center. When the threshold is in its place, the rubber arch presses gently on the bottom of the door when closed, across its entire width, completely excluding rain, cold, dust, &c. Its durability has been tested for years, and we guarantee it to outwear any ordinary wooden threshold. It is impossible for it to get out of order, is easily swept over, and is, in short, the most durable, simple and effectual weather protector that has yet been invented. Not only so, but it is the only PATENT ADJUSTABLE THRESHOLD ever invented, and has no competitor in the known world.


For Single Door, (width two feet six inches to three feet), $1.50 each. For Double Doors, (width four feet six inches to five feet), $2.50 each.

They will save their cost in one season, in the consumption of fuel.

Ask for them at the Hardware Stores; or we will send free of expense, anywhere, on receipt of the price.

WILSON, PEIRCE & CO., Sole Manufacturers, 182 Clark Street, Chicago.

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The two UTAH DWARF HYBRIDS, (Red and Black) said to be a cross between the Plum and Cherry, which form small trees 6 or 8 feet high, and produce an abundance of fine fruit, 75 cents each.

Six and upwards, each





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Scions for grafting of 12 improved native varieties GLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE, Monthly, 75

can be furnished. Address for circular and price list. D. L. ADAIR,

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cents per year. Sample Copy Free. Address, A. I. ROOT & CO..

Medina, Ohio.

A monthly periodical, unsur

ILLUSTRATED passed for artistic beauty. 50 full


page engravings during the year, besides an abundance of literary matter, making a volume of permanent interest. Canvassers wanted everywhere. POST MASTERS especially desired as agents. Terms $2.50 per year. Send 25 cents for a sample copy and Circular to agents. THOMAS G. NEWMAN, Room 27, Tribune Building, Chicago.

ITALIAN QUEEN BEES FOR SALE AT Luino sul Lago Maggiore (Italy), by Dr. Blumhof.

For one queen in May, 15 francs; in June, 14 francs; in July, 13 francs; in August, 12 francs; in September, 11 francs, and in October 10 francs, to America.

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a large Eight-page, Forty-Eight Column Literary Weekly-Printed on beautiful white paper-A model of Typographical neatness. Each number is complete. In its columns will be found a choice variety of Gems in every department of Literature, of interest to the general reader. Its contents embrace the best Stories, Tales of Adventure, Thrilling Deeds, Startling Episodes, Sketches of Home, and Social Life-Sketches of Travel, Instructive Papers on Science and Art, Interesting Articles on Agriculture, Horticulture, Gardening and Housekeeping, Choice Poetry, Essays, Correspondence, Anecdotes, Wit and Humor, Valuable Recipes, Market Reviews, Items of Interesting and Condensed Miscellany. Free from Sectarianism, there is always something to please all classes of readers, both grave and gay.

As a Family Paper, it has merits that no similar publication possesses. The large amount and great variety of popular and valuable reading matter in each number, is not equalled by any other paper.

TERMS: $2 per annum; $1 for six months; 50 cents for three months; 6 cents for single numbers.

For 25 cents we will send a Specimen copy, and pair of beautiful Chromos.




Cheshire, Ohio.


SUMMER Rape Seed, Imported from Germany, at 85 cents per pound. Vetch Seed, Wicken, Imported from Germany, at 20 cents per pound. If sent by mail, 8 cents will be added to the above prices for each pound. For sale by

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CHAS. F. MUTH, Cincinnati, O.

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A Gem worth Reading!--A Diamond worth Seeing! SAVE YOUR EYES, RESTORE your SIGHT, THROW AWAY YOUR SPECTACLES, By reading our Illustrated PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY of the EYESIGHT. Tells how to Restore Impaired Vision and Overworked Eyes; how to cure Weak, Watery, Inflained, and Near-Sighted Eyes, and all other Diseases of the Eyes.

WASTE NO MORE MONEY BY ADJUSTING HUGE GLASSES ON YOUR NOSE AND DISFIGURING YOUR FACE. Pamphlet of 100 pages Mailed Free. Send your address to us also.

