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For the American Bee Journal.

"Scientific" Talks to the Washington Co., N. Y., Agricultural Society.

MR. PRESIDENT:-A few years ago the New York State Agricultural Society extended to apiarians the privilege of discussing their avocation at one of their evening sessions. This recognition of their position as one of the great industries of the State, was a subject of congratulation among bee culturists, and was of much benefit for the future development of the business.

In like manner the bee keepers of this county are encouraged by the invitation extended to them for the first time to appear before this society, and I come before you as a representative of this class to present a few facts and ask a few favors.


We are well aware that the thrifty farmers of this county who own their broad acres and improved stock, and who come before this society annually with their varied and substantial productions, usually look upon the art of bee cultivation as of trifling import; but if we compare our stock with theirs we find we trace the pedigree of our industrious insects to the remotest periods of antiquity, and while your grades of domestic stock are made profitable in proportion to their dependence upon the hand of man for their daily food, our insects are endowed with almost human wisdom to lay up stores of food for their own sustenance, and a generous surplus for the use of the fortunate owner.

From the time when Sampson found the body of the lion he had previously slain converted into a bee-hive, there have been practiced various methods of obtaining the fruits of their labors; but not until our own progressive century came to add its enlightenment, has bee culture become a science equal in importance to other industries of the age. And now, owing to the application of the movable comb principle, the honey extractor, artificial honey comb, and the introduction of improved stock from foreign countries, this branch of rural industry is enlisting the attention of thinking people in all portions of our country, and in our own county the business is being rapidly developed by the application of these new discoveries.

When we examine into the statistics of the production of honey, it is no wonder that intelligent people should favor this pursuit. We are surprised at the amount that could be obtained had we the industrious workers at hand in the proper season to obtain it.

From careful observation and from the experience of others it is safe to say that an average of five hundred pounds of honey could be obtained from every square mile in this county, but if these figures

seem too high, let us deduct one half for poor seasons, and then the 850 square miles of our county would produce over 200,000 pounds. To those unacquainted with our honey resources, these statements may seem to be overdrawn, but we have at hand figures from various localities in our State and in other States, where the annual production has been over one thousand pounds per square mile, while California, noted for its wonderful productions, has localities where there seems to be no end to the flow of this abundant sweet.

Here, then, we have in our nation billions of pounds of this healthy substance actually going to waste for the want of these willing laborers to gather it.

We send our hard-earned dollars to other States and countries for our sweets, while our broad fields of clover, our forests of linden, and countless varieties of beautiful flowers by the wayside, are every day in their season making the air fragrant by the evaporation of this useful substance.

In view of these facts is it not, then, of great importance that we should extend the necessary information to parties of either sex who may be endowed with the peculiar talent for this branch of rural economy? With a wider dissemination of these truths and their intelligent application, competition would arise, with competition lower prices, and with lower prices greater consumption, and article that is now considered a luxury would come into every-day use upon our tables and in our cookery.


We do not propose, Mr. President, in these remarks, to occupy your valuable time by details of management, or of methods to overcome the disastrous ef fects of our winters, but will state that in comparison to dairying or other farm operations where large capital is invested and labor expended, bee culture shows profits far in advance of any other rural pursuit; but to be successful requires close attention and untiring watchfulness, and persons that suppose a fortune is in store for them by merely purchasing a swarm of bees and having no love for the occupation, had much better stick to their productions, from a patch of potatoes at twenty cents per bushel.

This society which has already done so much for the development of our agricultural resources, could do much to further encourage the science of beeculture.

Our interests would be greatly promoted by offering us more liberal premiums.

Encourage us to display all of our appliances and give us additional premiums to get the greatest yield from a single colony, and instead of crowding us into narrow and obscure quarters, give us

room to display to advantage our various operations, and we assure you that the bee-keepers of this county will add a novel and interesting feature to your an. nual exhibition.

We have here presented to you but a few points of our business, and trust our honeyed remarks will not fail to be fruitful of good results.

For the American Bee Journal.

What about that Honey?

