LVII. The yeares of Nestor nothing were to his, sanda Amidst them all he in a chaire was sett, LIX. The knightes there entring did him reverence dew,!? And wondred at his endlesse exercised apni hra Then as they gan his library to vew,roosted hold77 And antique regesters for to avise, mert boilius oli There chaunced to the prince's hand torized its A An auncient booke hight Briton Moniments, refer That of this land's first conquest did devize,san And old division into regiments, low pui aovoyer of k Till it reduced was to one man's governements.lc10 1 LX. Sir Guyon chaunst eke on another booke, Th' ofspring of Elves and Faryes there he found, To read those bookes, who gladly graunted their desire. |