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"Let justice be done though the Heavens fall," is a legend appropriate to nail to the banner of THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL. "Exact justice well meted out" is just what it purposes to give to all-without fear or favor!

In the remarks of Captain J. E. HETHERINGTON, before the N. E. Bee-keepers' Convention, as reported in this issue, on page 98, at the bottom of the first column, he says that in "a good season and large yield, the journals are eager for a report, but in a poor one, like the last, no report is asked for." How it could be possible to make this mis-statement, we cannot imagine. There is but one Bee Journal on the American continent-and that, THE AMERICAN. In the September number of 1875, page 193, we called for universal reports. In the October and November numbers are published hundreds of these reports, reporting good, bad, and indifferent experiences. Never were reports so faithfully called for, and never was a call more fully responded to, than last fall! Surely, the reporter must have garbled the expressions of Captain Hetheringtonhe could not have made such a statement.

On page 104 of this issue, Mr. T. F. Bingham states that "honey-comb is one thing, beeswax another, and very differ. ent thing;" and that butter after being melted "is butter no more—it is grease." Although we are not an expert in beeswax, we have always understood that the bees formed the honey-comb, using little particles secreted by themselves known as beeswax, and that the changing of its shape again from honey-comb to the solid cake known in commerce, would not change the original character of the article. Again, a comparison between beeswax and butter is hardly fair, for butter, as it comes from the churn, will degenerate if kept too long, but beeswax will not, under ordinary circumstances, for ages.

In the next paragraph, Mr. B. attempts to quote from an old advertisement of one of our honey dealers-but he evidently quotes from treacherous memory-and credits to the wrong party. We thought we remembered the expression and looked up the old circular and find it was issued by the Honey Co., Wm. M. Hoge or Mrs. Spaids, and not C. O. Perrine, as stated.

This number also contains an article from Mr. Coe on the House Apiary; and in the present situation of the matter we must ask him not to think uncharitably of us, if we decline a continuation of the controversy, unless it shall contain information valuable to bee-keepers in general, and not merely personal differences between himself and Novice.

This gives us occasion to say a word in general. We believe in the largest liberty

in all matters that shall further the interests of the bee-keeper. So long as views differ in regard to points of interest in our specialty, we invite the fullest and freest discussion, and always hold our columns open to publish opinions the most diametrically opposed, only so that thereby new light may be gained and the truth arrived at. There are many points upon which the apiarist is deeply interested to have new light thrown. Notably, the matter of wintering and springing, and with regard to this there are almost as many views as there are writers. Probably, however, those who have done the most thinking and experimenting, if asked to-day how to winter and spring bees without loss, would shake their heads and say the problem was yet unsolved. In this state of the case, there must surely good result from the freest interchange of views, but with this freedom of utterance comes the danger that personalities may arise and a half a column be filled with matter of no benefit to the reader and of doubtful gratification to the writer. These things arise not merely because of difference of views, but because of some little bitterness of expres sion in the first place, some single word, perhaps, that adds nothing to the value of the article, and might better be left unspoken, but which calls out several lines in reply, to be followed in turn by a longer reply, until the readers of THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL heartily wish the disputants might be allowed to carry on their wrangle by private correspondence. If A is firm in the belief that upward ventilation, and plenty of it, is essential, and so expresses himself, B, who holds opposite views, will not strengthen his position so well by saying A or any other man is a fool to believe in

upward ventilation, as by bringing facts to bear, and showing large numbers of colonies safely wintered with no upward ventilation whatever.

Now, we cordially invite every beekeeper who has a single fact that may be of use to our readers, to make free use of of our columns. THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL has no interest whatever, in any hive or hobby, only to do the most good in giving such reading as shall be valuable to those who have the care of "the busy bee." So send on your communications, one and all, whether you agree or differ with others, only, good friends, don't be ill-natured, and before sending in your articles, please pull out the stings.

Within the past few days we have received letters from Bee-Keepers in Denmark, France, Belgium, Austria, New South Wales, Australia and England. It is very gratifying to us to know that the old AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL is read and prized in almost "every clime under heaven."

With the next number we shall commence a series of articles on experiments, and shall illustrate them with cuts, so that all can comprehend them at a glance.

Mr. T. F. BINGHAM, now in Nashville, Tenn., wintering his bees, writes us, that he will take them back to Michigan early in April. He says, "they have wintered fairly and seem to be doing well."

Mr. M. M. BALDRIDGE, of St. Charles, in this State, has gone South to take charge of the Rev. W. K. Marshall's apiary, during the coming season. Mr. M. writes us that his bees are doing wellgathering some honey.

When your time runs out, if you do not wish to have THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL continue its visits, just drop us a Postal Card, and say so-and we will stop it instanter. If you do not do this, you may rest assured that it will be sent on regularly. Let all "take due notice and govern themselves accordingly."

Many are the inquiries as to the present status and whereabouts of Mrs. Tupper. The following is a sample of some; while others contain a recital of the frauds practiced upon the writers by her, and not a few refuse to pay for the JOURNAL, because she has defrauded them-forgetting that two wrongs will not make one right. We had nothing more to do with her business transactions than "the man in the moon," and to ask us to pay her bills, is unreasonable in the extreme. But here is the letter we started to give:

"I had cultivated high esteem for Mrs. Tupper, and to have such an one come to such a fate, from whatever influence, produces sadness and pity. I don't learn from the papers the result. What has been done with her case? Success to the JOURNAL."

