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LABRAS, (Span.) lips.

LACED MUTTON, a courtezan.
LAMPASS, Swelling of the roof of the mouth.
LAND DAMN, correcting to purpose.
LAND-RAKER, a foot-pad.

LAPWING, bird that cries the most where its

nest is not.

LASHED WITH WOE, united as with a thong. LATCH, to catch.

LATTEN BILBO, long and thin blades.

LAUND, lawn.

LAVOLTA, an old dance.

LAW OF WRIT, rules of composition.

LAY HER A-HOLD A-HOLD, to lie as near the

wind as possible.


sharp answers.

LEAVEND, not hasty.

LEETS, a court; a law-suit.

LEGERITY, lightness, nimbleness.

LEMAN, lover.

LIBBARD, leopard.

LIEGE, Sovereign.

LIFTER, a thief.


suming the shape of hedgehogs, elfs.

LIMBECK, worm of a still.
LINSTOCK, a match-holder.

LITHER, flexible, pliant.

LITTLE EYASES, nestlings.
LOACH, a small prolific fish.

LOCKRAM, cheap linen.
LOFFE, (Obs.) laugh.

LOUTS, an awkward fellow.
LOWTED, baffled and insulted.

LOZEL, (Ang. Nor.) worthless fellow.

LUCE, a full grown pike.

LUNATIC BANS, lunatic curses.

LUNE, a fit of madness.

LUSH, juicy, succulent.

LUSTIQUE, cheerful, pleasant.

MACULATE, impure.

MALT-HORSE, a slow, heavy horse.

MAMMERING, to hesitate.
MAMMOCK, a large round hill.
MANDRAGORA, a genus of plants.
MANKIN, mop made of clouts.
MARCHPANE, a delicious confection.
MEAZEL, Scurvy low fellow.
MESH'D, mashed or mingled.

METE-YARD, measuring yard. MICHER, a truant.

MICKLE, much.

MIDDLE-EARTH, the world.

MILK-SOP, bread sopped in milk.
MILL-SIXPENCE, the first milled money.
MINCE, trip away.

MINOTAUR, a fabled monster.

MISANTHROPOs, a hater of mankind.

MIŞCONSTER'D, misconstrued.

MISPRISED, mistaken.

MODERN, slight, trivial.

MODULE, model.

MOCKWATER, water drained from dung hills. MOME, fool.

MONTH'S MIND, strong inclination.

MOONCALF, imperfectly developed fœtus.

MORRIS-PIKE, a Moorish pike.

MORSEL, a small person.

MORT, dead.


trary questions.

MOTION, puppet show.

MOULD-WARP, the mole.

MOUNTEBANK, a quack.

MOUSED, mangled by the mouth.

MOUSE-HUNT, a weasel.

Mor, a piece of money.

MULLECHO, a skulker.

MUMBUDGET, a cant term for silence.

MURE, to inclose in walls.

MUSCLE-SHELL, a simpleton standing with

his mouth open.

MY DAM'S GOD, SETEBOS, the supreme god

of the Patagonians.

NAY-WORD, a watchword. NEB, the bill of a bird. NEELD, same as needle. NEEZE, (Obs.) to sneeze. NEIF, the hand or fist. NEINY, people.


NINE MEN'S MORRIS, a game of nine pieces. NOOK-SHOTTEN, irregular coast line.

NOTT-PATED, hair cut short and round.

NOURISH, to support.

NOWL, head.

OBSEQUIOUS, careful of funeral rites.

OCCURRENTS, incidents.

OLD-FACED ANCIENT, patched flag or stand


ONEYERS, accountants of the exchequer. OPPUGNANCY, opposition.

ORGULOUS, proud, disdainful.

ORIENT, bright or sparkling.

ORISONS, prayers.

OSTENT, show, appearance.
OUPHE, a fairy, a goblin.

OUT OF ALL NICK, out of all reckoning.
OUT THREE YEARS, quite three years.
OVER-SCUTCHED, dirty or grimed.
PALING, a fence.

PALLIAMENT, a white robe of lambskins.
PANTLER, officer in charge of the pantry.
PARCEL BAWD, partly a bawd.

PARD, a leopard; any spotted beast.
PARLE, speech.

PARLOUS, perilous.

PARMACITI, spermaceti.

PASH, rough pressure.

PASSY PAVIN, an old dance.

PATCHES, fools, clowns.

PATEN, small plate used at the altar.