Agents Wanted

Gentlemen or Ladies. $5 to $10 a day guaranteed. Full particulars sent free. Write immediately, to

DR. J. BALL & CO., (P. O. Box 957 No. 91 Liberty Street, New York City, N. Y. dec78y



Annals of Bee Culture,

will be issued


Each the size of former volumes.

At 50 cents each. $2 per Volume.

The first was issued December 1st. 1878.

PROSPECTUS AND CLUB TERMS sent on application.

Back Volumes, except the first, can

STRAW MATS be still furnished at Fifty cents each, in

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paper, or the full set with Progressive Bee Culture, bound in one elegant volume, for $1.75.

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COMBINATION of the most valuable features of several patents and inventions, so as to render them the most valuable hive in the market, arranged to hold from one to eighteen frames, rendering it a complete queen-breeding hive, also the best for increasing bees and extracting honey (if extracted honey is desired), or twelve glass sides, or sectional boxes may be used at the end of The frame, arranged to double the yield of box honey. Contains the best arrangement for wintering.


The cheapest and most perfect acting feeder for feeding water, syrup, honey, or meal in the hive from the outside: ventilates the hive at pleasure, from the center.


Admits a view of both sides of every comb, renders box-honey more convenient and valuable.

THE AMERICAN BEE-KEEPERS' GUIDE. The latest standard work on Bees, just issued, 350 pages, illustrated, price 50 cents, paper cover; muslin, $1,00

Champion Bee-Hives.

Are the old, standard, movable-comb hives, that have given general satisfaction to the general Bee-Keeper: over 50,000 in use.

For Illustrated Pamphlets and Price List of the above, and every kind of Bee-Keepers' Supplies, Address, H. M. CÂMERON,

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American Turfman.

1st. Because it gives a correct and revised report of every race in America,

2d. Because it is the only paper in America devoted exclusively to the Turf.

3d. Because every subscriber can keep thoroughly posted on all matters of the Turf by referring to the AMERICAN TURFMAN.

4th. Because it contains a list of all persons and horses who are expelled or suspended by the National Association.

5th. Because the AMERICAN TURFMAN exposes all frauds practiced on the Turf.

6th. Because the AMERICAN TURFMAN is only $2.00 per year, and so small an amount is not missed by members of the Turf.

7th. Because the AMERICAN TURFMAN speaks out boldly and fearlessly praising the good,condemning the bad. 8th. Because no association or turfman can afford to be without it, if they desire all information.

9th. Because it contains all the official reports of the National Association.

10th. Because it is perfectly independent, and devotes its columns to the welfare and promotion of the Turf.

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For binding Magazines and Papers,

́s in appearance, precisely like the cover of a regular bound book, and the only FILE that binds periodicals as received, and holds them in a perfect vise, and when full, serves as a complete binder, as firm and durable as a regularly bound book.

We are prepared to furnish them for

BINDING THE BEE JOURNAL, Lettered on the back with title in gold, sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. Size of Binder for the Bee Journal, 61⁄2x10.

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Room 27, Tribune Building, Chicago.

TRY IT. 3 Months for 10 Cents: or with $3 Chromo, for 50 cents: or 6 Months with Flowers of Paradise," a first class $6. Chromo. 15x21 inches, in eighteen colors, for $1,00. THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURIST is a sixteen page paper of 64 columns, handsomely illustrated in all its departments. One of the best AGRICULTURAL and FAMILY papers published. Only $1.00 per year, or $1.28 with best Bee-Book, or $1.50 with beautiful CHROMO. THE BEE-KEEPERS' MAGAZINE, a 32 page monthly, same terms, or both for $1,75. Send for Sample Copies, and LIBERAL TERMS TO AGENTS, FREE. Write now to, H. A. KING & CO., 14 Murray St., New York.

ITALIAN BEES AND QUEENS. AM prepared to fill a limited number of orders for pure tested queens and full colonies, at reasonable prices. Also pure Berkshire Pigs for sale, bred from imported stock. Address,



Manchester, St. Louis Co., Mo.

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