And to the Roman empire, promising Sooth. The fingers of the powers above do tune His favour with the radiant Cymbeline, Which shines here in the west. Cym. Laud we the gods; And let our crooked smokes climb to their nostrils To all our subjects. Set we forward: let A Roman and a British ensign wave Friendly together: so through Lud's town march: And in the temple of great Jupiter Our peace we'll ratify; seal it with feasts. Set on there! Never was a war did cease, Ere bloody hands were wash'd, with such a peace. [Exeunt. GLOSSARY J. Johnson. D. = Dyce. S. = Schmidt. H.E.D. = A new English Dictionary on Historical Principles (Murray, Bradley). BALDRICK, belt. "BALK LOGIC," chop logic; balked (?) heaped up (H.E.D.). BALLOW, cudgel. BAN-DOG, dog tied or chained up. BANQUET, dessert. BARBED, in horse armour. BASE, prisoner's base, a game. BASES, "a kind of embroidered mantle, which hung down from the middle, worn by knights on horseback." BASILISK, cocatrice, a creature fabled to kill by its look; piece of ordnance. BASTARD, a sweet wine. BATLET, small bat for beating clothes. BAVIN, faggot of brushwood. BEARING-CLOTH, mantle in which a child was carried to the font. BEAVER, movable vizor of helmet. BENT, "utmost degree of any passion or mental quality" (J.). BERGOMASK, a dance imitated from that of the peasants of Bergamasco. BESONIAN, needy, base fellow. BESORT, suite, escort. BETEEM, allow, suffer. BIAS, "swelled as the bowl on the biassed side" (J.). BIGGEN, cap, resembling that worn by the Beguines. BILBO, sword, from Bilboa, famous for its steel work. BILBOES, iron bar and fetters for confining refractory sailors. BILL, kind of pike, halbert. BIRD-BOLT, blunt-pointed arrow used for killing birds. BISSON, blind. BLACK MONDAY, a reference to the Monday after Easter-day 1360, when many men of King Edward III's host, then before Paris, died of cold as they sat on their horses. BLANK, white in centre of target. BLOOD, "in blood," in good condition. BODGE, "old form of botch" (H.E.D.). BOGGLE, swerve, shy. BOLINS, bowlines, ropes for governing the sails of a ship. BOLLEN, swollen. BOLTER, sieve. BOLTING-HATCH, receptacle into which meal is sifted. BOMBARD, large leather drinking vessel. BOMBAST, cotton, or other material, used for stuffing. BONA-ROBA, "good, wholesome, plumcheeked wench; " Courtesan. Boor, profit, something over and above; booty. Boors, "give the boots," allusion to an instrument of torture, or "make a laugh. ing-stock of." BORE, calibre of a gun, capacity of the barrel. Bosky, woody. BOTTLE, truss (of hay). Воттом, low-lying land. BRABBLE, quarrel. BRACE, (?) coat of armour (H.E.D.), state of defence. BRACH, scent-hound; bitch. BRAID, (?) deceitful (H.E.D.); v. upbraid. BRAKES ("brakes of vice"), thickets; "engines of torture" (D.). BRAVE, defy; adorn, make fine. BRAWL, lively dance. BRAWN, arm. BREAK UP, carve; used metaphorically for opening a letter. BREED-BATE, a hatcher of quarrels. BREESE, BRIZE, gadfly. BROCK, badger. BROGUES, shoes. BRUIT, report. Buck, lye in which linen is washed; linen so washed. BUCKLE, join in fight. BUCKLERS, "give the bucklers," yield the victory. BUG, bugbear. BULLY, term of familiar affection. panion" (H.E.D.). BUNG, sharper, cut-purse. BUTTERY, room where provisions are laid up. BUZZARD, hawk; various insects that fly by night; large moths, cockchafers (H.E.D.). BY AND BY, immediately. CADDIS, worsted tape, riband. CADE, barrel. CALIVER, light musket, harquebus. CANTLE, piece, portion. CAPTIOUS, "capable of receiving" (D.). CAREER, space within the lists; racecourse; "short turning of a nimble horse," frisk, gambol (H.E.D., "he passes some... careires"). CARKANET, necklace. CATAIAN, Chinese (Cataia, Cathay, old name for China). CATER-COUSIN, cousin of " quatre," fourth degree. CATES, table delicacies. CESS, measure, "out of all cess." CHAMBER, piece of ordnance; "Camera Regis," old name of London. CHAMBERLAIN, one in charge of chambers. CHANNEL, kennel. " CHAPE, metal mounting of scabbard, "par- CHECK, turn from pursuing one prey to follow another (falconry). CHERRY-PIT, game in which cherry-stones were thrown into a small hole. CHEVERIL, leather made of kid-skin. CHEWET, chough, jackdaw. CHILDING, fruitful. CHOPINE, a high clog worn by Venetian ladies, etc. CINQUE-PACE, a dance, the steps of