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4. Italian vs. black bees. 5. Does extracting pay?

6. Best mode to secure the most amount of honey.

SWARMING.-It was considered best to make artificial swarms by building up from nucleus stocks, etc. One objection was, the bees sometimes built too much drone comb.

QUEEN REARING.- H. Haines and others thought it best to rear queens in full colonies, by making a frame to contain from 12 to 16 queen cages; putting in queen cells after hatching. It is only necessary then to introduce them into swarms, etc.

HONEY PLANTS.-Mr. Simpson-White clover, buckwheat, basswood, golden-rod, and bergamott are useful and good for honey. French and alsike clover was decided to be a failure.

ITALIAN BEES.-Italian bees [make [more honey than blacks.

There was a difference of opinion in regard to extracting.

On the last question, several decided that the best way to get the most honey was to have none but Italian bees, and small brood nest; for box honey, give plenty of room, etc.

A report from Wm. J. Andrews was expected, but was forgotten.

A fine essay from Rev. A. Salisbury, on Wintering Bees, was then read. The meeting adjourned to meet at Oquauka, on Oct. 2 and 3, 1877. HARDIN HAINES, Sec., WM. KELLOGG, Pres.

For the American Bee Journal.

Foreign Notes.


It is estimated that there are 90,000 to 100,000 hives of bees in Sweden.

Schwarmeinbringungsgeraethe are the affairs that the Germans use to catch swarms. It must be that they never lose any; for wouldn't the mere utterance of this musical word suddenly arrest the most determined fugitive swarm? Suppose some of our American bee-keepers who allow natural swarming, try it this season? Just murmur the word in tenderest accents and note its effect on the circling swarm.


A French apiarist, M. Cayette, says in L'Apiculteur: "I believe it is difficult to determine long beforehand exactly the best time for forming new colonies if one wishes at the same time to secure the largest and best yield of honey. Good apiarists in our locality have natural swarms during 2, 3, and 4 weeks. The best are not always these that issued first. If the yield of honey only becomes abundant in the second or third week, the swarms that issue during this favorable time are the heaviest. The first swarms must devote themselves to the rearing of brood, and are thus occupied during the harvest; the second swarms, on the other hand, having little or no brood, but with a strong population which can be sent into the field, are in the best condition to lay up ample stores. If the bee-keeper were satisfied that the loss of harvest sustained through swarms issuing or made at inopportune times, is made up by the excellent stocks which these swarms make, he would have no cause for complaint, but there is great reason to doubt this.

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'My efforts are now directed towards obtaining strong colonies in the spring, in order to make my swarms, at will, as nearly as possible at the exact tiine which appears

to me the most favorable for obtaining the maximum yield of honey. It is necessary to know when this time arrives or else be content with a smaller return."


"No one can clear dead bees from combs more quickly or skillfully than mice. If combs filled with dead bees are set for 2 or 3 days in a still place so that mice can get at both sides, they will be found completely cleaned out. This work, which would be very tedious and tiresome for the bee-keeper, and which he could scarcely perform without serious injury to the combs, is very neatly done by the mice; and they only knaw a cell here and there-where the body of a bee does not come out readily, or where they find a little pollen which they nibble." -T. Sliwka, in der Schlesische Imker.

The apiculturists of France seem to be very much interested in having a good apiarian display at the next Exposition, which is to be held in Paris in 1878. After stating that colonies of bees could be exhibited, one of the editors of Le Rucher (Bordeaux) remarks: "We are certain that the apiculturists of Paris will do themselves the honor of exhibiting their colonies, and will carry high the flag of Progress, which could not be confided to better hands." POINTS FOR BEGINNERS.

1. Procure only healthy and populous colonies, even though they cost more than unhealthy or weak ones.

2. In general, buy in the spring, after the colonies have been successfully wintered, and get some well-informed apiarist to assist you in making selections, or at least purchase from some bee-culturist with whom you are acquainted.

3. Clean thoroughly the hives in which you place swarms.

4. Allow no empty combs which you wish to use in hives to lie about in the open air, in the bee-house, or any place where moths can get to them; for such combs become genuine brood-nests for wax-moths, the larvæ of which destroy the combs and fill the hives with their webs, so that, if precaution is not taken the existence of the stock is endangered. - Bienenvater aus Boehmen.

