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The title of our work is "The Revised Statutes of California, in four Codes" (naming them). As the work is divided into volumes, it was necessary to give to each a name. We might have called them "The Revised Statutes of California, Vols. I, II, III, and IV," but this title would not at first call the attention to the particular volume to which one desired to refer; besides, if amended or cited, the title was not concise enough. For these, among other reasons, we called them respectively Political, Penal, Civil Code, and Code of Civil Procedure-names pointing at once to the contents of each volume, and only rendering a short reference necessary either for the purpose of citation or amendment. It is really not a matter of much moment. Nearly all the States have works similar in character. In some the word "Code" is used; in others "Revised Statutes." It is more a matter of taste or of convenience than a question of serious importance.

It may not in this connection be out of place to say that great injustice has been done the Commission which preceded this. That Commission cheerfully turned over to us the result of its labors. The plan adopted by us precluded the use of much of its work in the precise form in which it was presented, but we have availed ourselves of it in very many respects, to the material advantage and advancement of our work. It is but simple justice to the members of that Commission to make this statement and acknowledgment.

We have given to the duties of the Commission our best efforts. The work has been done as well as we could do it, and must speak for itself. We believe that if adopted it will prove of great benefit to the people, and save to them many times its cost every year. With its completion our duties and responsibilities cease, and those of the law making power begin.

We are soon to sever our official connection with the people of this State, and take this occasion to return our acknowledgments for aid extended to us by the public officers, press, profession, and citizens generally.

January, 1872.







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