PAUCAS PALLABRIS, (Span.) few words.

PEACH, to turn informer.

PEIZE, to weigh.

PELTING, paltry.

PERDU, on the watch.
Perdurably, everlastingly.
PERDY, corruption of par dieu.
PEREGRINATE, having traveled.
PERGGING, cheating, thieving.
PERIAPTS, amulets or charms.
PERPEND, consider attentively.
PHEER, mate or companion.
PHEESE, beat, chastise.
PHILL-HORSE, shaft horse.

PICKT-HATCH, rendezvous for bad charac


PIEL'D, peeled, the crown shaven. PILCHARD, a fish.

PILCHER, Scabbard.

PLACKETS, pockets in a petticoat.

PLAMER, one who cheats at dice.
PLANTAGE, (Obs.) vegetation, plants.
PLEACHED ARMS, folded arms.
POINT DEVICE, precise.

POINT-DE-VICE, (Fr.) in the extreme fash


POISON'D VOICE, probably, poisoned. POKE, sack.

POLACK, Polander.

POMEWATER, sweet juicy apple.

their senses.

PORPENTINE, porcupine.
PORT-SHOW, appearance.

POSSET, milk curdled.

PоTCH, to push.

POULTER, a poulterer.

POUNCET-BOX, a small perfumed box.
PRECISIAN, one who restrains.

PREGNANT, ready, well informed.

PRIAPUS, god of licentiousness.

PRIMERO, the oldest known game of cards. PROBAL, probable.

PROAMBULET, having precedence.

PRONE, quick, ready.

PUISNE, Small and feeble.

PUISSANCE, strength, potency.

PUKE-STOCKINGS, of a russet black.

PURSUIVANT, state messenger.

PUTTOCK, worthless hawk.

PYGMALEON'S IMAGES, his image was a vir


QUAIL, slacken, relax. QUAINT, brisk, dexterous. QUEASINESS, nausea.

QUEASY, squeamish, nice.

QUELL, to take the life.

QUERN, a hand-mill.

QUILLET, nicety.

QUINTAIN, a spindle on the top of a post.

QUIPS, taunts, scoffs.

QUIRED, put in the choir.

QUITTANCE, return.

QUOIF, a cap or hood.

QUOTED, regarded.

RABATO, a plaited ruff.

RABBIT-SUCKER, a weasel.

RACK THE VALUE, place the utmost on it.

RAUGHT, reached.

RAVEN, to eat with voracity.

RAVIN DOWN, devour.

RAW, ignorant.

RAYED, made dirty.

RAZURE, act of effacing.

REAR-MICE, bats.

RECHEAT, horn blast recalling dogs.
RECK, to make account of.

RECORDER, a flageolet.

RED LATTICE, the sign of an ale-house. RED-LATTICE-PHRASES, ale-house phrases. REECHY, discolored by smoke or sweat. REEK, vapor.

POOR INFORMAL WOMEN, Women out of REEKY, smoky, foul.

RENAGES, cast off.

RENEGE, to deny.

RESOLVE YOU, convince you.
RESPECTIVE, regardful.

REVERB, to reverberate.

RHEUM, Overaction of any organ.

RIM, the midriff, or diaphragm.
RIVAGE, bank or shore.
RIVALITY, (Obs.) emulation.

Rivo, to be merry.

ROASTED CRABS, roasted crab apples.

ROMAGE, tumult, hurry.

ROINISH, mangy.

ROPERY, roguery.

ROUNDEL, a roundelay.

ROUNDURE, (Fr.) circle.

Row, successively.

RUDESBY, a rude rough fellow.

RUFFLE, noisy, turbulent.
RUMP-FED, fed on offal.

SACHERSON, a famous bear.

SACK, white Spanish wine.

SAGITTARY, a fictitious animal, man and


SALLET, helmet.

SALVAGES, savages.

SCALL, a term of reproach.

SCAMELS, limpets.

SCARFED, decorated with flags.

SCATHFUL, destructive.

SCONCE, helmet, old term for head.

SCROYLE, a man of scrofulous habit, a leper.

SCRUBBED, stunted.

SCUT, a tail.

SEA MONSTER, hippopotamus.

SEAR UP, probably, soldering.

SELD-SHOWN, seldom.

SERPIGO, a disease of the skin.

SHAFT, a thick short arrow.

SHARDBORNE, with wings like shards. SHARDS, broken pots.

SHENT, ruined.