The following, although more amusing than instructive, will, perhaps, do for one of the winter numbers of the JOURNAL. Its truthfulness makes it all the more amusing.

Dr. K. and Mr. A., who are transacting some business, are interrupted for a moment by a stranger, Mr. B., who is admitted to the office. Mr. A.-Well, now, let's see about that honey: How much did that amount to?

Dr. K.-Let me see: I will have to look that up. How many jars did you have the last time?

Mr. A.-Ten, I believe.

Dr. K.-I had an idea it was a dozen. Ah! here it is. You are right. Ten jars, at 75 cents, including the jars, would be $7.50, which, with $5.40 for the first lot, makes $12.90.

Mr. A.-Have you any more of that granulated honey. I would like two jars of it for a preacher I have with me in the wagon.

Dr. K.-(Leaving the room with Mr. A.) Really, I have but one jar left, having restored it all to its former condition by heating it to about the temperature of from 150 degrees to 168 degrees. It sells better in that condition at the stores, they tell me. I warmed some up to that temperature last spring, and sealed it hermetically, and I have some of it now,—not a jar showing any signs of granulating. When thus treated the flavor is not injured, as I can see; but is just about spoiled if brought to the boiling point.

Mr. A.-Well, give me the jar that is granulated, and two others. Now let me see how we stand. $4.85: that leaves that you owe me. Haven't you some money so that you can settle it now?

Dr. K.-Really, Mr. A., I am just about entirely out: it would take all I have got, if I did, and I don't think I could settle it to-day, possibly.

Mr. A.-Well, good morning.

Dr. K. (entering the office.)-Well, Sir, we have been having some pretty cold weather.

Mr. B.-Yes Sir: but they are having it colder than this where I came from.

Dr. K.-Ah, where is that?

Mr. B.-Montreal, Sir. I have just settled at Forked River, to engage in the

manufacture of a medicine called the Russian Asthma Cure; but I can't commence business without some 'oney. I just heard you tell that gentleman that you were all out, so I suppose it will be of no use to talk about that.

Dr. K.-Well, no sir. I am not troubled with much of that article. I find it is about as much as I can do to get along and provide for my family. But about this Asthma Cure. Have you tried it in enough cases so that you are satisfied that it will really cure asthma?

Mr. B.-Yes, sir. It will knock asthma and dyspepsia higher than a kite. I have tried it in a hundred cases without a single failure. I cured my own wife with it, though she had it so bad that I have been obliged to carry her to an open window many a time in the coldest nights of a Canadian winter, that she might get her breath. But to make it I must have some 'oney. I don't care how old or how black it is, provided it is perfectly pure.

Dr. K.-(Thinking, perhaps, he didn't understand him) What did you say?

Mr. B.-I say I don't care how old or how black it is, provided it is perfectly pure.

Dr. K.-(Musing, That is queer talk. I' suppose the gentleman must have heard of our Rag Baby, and hasn't a very favorable idea of it having come from a land of hard money. He speaks of it as black. Let's see. Slavery was the cause of the war, the war was the cause of the rag baby, therefore the rag baby, must have been of negro origin, and therefore black. Perhaps that is his line of argument.) How much do you want?

Mr. B.-A hundred pounds, at least, to begin with.


Dr. K.-(Musing. Let me see. would be about $500. I guess he tells the truth about coming from Canada, for he talks about pounds and shillings yet.) You say you have some acquaintances at Forked River. Perhaps you might get some money there.

Mr. B.-But there isn't any there.

Dr. K.-Oh, my dear sir, you are mistaken. There is Mr. Falkinburg, Mr. Parker, Mr. Holmes,-there is plenty of money at Forked River.

Mr. B.-Ah, but you didn't understand me. It is honey I want. I happen to have money, and will pay cash for your honey, if you have any. Ha, ha, ha.

Dr. K.-Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Why, my dear sir, I thought you was talking about money all the time. It was money I told Mr. A. I was out of. Ha, ha, ha.

Mr. B.-So then you have honey, have you? As I said before, I don't care how old or how black it is, if it is only pure.