THE BEE. That within so small a body should be contained apparatus for conveying the "virtuous sweets," which it collects into one kind of nourishment for itself, another for the common brood, a third for the royal, glue for its carpentry, poison for its enemies, honey for its master, within a probosis almost as long as the body itself, microscopic in its several parts, telescopic in its action, with a sting so infinitely sharp that, were it magnified by the same glass which makes a needle's point seem a quarter of an inch, it would yet itself be invisible, and this too, a hollow tube-that all these varied operations and contrivances should be enclosed within half an inch of length and two grains of matter, while, in the same "small room," the large heart" of at least thirty distinct insects is contained, is surely food for vast thought.-My Scrap Book.

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Write names and addresses plain-giving County and State.

Additions can be made to clubs at any time, at the same club rate.

When changing post-office address, mention the old address as well as the new one.

Specimen copies, canvassing outfit, Posters, and Illustrated Price List sent free upon application.

We send the JOURNAL until an order for discontinuance is received at this office, and arrearages are all paid.

We will give Hill's work on "Chicken Cholera" (price 50 eents), to any one desiring it, as a premium for two subscribers.

When you have a leisure hour or evening, why not drop in on a neighboring family and see if you cannot get a subscriber for THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL?

Remittances to be sent at our risk must be by Post-office Order, Registered Letter, Draft or Express (charges prepaid). Make Post-office Orders and Drafts payable to Thomas G. Newman.

For the convenience of bee-keepers, we have made arrangements to supply, at the lowest market prices, Imported or tested Italian Queens, full colonies, Langstroth or other hives, Extractors of all the inakes, and anything required about the apiary.

The only safe way to send money by mail is to get the letter registered, or procure a money order or draft. We cannot be responsible for money lost, unless these precautions are taken. Then it is at our risk, and if lost we will make it good to the sender, but not otherwise.

Attention is called to the advertisement of ROPP'S COMMERCIAL CALCULATOR. It is in all respects what is claimed for it, and is a very valuable work.

Secure a Choice Queen.

We now renew our offer to send a choice tested Italian queen as a premium to any one will send us four subscribers to THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL with $8.00. This premium, giving a good queen for four subscribers, will pay any one for taking some trouble to extend the circulation of the JOURNAL. Premium queens will in every case be tested.

Rev. D. C. Millett, of Holmesburg, Pa., has received a diploma and medal for the "Deborah Bee Hive," for the following


As an economical hive in sections, with movable combs and facilities for inspection. It is easily made, is inexpensive, and well adapted by the protection it affords for northern climates.


FRANCIS A. WALKER, Chief of Bureau,
A. T. GOSHORN, Director General,
J. R. HAWLEY, President.

A full description of this hive was prepared for this issue but is crowded out. It will appear in our next.

BINGHAM SMOKER.--I have just received my Smoker, ordered last winter. Isn't it a gem? Tell A. I. Root that it is not as much like the Quinby as the Quinby is like an old Dzierzon Smoker that a German has near Kalamazoo. If Mr. Bingham sells this smoker at the standard price of $1.50 or $1.60 by mail, which he tells me he will, he is surely a great benefactor to bee keepers. Somebody owes me an "improved" smoker, as the one from Mr. Root did not last four weeks.

Bees about here are dead, dead, dead-say three-fourths, on an average. The Italians are away ahead.

It is no more than fair to say that the 25 stocks of Italians which I purchased of Mr. Oatman, of Dundee, Ill., last May, are in prime order, except two or three that I left queenless in the fall. I went hunting ducks and snipe, you see. JAMES HEDDON. Dowagiac, Mich., April 17, 1877.

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A wise-acre scribbler for the Chicago Times, lately sent the following item on its rounds among the provincial press of the Northwest:

The little busy bee does not need to "improve each shining hour" as it did when the poet sung a pleasant ditty about the industry of the sweet stinger. Honey is now manufactured from corn syrup and glycerine, and placed in artificial combs made from paraffine by a patented machine.

Manufactured honey is as scarce as hen's teeth; finding no sale for it, that stuff soon "gave up the ghost." Hence it is all moonshine about its being "placed in artificial combs, made from paraffine by a patented machine." It is a gross libel on comb foundations.

No. 6.

Friend Murphy has forwarded for our inspection his Centennial award for diploma and medal for his extractor. It is in "due form," and, as we stated in our last issue, is duly recorded in the official list of awards on page 25.

There is a species of parasitic larva called volucella bombylous, which live in the nests of bumble bees braving the fury of their stings and devouring their young. These are a different species from those that sometimes infest the honey bee and its home.

