Tim. You witch me in it; Who, like a boar too savage, doth root up 2 Sen. And shakes his threat'ning sword Against the walls of Athens. 1 Sen. Therefore, Timon,— Tim. Well, sir, I will; therefore, I will, sir; thus,—— If Alcibiades kill my countrymen, Let Alcibiades know this of Timon, That Timon cares not. But if he sack fair Athens, Of contumelious, beastly, mad-brain'd war; Then let him know,--and tell him Timon speaks it, I cannot choose but tell him that I care not, And let him tak't at worst; for their knives care not, But I do prize it at my love, before The reverend'st throat in Athens. So I leave you As thieves to keepers. Flav. Stay not, all's in vain. And nothing brings me all things. Go, live still; And last so long enough! 1 Sen. We speak in vain. Tim. But yet I love my country; and am not One that rejoices in the common wreck, As common bruit doth put it. 1 Sen. That's well spoke. Tim. Commend me to my loving countrymen,- [them. 1 Sen. These words become your lips as they pass thorough 2 Sen. And enter in our ears like great triumphers In their applauding gates. Tim. In life's uncertain voyage, I will some kindness do them,- 1 Sen. I like this well; he will return again. From high to low throughout, that whoso please And hang himself.-I pray you, do my greeting. [him. Flav. Trouble him no further; thus you still shall find Timon hath made his everlasting mansion [Retires to his cave. 1 Sen. His discontents are unremovably Coupled to nature. 2 Sen. Our hope in him is dead: let us return, And strain what other means is left unto us In our dear peril. 1 Sen. It requires swift foot. [Exeunt. SCENE II.-The Walls of Athens. Enter two Senators and a Messenger. 1 Sen. Thou hast painfully discover'd: are his files As full as thy report? Mess. 2 Sen. We stand much hazard if they bring not Timon. And made us speak like friends:-this man was riding With letters of entreaty, which imported His fellowship i' the cause against your city, 1 Sen. Here come our brothers. Enter Senators from TIMON. 3 Sen. No talk of Timon, nothing of him expect. The enemies' drum is heard, and fearful scouring Doth choke the air with dust: in, and prepare: Ours is the fall, I fear; our foes the snare. [Exeunt. SCENE III.-THE WOODS. TIMON'S Cave, and a Enter a Soldier seeking TIMON. Sold. By all description this should be the place. An ag'd interpreter, though young in days: [Exit. SCENE IV.-Before the Walls of Athens. Trumpets sound. Enter ALCIBIADES and Forces. Alcib. Sound to this coward and lascivious town Our terrible approach. [A parley sounded. Enter Senators on the Walls. Till now you have gone on, and fill'd the time With all licentious measure, making your wills The scope of justice; till now, myself, and such As slept within the shadow of your power, Have wander'd with our travers'd arms, and breath'd Our sufferance vainly. Now the time is flush, Noble and young, 1 Sen. 2 Sen. So did we woo Transformed Timon to our city's love, By humble message and by promis'd means; The common stroke of war. 1 Sen. These walls of ours Were not erected by their hands from whom You have receiv'd your griefs: nor are they such That these great towers, trophies, and schools should fall For private faults in them. 2 Sen. Nor are they living Who were the motives that you first went out; Shame, that they wanted cunning, in excess, Hath broke their hearts. March, noble lord, If thy revenges hunger for that food Which nature loathes,-take thou the destin'd tenth; Let die the spotted. 1 Sen. All have not offended; For those that were, it is not square to take, On those that are, revenges: crimes, like lands, 2 Sen. What thou wilt, Thou rather shalt enforce it with thy smile Than hew to't with thy sword. 1 Sen. Set but thy foot Against our rampir'd gates and they shall ope; To say thou'lt enter friendly. 2 Sen. Throw thy glove, That thou wilt use the wars as thy redress, Alcib. Both. 'Tis most nobly spoken. Alcib. Descend, and keep your words. [The Senators descend and open the gates. Enter a Soldier. Sol. My noble general, Timon is dead; Entomb'd upon the very hem o' the sea; And on his grave-stone this insculpture, which Interprets for my poor ignorance. Alcib. [reads.] Here lies a wretched corse, of wretched soul bereft: Seek not my name: a plague consume you wicked caitiffs left! Here lie I, Timon; who, alive, all living men did hate: Pass by, and curse thy fill; but pass, and stay not here thy These well express in thee thy latter spirits: [gait. Though thou abhorr'dst in us our human griefs, Scorn'dst our brain's flow, and those our droplets which From niggard nature fall, yet rich conceit Taught thee to make vast Neptune weep for aye Is noble Timon: of whose memory Dead Hereafter more. -Bring me into your city, And I will use the olive with my sword: Make war breed peace; make peace stint war; make each [Exeunt. |