For the information of bee keepers, I will say, I soon disposed of what little extracted honey I had at 20 cents. Ocean Co., N. J. E. KIMPTON.

For the American Bee Journal. Santa Barbara.

This country is located on the sea coast in the southern part of the state near a group of islands of the same name, and has become noted for its equable climate, attracting thousands from their frozen homes to spend the winter where December is as pleasant as May. Since Dr. Logan, President of the U. S. Medical Association, recommended Santa Barbara as the best sanitarium on the continent, our hotels and private houses have usually been crowded to their utmost capacity by the throng of invalids who were seeking an extension of their lease of life.

CLIMATE.-Our summers are mild and pleasant, the mercury ranging from seventy to eighty, and seldom reaching ninety. The evenings are pleasant, and the nights always cool. Our winter months are warm and genial, like May and June of the East; frost is seldom seen, and every breeze is freighted wfth fragrance from our flower gardens.

SOIL-In this portion of the State the soil varies from black clay, called adobe, to a light sandy loam, formed from decomposed Tertiary rocks, of which our mountains are composed, and is remarkably productive, yielding sometimes wonderful crops of corn, barley, wheat, and alfalfa.

WATER.-The water is generally pure, not so cool as in higher latitudes, and easily obtained from wells, springs, or mountain streams. In flat land on the coast near the level of the sea, it is sometimes brackish, but in all such cases pure artesian water is usually found at reasonable depths.

IRRIGATION. In this and the adjoining valleys we have learned that deep and thorough cultivation, so as to save and economize the usual fourteen inches of rain fall, is better than flooding the surface. Eventually, underground irrigation through wooden pipes for horticultural purposes, will be popular.

FUEL.-There is a plenty of wood for present purposes, but if our population continues to increase at its present rapid rate, within ten years there will be very little natural timber, and people will have to use the prunings from their vines, fruit and ornamental trees, or burn petroleum which flows from springs so abundantly that hundreds of barrels are running daily to waste.

HOT SPRINGS.-There are a uumber of hot springs in the mountain canons that have become quite noted for their healing qualities, and are usually thronged to the full capacity of their hotels. Senator Morton, and thousands of others, have bathed there, and recommended their mineral waters.

TITLES.-Land titles are generally set

tled and founded on U. S. patents which have been issued to confirm old Mexican and Spanish grants.

SOCIETY ought to be good, for the lamented Rev. Dr. Thomas stated that it was composed of the cream of other communities.

CHURCHES.-The Congregational, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist and Episcopal denominations each have an elegant church edifice, and an able divine to occupy the pulpit.

SCHOOLS.-Santa Barbara boasts of a fine young American college, with buildings that cost sixty thousand dollars; a Spanish Catholic San Franciscan college, in a flourishing condition; a St. Vincent school for young ladies, an excellent system of public schools, and an able corps of experienced teachers.

HOMESTEADS.In this vicinity, and about all other promising towns in this part of the State, small farms are held at from one to three hundred dollars per acre, according to quality, location, size and improvements.

CHEAP HOMES. Recently several colonies have been formed, and one is now forming, for the purpose of purchasing new land in beautiful little valleys near the coast, where unoccupied ranches, as good as any that have yet been settled, can be purchased at from five to ten dollars per acre, on long time and at a low rate of interest, with a view of subdividing and settling the same, as Vineland has done, making their own towns, schools and churches, so that one thousand dollars will go as far as two or three usually do in securing a new home.

PRODUCTIONS.-This and the adjoining valleys are well adapted to the production of apples, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots, pomegranates, almonds, olives, English walnuts, oranges, lemons, limes, figs, grapes, wheat, barley, corn, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, and honey. Full grown almond trees should yield from seventy-five to one hundred pounds of nuts, worth from twenty to twenty-five cents a pound. One hundred trees are usually planted to the acre. this rate one acre should yield from fifteen to twenty-five hundred dollars worth of fruit per annum, in a good season and when they are in full bearing. Oranges, lemons and limes do quite as well.