California is parched with a severe drouth, the like of which has not occurred for 25 years. The prospects for honey there is discouraging. In one or two sections there has been some rain, and the prominent bee-keepers on the Pacific Coast have been engaged in moving their bees to more favorable locations. Los Angeles has had some late showers, but they came too late to help the leading honey plants, still they may help the later feed.

Beginners should now be careful to keep all colonies well supplied with vigorous and prolific queens. Colonies may be divided as much as required to prevent them from attempting to swarm. If the queen has no room to deposit eggs, use the extractor. If comb honey is desired, adjust boxes or frames for them to work in. If you wish to Italianize, this is the month to do it in. White clover honey should be kept separate from all other kinds.

The Los Angeles (Cal.) Herald says that Mr. John Mountain, of Santa Monica, has been capturing bees and honey in the rocks of the Santa Monica range of mountains, where they seem to exist in great numbers, and many of them very rich in choice honey. The Herald adds: "We are informed that Messrs. Smith & Carlyle, of Santa Monica, last season took sixty swarms from the mountains, along their canon."

The Festive and Greedy 'Hoppers. Several letters received during the past month have reverted the 'hopper-and the prospects for its utter extermination in what is known as the "grasshopper country." The following facts will be of interest to those bee-keepers who live in Kansas, Nebraska, and Western Iowa.

It will be remembered that Professors Riley and Thomas, of the Entomological Commission, were to visit Kansas and Nebraska to inquire into the subject. They have just issued their Report, showing that the troublesome pest is at an end.

"The egg of this insect was laid in the fall of 1876, in what may be called the Missouri region, consisting of Western Iowa, Northwestern Missouri, portions of Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Dakota.

"This egg comes to perfection only in the sandy, arid regions of the far West. The rich, moist soil of the Missouri Valley, and the snows and rains, wrought havoc amongst the eggs during the winter and spring, and the young insects which hatched out during April have been rapidly destroyed by the elements, by parasites and by birds, and these influences, with the work of the farmers themselves, have at this date brought to destruction nine-tenths of the young 'hoppers.

"The outlook in Southern Nebraska may be stated thus: West of a line drawn from Crete, the eggs are all hatched and nearly all the young 'hoppers annihilated. Between Crete and the Missouri river, they are nearly all hatched out and annihilated, and as fast as they appear they are being destroyed by the various influences brought to bear upon them.

"The prospect for crops is as good as it possibly can be, and the people are jubilant over the outlook for good crops, good prices, and the fact that the grasshopper scare is now practically at an end. The condition of Southern Nebraska was never better; there is a larger area of ground planted than ever before. The increase in stock has been enormous, and business generally is brisk.

TO OUR SOUTHERN SUBSCRIBERS.--We have made arrangements with friend W. J. Andrews, of Columbia, Tenn., to conduct a "Southern Department" in the A. B. J., which he will make interesting to all the bee-keepers of the "Sunny South." In order to accommodate this department such extra pages will be added to the JOURNAL, as circumstances may require. We shall commence the arrangement in the next number. Our Southern friends will please "take due notice, and govern themselves accordingly."

Either of the two new extractors, noticed elsewhere in this issue, can be obtained at this office. Stephenson's is sold at $14, and White's at $15.

Something New.

We were invited to make a visit to Mr. Hugh Templeton's, in this city, to see "something new." Of course, we went and found what it was. Mr. Weiss," the inventor of rolls for making artificial comb foundation," has added another to his many inventions.

In the beginning, when the great [architect of the universe, assisted by the Eloheim, founded the human race by making the first man, "the morning stars sang together, and all the angels of God shouted for joy." In humble imitation of that august event, Mr. Weiss has made a man, a dog, and a bee-hive-in the latter its thousands of inhabitants are expected to "hum their merry song," while they gather the sweets which cause the sons of men to "shout for joy."

The design is life-size, of a man with a hive of bees on his back being attacked in front by a large dog. It is a handsome design for a lawn. The entrance to the hive is through the man's mouth.

Mr. Hugh Templeton has had it built expressly for his lawn by Mr. Weiss. It is made of plaster of Paris over a profuselywired frame and is substantial and neat.

Sending Bees by Mail.