which were regulated by the number five. CITTERN, musical instrument, similar to guitar. CLACK-DISH, or CLAP-DISH, carried about by beggars, who clacked the cover to attract attention. CLAW, flatter. CLEPE, call. CLIFF, clef, key in music. CLING, shrivel. CLINQUANT, glittering. CLIP, embrace. CLOUD IN 'S FACE, signifying that the horse has a dark-coloured spot between the eyes. CLOUT, "the mark shot at" (H.E.D.), nail or pin in centre of white of target (D.). CLOUTED, hobnailed "clouted brogues." CLOY, claw. COAST, approach; assail, accost. COASTING, "coasting welcome," an amorous approach (Nares); some eds., costing welcome." COBLOAF, small round-shaped loaf. COCKLED, within a shell. COCKREL, a young cock. "ac COFFIN, raised crust of a pie. COIL, turmoil, confusion. COLLOP, slice of meat, portion of flesh. COLOURS, false appearances; "fear no-" fear no enemy. COLT, fool. COMMODITY, advantage, profit. COMPARATIVE, "quick at comparisons" (S.); one ready to make comparisons; or, compeer, rival (H.E.D.). COMPASSED, bow (window). COMPROMISED, having mutually promised. COMPTIBLE, Sensitive. CONCEIT, conception, fancy; trifle. CONCENT, accord, harmony. CONEY-CATCH, swindle. CONFECT, a sweetmeat. CONTEMPTIBLE, contemptuous. CONTINENT, that which envelops, contains; the thing contained. CONTRIVE, spend, while away. CONVENT, cite; suit. CONVINCE, overpower. COPATAIN HAT, high-crowned hat. CORANTO, quick dance. CORINTHIAN, debauchee. CORKY, withered. COSTARD, head. COTE, overtake, pass by. COT-QUEAN, a meddler in women's affairs. COUNTER, debtor's prison. COURSER'S HAIR, old idea that a horse's hair came to life in water. COURT-CUPBOARD, a movable cupboard, sideboard. COYSTRIL, low fellow, knave. COZIER, cobbler. CRAB, wild apple. : CRACK, lively, forward boy. CRANTS, garland. CREDIT, accepted report. CRESCIVE, increasing, growing. CRESSET, a beacon light, suspended in an iron vessel or basket. CRISP, curled. CROSS, coin stamped with a cross. CROSS-ROW, alphabet. CROW-KEEPER, scarecrow. CRUSADO, Portuguese coin. CRY, pack. CUCKOO-BUD, buttercup, cowslip, marsh marigold; "orchis, or cuckoo-pint in bud" (H.E.D.). CUCKOO-FLOWER, name given to various CUISSES, armour for the thighs. CURTLE-AXE, cutlass. CUT, a docked horse; term of contempt. CUTTLE, knife. CYPRUS, CYPRESS, material similar to crape. DAFF, doff. DANSKERS, Danes. DARNEL, said to be injurious to the eyes if taken in food or drink. DARRAIGN, set in order of battle. DAY-WOMAN, dairy-woman. DEAR, loving; important; "heartfelt" (S.); used to express the extreme of any emotion, pleasurable or otherwise, aroused by the object to which it is applied. DEARTH, dearness, value. DEBATE, fighting. DEBITOR AND CREDITOR, an account book. DECEIVABLE, deceptive. DECK (of cards), pack. DEFEAT, DEFEATURE, disfigure; disfigure ment. DEFEND, forbid. DEFUSE, DEFUSED, confuse; disordered, DEFY, renounce, disdain. (S.). DENAY, denial; v. deny. DENIER, piece of money of lowest value. DEPRAVE, DEPRAVATION, detract; detrac tion. DEROGATE, disparage; a. debased, degen erate. DESCANT, variations. DESIGN, designate. DESPERATE, hopeless; reckless (S.) DESPITE, hatred, malice. DETERMINATE, bring to an end; a. fixed, final. DICH, corruption of "do it." DISABLE, disparage. DISAPPOINTED, not properly equipped, unprepared. DISASTER, "obnoxious planet." DISCLOSE, hatch. DISCOURSE, reasoning power. DISEDGE, blunt the edge of appetite. DISLIMN, obliterate. DISME, tenth. DISNATURED, unnatural. agination. FARCE, stuff. FARDEL, burden. FAR-FET, far-fetched. FASHIONS, disease of horses. FAVOUR, countenance, appearance. FAVOURS, features. FAY, faith, FEAR, frighten. FEAT, trim, neat, elegant, dexterous.. FEDARY (fedarary), confederate. FEE-FARM, grant of lands for all time. FELL, skin, hide; a. savage. FELLOWLY, sympathetic. FERE, companion, mate. FERN-SEED, thought to have power of zem dering persons invisible. FESTINATE, speedy. FETCH trick, artifice. FETTLE, make ready. FIGHTS, cloths put up to screen men in action during a sea-fight. FILE, list; v. defile. FILL-HORSE, shaft horse. FINELESS, endless. FIRE-DRAKE, fiery dragon, meteor, fire. work (D.). FIRK, thrash. FIT, division in a song. FIVES, disease in horses. FLAP-DRAGON, small combustible body floated alight in liquor; to be drunk. down, or caught up by the mouth and swallowed. |