FENCES.-The law restrains stock, and crops require no fencing.

LUMBER.-Rough lumber in town usually sells at $27 per M., and other grades in proportion.

WAGES.-Labor is well rewarded in all departments, especially house servants, who usually receive from twenty-five to thirty dollars a month, and cannot be retained long, even at that price, for the rich old bachelors are sure to promote

them to the position of housewives. Mechanics receive from three to five dollars a day, and farm hands from twenty-five to forty dollars a month.

TOOLS, wagons, etc., cost about twentyfive per cent. more here than in the East. We have no chinch-bugs, few grasshoppers, no mad dogs, no fly-nets for horses, no mosquito-bars for our beds, no light. ning-rods, no fever and ague, no poorhouses, no deaths from sun-stroke or tornadoes, no snow storms, little frost, no ice to cool our lemonade, no sleigh-bells, no sleds for the boys, no woolen mittens, and no skates.

We do have fresh vegetables, new pota toes, ripe strawberries, and ripe fruit fresh from the garden every month in the year, and always an abundance of spring chickens and beautiful flowers.

Those coming to this coast should bring only what they can pack solid, cannot dispose of for two-thirds of its value, and will need after they get here.

Persons desiring especial information should write their address distinctly, and enclose postage stamp.

Santa Barbara, Cal.


For the American Bee Journal.

Virgil and the Bees.

The bee, we find, figures largely in classic poetry. Virgil has devoted a whole book to the subject. He was born near Mantua, Italy, 70, B. C., and we may learn from his writings the degree of bee culture in that age. He says:

The gifts of Heav'n my following song pursues Aerial honey and ambrosial dews,"

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"Their arms, their arts, their manners I disclose And how they war, and whence the people rose.' Some, perhaps, may learn from the following:

"First for thy bees a quiet station find,

And lodge them under covert of the wind."

He thinks they should be far away from cows and goats, and the painted lizzard and birds of prey, the titmouse and Procne with her bosom stained in blood. "These rob the trading citizens and bear The trembling captive through the liquid air." But near a living stream their mansion place." In line 27 he calls the queen the youthful prince, and advises that trees should be planted along the stream

"That when the youthful prince, with proud alarm, Calls out the venturous colony to swarm.

In line 47, we learn how to construct the hive,

"Whether thou build the palace of thy bees
With twisted osiers, or with barks of trees,
Make but a narrow mouth, for as the cold
Congeals into a lump the liquid gold." *
He says, in line 60, bees are found


"In chambers of their own, beneath the ground; That vaulted roofs are hung in pumices And in the rotten trunks of hollow trees."

He describes their employment, "They breed, they brood, instruct and educate, And make provision for their future state."

What visions of our youth arise, as we read the following:

"But when thou seest a swarming cloud arise, Then melfoil beat, and honeysuckles pound: With these alluring savours strew the ground; And mix with tinkling brass the cymbal's droning sound."

What is the use of movable comb frames, or non-swarming apparatus when one can bring out the old tin pans or employ a modern brass band?

He next describes a fight, when two pretenders strive for empires:




"They challenge and encounter, breast to breast, Till only one prevails-for only one can reign." And though the air may be full of charging squadrons and combatants, "Yet all these dreadful deeds, this deadly fray, A cast of dust will soon allay,

And undecided leave the fortunes of to-day."

He thinks one of the monarchs should then be killed.

Does he mean Italian, when, in line 149, he says:

"The better brood, unlike the bastard crew, Are marked with royal streaks of shining hue."

We had supposed that the idea of clipping the wing of the queen was of more recent date, but he says when the bees are disposed to leave their empty hives and stay,

"The task is easy-but to clip the wings
Of their high-flying, arbitrary kings;
At their command the people swarm away,
Confine the tyrant, and the slaves will stay."