SHIP-TIRE, ribands floating like streamers. SHIVE, slice.

SHOG OFF, (Vul.) will you go?

SHOTTEN, one that has spawned.

SHOUGHS, cross between dogs and wolves. SIMULAR, a pretender.

SITH, since.

SITHENCE, (Ang. Sax.) since.

SKAINS-MATES, cut-throat companions. SKIN, to cover superficially.

SLOPS, large loose trousers.

SMOCK, a long coarse garment.
SMUG, affected neatness.

SNEAK, a street musician.

SNEAK-CUP, one who evades drinking. SNEAP, a reprimand.

SNEAPING, nipping.

SNICK UP, (Vul.) go hang.
SO-HOUGH! an old hunting cry.
SOLIDARES, small pieces of money.

SOUSE, to plunge into water.
SOWTER, a cobbler.
SPILTH, any thing spilt.
SPITAL-HOUSE, a hospital.
SPOTTED, stained, guilty.
SPRIGHTED, haunted.

SPRINGE, a noose to catch a bird.
SPRING-HALT, probably, string-halt.

SQUASH, an unripe peascod.

STALE, laughing stock; a trap or decoy.
STALKING HORSE, a pretense.
STANIEL, a base kind of hawk.
STARKLY, stiffly.

STATIST, a statesman.

ST. COLM'S INCH, a small island.
STIGMATIC, a criminal branded.

STITHED, Stith, strong, rigid, an anvil.

STOCCADO, a thrust with a rapier.

STOMACH, (Obs.) appetite.

STRAPPADO, a military punishment.

STRICTURE, strictness.

STUFFED, furnished.

SUQURE OF SENSE, full compass of sense.

SURCEASE, to stop.

SWART, to make tawny.

SWASHER, one who boasts of valor.

SWASHING, noisy blustering.


SWOUND, to Swoon.

TAFFETY, very thin silk.

TALLOWKEECH, fat of an ox rolled up.

TARRE, to stimulate or set on.


TAXATION, censure, satire.
TEEN, sorrow, trouble, grief.
TEMPORARY MEDDLER, time-serving.
TESTERNED ME, given me a sixpence.
THE EATING CANKER, caterpillar.
THE MOATED GRANGE, a large farm house.
THE NUTHOOK HUMOR, calling a man thief.
THE SWEAT, the plague.

THE TRIUMVERY, three cornered gallows.

THICK-PLEACHED, thickly interwoven.
THIRDBOROUGH, an under constable.
THRASONICAL, bragging, boasting.
THREE-PIL'D, the finest kind.

THREE VENIES, touches, or hits.
THROSTLE, machines for spinning.

THY VILD RACE, natural, inherited disposi


TIGHTLY, quickly.

TIKE, a clown.

TIRE-VALIANT, resisting fatigue.

TIRING-HOUSE, the dressing room of thea


"T IS IN HIS BUTTONS, he is the man for it. To AFFY, to betroth.

TO BIDE, to abide, endure.

TO BOTTOM, to wind as on a spool.

TO CART, to draw through the town on a cart.

To CLIP, to embrace, to strike.

TO DANCE BAREFOOT, to be an old maid.
To GIRD, to taunt, or sneer at.
TO GLEEK, to mock, scoff.

TO GLUT HIM, to swallow him.

TOIL, enclosure.

TO POINT, perfection.

To ROOK, to squat down.

TO SLUBBER, neglect.

To SPERRE, to defend by bars.

TO TAKE THE HATCH, to leap a hedge in

[blocks in formation]

UNANEL'D, without extreme unction. UNCAPE, digging out the fox.

UNEATH, not easily.

UNHAIRED, beardless.

UNHOUSED, free from domestic care.

UNHOUSEL'D, without the sacrament. UNION, a precious pearl.

UNSHAK'D, unmoved by solicitation.

URCHINS, hedgehogs.
USANCE, interest on money.
UTIs, a merry festival.
VAILING, bending, bowing.
VANT-BRACE, armor for the arm.
VELURE, shaggy hair.
VIED, hazarded.

VILLAIN, slave.

VINEW DEST, (Obs.) mouldy, musty.
VIZAMENTS, deliberations.
WALL-EY'D, large, white, distorted.
WAPPENED, debilitated by disease.
WARDER, truncheon.

WASSAILS, (Ang. Sax.) merry-meetings.
WATER-RATS, pirates.

WEALS-MEN, statesmen, politicians.