Until recently bees have been sent by mail, and it has been both a cheap and safe means of conveyance. The P. M. General having decided that bees are unmailable, and some post-masters having refused to forward them, we wrote to the P. M. General, asking him to review the matter, and reverse his decision; at the same time we stated that the manner in which they were put up prevented their doing injury to the mails. But it appears to be of no use. His decision is like "the law of the Medes and Persians-which changeth not," as will be seen from the following letter:


Washington, D. C., May 19, 1877. Thos. G. Newman, Esq., Chicago, Ill.,

Sir:-The Postmaster General has referred your letter of the 17th instant to this office with instructions to say, in reply, that the ruling excludes bees from the mails was made under the administration of one of his predecessors, and seems to be in accordance with the spirit of the postal law and with the provisions of the postal regulations, from the fact that if so sent they would be liable to deface other mail matter transmitted therewith, notwithstanding their incasement according to the manner proposed by you. He declines, therefore, to revoke the said ruling.

JAMES H. MARE, Acting First Asst. P. M. Gen❜l.

A New Discovery.

Friend W. H. Ware, of Bayou Goula, La., about a month ago, sent us the New Orleans papers containing notices of a new discovery in bee-keeping by Alex. McConnell, of that city, and asks if there is not some mistake about it. The State Register says: "Mr. McConnell has often been mentioned in these columns as one of the most practical bee-keepers in the Sonth. He is a cultured, scholarly gentleman, who finds a real pleasure in bee-keeping, and who has devoted many years of study and careful experiment in the management of bees. A visit to his apiary is a rare treat, as he always has something new in the way of experiment to communicate. On our recent visit he showed us the very nicest honeycomb made by the bees of materials which he prepared and furnished them with. He assures us that there is no trouble in getting bees to use this material, and we are satisfied that the combs cannot be distinguished from those made in the ordinary way. We consider this the most important discovery in bee-keeping, since the invention of the movable-comb frame, and that it will greatly exceed the invention of Langstroth in its effect to increase the honey production. Mr. McConnell informs us that he will shortly take measures to introduce this valuable discovery to the bee-keepers of the world. Louisiana is the best honey-producing State in the Union, and it is to her honor that one of her sons will thus greatly assist in causing the land to flow with honey, if not with milk."

As friend C. O. Perrine is down there with 500 colonies of bees, we wonder if Mr. McConnell has not been using artificial comb foundation extensively, and astonishes the natives with it?

The New Orleans Picayune is very particular to specify the advantages claimed, as though a patent right was to be the outcome of this new discovery. It says:

The inventor claims for his discovery: 1. That it will enable colonies to construct their combs 2 months earlier in the spring, and to make honey out of a crop of spring flowers that passes away before bees can make comb by the old process.

2. It will enable bees to gather four times as much honey as they usually gather in the spring months when new comb has to be made. In Southern Louisiana bees in strong colonies usually collect a little over 12 gallons of honey yearly, in movable combs emptied when full by centrifugals.

Mr. McConnell drew from a working hive a sheet of new comb with young bees in it, and live Italian bees crawling over it, that had been made by the new process in 22 days. They started work on March 12th, and the comb and young bees were exhibited on April 3d.

True, the feat is astonishing! Ordinarily, worker bees are hatched out in 21 days-but Mr. McConnell's, we are informed by the Picayune, "had been MADE by the new process in 22 days." It is, indeed, wonder

ful!! Astonishing, for Louisiana -that bees should have started to work "on March 12th and the comb and young bees were exhibited on April 3d"!! Prodigious !!

The Picayune grows eloquent, and adds that "hundreds of barrels of honey are yearly shipped from Louisiana"-but "this new discovery bids fair to quadruple the best yield, or secure 50 gallons yearly for every strong colony."

Either the Picayune has been humbugged; Mr. McC. has "playing roots" on it, or there is a great mistake somewhere. Which is it? Will Dr. Rush, C. O. Perrine, and other bee-men in Louisiana give us some light on this subject?

STEVENSON'S EXTRACTOR.- Since our last issue, friend Muth has sent one of these extractors to this office. It is manufactured by C. F. Muth, Cincinnati, though he calls it by the name of his friend who first suggested its general character. It is very substantial and neat, and as it will hold about 70 lbs. of honey below the revolving frame holder, it is not necessary to remove it every time a little extracting is done; and it can remain there till it is ready for bottling. The frame holder is smaller at the bottom than at the top, and when revolving, the honey is thrown downward instead of horizontally against the stationary can. This not only prevents the usual raising and spattering of honey on the person operating it, but also admits of extracting from any piece of comb without its being in a frame. It has also two neat tin covers. The whole top and revolving frame-holder can be taken out in a moment, for cleansing, or any other purpose. It has a "honey gate," and is a very desirable extractor.

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