He next speaks at length of a swain of his acquaintance who kept bees and prospered:

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the one ruler, yet it seems that it was not known at this time that the ruler was a female, and that she laid all the eggs. Indeed, his ideas of their reproduction is exceedingly amusing,

"But (what's more strange) their modest appetites
Averse from Venus, fly the nuptial rites,
No lust enervates their heroic mind,
Nor waste their strength on wanton woman kind;
But in their mouths reside their genial powers;
They gather children from the leaves and flow'rs."
In describing their sting, he says:
"And through the purple veins a passage finds:
There fix their stings and leave their souls behind."

There is much more exceedingly interesting and amusing in his descriptions, but we close with a bit of advice that we all may take. Line 365,

"But since they share with man one common fate,

In health and in sickness, and in turns of state Observe the symptoms."

What bee keeper who has listened for the sound of a hive which has run down and become weak, will not at once recognize the following:

"Soft whispers then, and broken sounds are heard,
As when the woods by gentle winds are stirred,
Such stifled noise as the closed furnace hides,
Or dying murmurs of departing tides."

He thinks honey, then, should be infused into the hives by hollow reeds, and gives a recipe for a sick colony, consisting of wine, raisins and a certain yellow flower.

If others find half as much amusement as I, they will be well repaid in reading the whole book, Dryden's Virgil Georgics iv. S. S. WEATHERBY. Kan.

Baldwin City,

For the American Bee Journal.

How to obtain the largest yields of Honey.

In this short article, I will have to omit many items of considerable importance. In the first place, the bees must be well wintered, and have plenty of stores to last till honey comes again. Bees that are badly wintered, and sick, will not give satisfaction. Secondly, we must have good colonies to winter, and in the best condition possible. On this I might devote an entire chapter, but will have to omit it for the present, and pass to the most important subject, that of improving our bees. They are as susceptible of improvement as any other stock, and yet most sadly neglected. The chief object aimed at, has usually been to produce three-banded yellow bees, under the im. pression that nothing more was needed. Who has not noticed that one hive, or a few hives, would far outstrip-often double and even quadruple the rest? It is not uncommon to hear of single hives often producing three hundred, five hundred, and even seven hundred pounds in one season. Who would not give quite

a round sum to have all of his colonies as good as the best? I have been able to get an average of nearly three-fourths as much clear through the apiary, as the best hive would produce, and without losing a single colony, either during winter or spring.

The most important part is queen rearing. Most apiarists know how to rear queens; but good ones are the object to be aimed at. To rear the best queens, plenty of honey and pollen, and enough bees of all ages, are necessary; but above all things, select your queen to breed from, and one which has given the best satisfaction the previous season. Always

bear in mind that "like produces like," in bees as well as animals, there being but few exceptions; and by breeding carefully from the best stock, for a few generations, the careful breeder can produce exactly what he desires. It is of almost equal importance to use drones from none but the best colonies, allowing no drones to be reared, except in the choicest colonies. The apiarist should remember that infinitely more depends on a judicious selection of stock, and carefully excluding all others, than on any particular method of queen rearing. It is needless to say that if every colony has a queen as good as the best, and not too old, enough bees, and plenty of stores, and other necessary conditions carefully attended to, the result cannot fail to be satisfactory. E. C. L. LARCH, M. D.

Boone Co., Mo.


For the American Bee Journal.

Experience of "Six."

Apiculture is on the back-ground here; from the questions asked one would suppose they never saw bees. Mr. C. Parlange is still going ahead. July 30th he had 40 barrels of honey, which would average 43 gallons per barrel. I let my 101 alone (except the six swarms I have here) until June 27, when my machine arrived, (the Queen City Extractor, and there is no better or more convenient in use, and I do not except any), I was three days in getting started. I extracted 78 hives and obtained 318 gallons of fine honey. The rest of the hives were in bad condition, and the old box hives, too. I took a swarm from each one. As soon as I had once extracted, I went over them again, and up to July 20th, had taken 470 gallons.

My bees are all black and most miserably cross and mean, but I will try and have all Italianized in October. I am on a stand whether to buy dollar queens or rear them. I want 250, and it will require some help, and I cannot get it here, and owing to the state of society Northerners do not like to venture. I can raise queens

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