WEB AND PIN, diseases of the eye.
WELKIN, the vault of heaven.
WEZAND, windpipe.

WHELK'D, varied with protuberance.

WHERE HE MEAL'D, sprinkled, defiled.

WHITING-TIME, bleaching time.

WHITSTERS, bleachers of linen.

WILD MORISco, morris-dancer.

WILTOL CUCKOLD, one who consents to his wife's infidelity.

WOODCOCK, a foolish fellow.

WOOLWARD, the wool next the skin.

WOOSEL-COCK, a blackbird.

YARE, quick.

Y-CLEPED, called.

YOU FIRY OES, anything round.


YOUNKER, a young fellow.

ZANIES, a fool's baubles.




Aaron. A Moor beloved by Tamora.

Tit. And.
A black skin gloried in, 49. A perfect woman, 611.
Fatal gossip, 251. Final impenitence, 300. Hor-
rible ransoin, 456, Oath, 412. Sorrow perpetu-
ated, 515. Stormy rage, 456. Stratagem inexpli-
cable, 525. Three, one too many, 551. Training
for a warrior, 557. Treachery, 561. Vengeance,
578. Vice superlative, 585. Villainous counsel,
106. Villainy gloried in, 583.
Achilles. A Grecian Commander.
Longing for rare sights, 344. Power of the eye, 200.
Reputation endangered, 468. Speculation, 517.
Triumph, 565. Undeserved neglect, 404. Vulner-
ability, 591. Wounded pride, 444.

T. C.

Agamemnon.- The Grecian Commander.

T. C.

A loud summons invoked, 534. A winnowing dis.
crimination, 167. Action respected, 8.
Foe nobly
treated, 224. Fortune's frown a test, 232. Hope
defeated, 282. Love captures soldiers, 357. Pride,
443. Private audience not for public matters, 35.
Rebuking arrogance, 31. The signs of constancy,



Angelo. The Deputy (in the Duke's ab-
M. M.
Compelled sin, 497. Cunning of the tempter, 548.
Pity shown in justice, 430. Prayer distracted, 440.
Pretended justice, 329, 337. Rebellion against re-
straint, 470. Self-confessed guilt, 265. Self-tempt-
ed, 548. Sin counted charity, 74. Sin punished,
496. Tediousness, 547. Temptation, 548. Test of
character, 549. Unblushing hypocrisy, 293. Weari-
some goodness, 251.

Anne Bullen. · Maid of honor, afterwards
Abhorrence bitterly expressed, 1. Bitterness of
reaped curses, 126. Contentment better than gold-
en sorrow, 103. Death desired, 136. Sleep de
nied, 502. Tears powerless, 545. Thanks ten-
dered, 550. Vengeance, 577. Wounds of the mur
dered reveal, 397.

Antonio. Merchant of Venice. M. V.
Civic reputation precious, 80. Devil quotes script-
ure, 484. Friendship unlocks all resources, 239.
Hate repaying kindness, 270. Indefinable sadness,
481. Patience and fury, 422. Relentlessness root-
ed in hate, 461. Resigned to death, 468. The
world a stage, 523. Unyielding power of avarice,


[blocks in formation]

141. Cæsar's murderers upbraided, 466. Courage,
107. Crocodile, description of, 121. Desertion
nobly treated, 156. Effect of bad news on the
teller, 406. Fallen greatness, 256. Great events
forecast, 223. Greatness in ruins, 256. Great
perils, 426. Hope inspires comfort, 282. Imagina.
tion's pictures, 146. Inconstancy bemoaned, 303.
Indecision, 305. Ingratitude hated, 310. Loud prot
estation, 449. National ingratitude, 310. Patch-
ing a quarrel, 453. Populace, 433. Regret sours
pleasure, 461. Self-conquest, 92. Shame of flight,
491. Soliloquy over Cæsar's body, 507. Sorrow
contagious, 512. Speech on death of Cæsar, 517.
Suicide at our command, 531. Suicide intended,
530. Supremacy of affection, 536. The noblest
Roman, 479. Uncertainty, 569. Utter despair, 156.
Valor, 575. Vengeance on a betrayer, 47. Vice,
582 War, 597. Weak and foolish resentment,

[blocks in formation]


Banquo. A General in the service of the


Earth's bubbles, 64. New honors sit strangely, 281.
Short duration of gratified ambition, 20. Sleep
disturbed, 503. Suspicion questions, 538.

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