And by and by my master drew on him; Prince. This letter doth make good the friar's words, Cap. O brother Montague, give me thy hand: Can I demand. Mon. But I can give thee more: For I will raise her statue in pure gold; Prince. A glooming peace this morning with it brings; The sun for sorrow will not show his head: For never was a story of more woe [Exeunt. Cupid and Amazons in the mask. mistresses to Alcibiades. Other Lords, Senators, Officers, Banditti, and Attendants. ACT I-SCENE I Athens. A hall in Timon's house. Enter Poet, Painter, Jeweller, Merchant, and others, Poet. Good day, sir. Pain. at several doors. I am glad you 're well. Poet. I have not seen you long: how goes the world? Pain. It wears, sir, as it grows. Poet. Ay, that's well known: But what particular rarity? what strange, Pain. I know them both; th' other's a jeweller. Jew. Nay, that's most fix'd. Mer. A most incomparable man, breathed, as it were, To an untirable and continuate goodness: He passes. Jew. I have a jewel here- Mer. O, pray, let's see't: for the Lord Timon, sir? Poet. [Reciting to himself] 'When we for recompense have praised the vile, It stains the glory in that happy verse Which aptly sings the good.' Mer. [Looking on the jewel] 'Tis a good form. Jew. And rich: here is a water, look ye. Pain. You are rapt, sir, in some work, some dedication To the great lord. Poet. A thing slipp'd idly from me. Our poesy is as a gum, which oozes Let's see your piece. Pain. 'Tis a good piece. Poet. So 'tis: this comes off well and excellent. Poet. Admirable: how this grace Speaks his own standing! what a mental power One might interpret. Pain. It is a pretty mocking of the life. Here is a touch; is't good? Poet. I will say of it, It tutors nature: artificial strife Lives in these touches, livelier than life. Enter certain Senators, and pass over. Pain. How this lord is follow'd! Poet. The senators of Athens: happy man! Pain. Look, moe! Poet. You see this confluence, this great flood of visitors. Pain. How shall I understand you ? I will unbolt to you. You see how all conditions, how all minds, The knee before him, and returns in peace Pain. I saw them speak together. Pain. 'Tis conceived to scope. Poet. Nay, sir, but hear me on. All those which were his fellows but of late, Make sacred even his stirrup, and through him Pain. Ay, marry, what of these? Poet. When Fortune in her shift and change of mood Pain. 'Tis common : A thousand moral paintings I can show, That shall demonstrate these quick blows of Fortune's To show Lord Timon that mean eyes have seen The foot above the head. Trumpets sound. Enter Lord Timon, addressing himself courteously to every suitor; a Messenger from Ventidius talking with him; Lucilius and other servants following. Imprison'd is he, say you ? Tim. Mess. Ay, my good lord: five talents is his debt; To those have shut him up; which failing, Tim. Noble Ventidius! Well, I am not of that feather to shake off My friend when he must need me. I do know him A gentleman that well deserves a help : Which he shall have: I'll pay the debt and free him. Mess. Your lordship ever binds him. Tim. Commend me to him: I will send his ransom; "Tis not enough to help the feeble up, Mess. All happiness to your honour! Enter an old Athenian. Old Ath. Lord Timon, hear me speak. [Exit. Freely, good father. Old Ath. Thou hast a servant named Lucilius. Tim. I have so what of him? Old Ath. Most noble Timon, call the man before thee. Tim. Attends he here, or no? Lucilius! Luc. Here, at your lordship's service. Old Ath. This fellow here, Lord Timon, this thy creature, By night frequents my house. I am a man Than from my first have been inclined to thrift, Than one which holds a trencher. Tim. Well, what further ? Old Ath. One only daughter have I, no kin else, Myself have spoke in vain. Tim. The man is honest Old Ath. Therefore he will be, Timon: It must not bear my daughter. Old Ath. She is young and apt: Does she love him? Our own precedent passions do instruct us What levity 's in youth. Tim. [To Lucilius] Love you the maid? Luc. Ay, my good lord; and she accepts of it. |