E. H.

To answer this we will say that Mrs. Tupper has been taken to the Iowa Insane Asylum. Evidence accumulates every day, to prove that she has been recklessly carrying on this "crookedness" for years, and that it was as systematic as it was relentless.

In a private letter "Novice" says: " Mrs. Tupper obtained as many subscriptions for our Journal, (Gleanings) as she could get, but never sent the money."

From Mr. Slocum, of the Bee-keeper's Magazine, we learn with regret that Mr. A. J. King, his partner, has caught a heavy cold, which has settled in his eyes; disabling him, for the present, for editorial duties. We hope it may not be of

long continuance.

Michigan Bee-Keepers' Association.

The Third Semi-annual Session of the Michigan Bee-Keepers' Association will be held at Corporation Hall, Kalamazoo, Michigan, on Wednesday, May 3d, 1876. The first session will convene promptly at 1 o'clock P. M. We extend a cordial invitation to all bee-keepers to be present. Our Spring sessions have hitherto been decidedly successful, and we have every reason to believe that the coming one will fully equal its predecessors in point of interest and importance. The subjects for discussion will cover the broad field of modern Apiculture. Come prepared to give us your best and most valuable ideas of the points involved, and thereby aid in making the meeting of mutual interest and profit. HERBERT A. BURCH, South Haven, Michigan. Secretary.

OUR HOME.-On the cover of this issue is a view of the building on the corner of Clark and Monroe Streets, which contains THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL office. An idea of the location and building will be obtained by those who cannot give us a call, and to those coming to Chicago it will serve as a guide to direct their steps to a familiar place-our office. We expect to keep on hand, for exhibition to our friends who call on us, all the new, as well as the older appliances for apicultural labor. We are gathering some in now, and in the course of a few weeks shall have quite a display. To all, therefore, when coming to this city, we extend a cordial invitation-"Come and see us."

"EUREKA."-That means "I have found

it." Well, what is it? J. L. SMITH, Tecumseh, Mich., tells us he has found THE Bee Hive! We asked him to send a sample one to this office with description. Here is the description-our readers must call and see the hive, if they are not sat isfied with the following:

"It is simply a hive in a nice little Bee House, with surrounding air spaces, (patented) with a queen nursery, so arranged that four nuclei can be wintered with their queens, immediately over the full colony. The main colony can be removed at will, without disturbing the nuclei, or visa versa. But for honey-gathering use two boxes, holding about 16 pounds each; those boxes are constructed of ten small frames each, making a very convenient sized box for shipping, and just the thing for the retail trade; each frame holding, on an average, about 1% pounds. I build all my hives with the honey boxes unles otherwise ordered."

E. S. STow, Fort Dickinson, N. Y. writes us that he finds the Double pointed Shade Tacks very useful for bracing frame corners. They can be obtained at any hardware store. The following represents the exact size of them.

He has sent us a section of frame, showing its use, which is on exhibition in this office. He says that six cents worth will furnish enough for ten frames.

In March No. you give the wrong size of the bottom bar of my frame-it should be 121⁄2 inches in length.



SPLENDID.-E. C. Jordan, of the "Bee Cottage Apiary," Frederick Co., Va., has forwarded to us by express some of his superfine Comb Honey, as a sample. was sent in one of his newly invented tin boxes, which we will describe more fully in a future number of THE BEE JOURNAL. For safe shipment it has great advantage over wooden boxes, and his honey looks so nice and tempting in it that Mr. Jordan finds ready sale for it at from 30 to 40 cents per pound.

[blocks in formation]

The following is a letter from Mrs. WAGNER, widow of the late SAMUEL WAGNER, and its contents speak for itsel

YORK, PA., March 23, 1876. DEAR AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL: I would like to state in reference to the patent taken out by my husband, the late Samuel Wagner, for the manufacture of artificial Honey Comb Foundation, that Mr. C. O. Perrine, of Chicago, wrote to me asking for an individual right to make and use the same, and I answered by say. ing that I did not wish to sell individual rights, but would make him a complete assignment of the whole patent for so much money, cash. Mr. Perrine came here and paid me the price asked without trying to get it for any less. Others have infringed the patent for some time but have never offered to buy it, probably knowing that my age and circumstances would not permit me to prosecute them. I write this to give a moral weight to a reason why all persons who wish to buy the comb foundation should get it of Mr. Perrine, as there may be those who will still infringe. Yours Respectfully,


The Southern Kentucky Bee-keepers will meet in convention at Smith's Grove, Ky., on Thursday, June 1st, 1876. We especially invite all bee-keepers to attend or send us communications on any subject they choose. We expect an interesting and profitable meeting.


A boy that can speak English and German, from 14 to 17 years of age, and not afraid of bees, can find a steady situation, by applying to DR. W. B. RUSH, Pointe Coupee, La.

We have a new lot of fresh melilot clover seed, that we can supply at 25 cents per b. Postage 16 cents per tb extra, if sent by mail.

Dr. N. P. Allen writes us that he expects a good honey harvest this year, and that his bees are doing finely. He adds: "White clover prospects were never better. I have lost but one stock this winter and that was caused by carelessness. I am proud of the AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL and read it with pleasure and profit.

Those having any thing of interest to bee-keepers are invited to send a sample for exhibition in our office. Send description and directions for using, and also give us prices.

Voices from Among the Hives.

CRAWFORD Co., PA.,-March 10, 1876. "My bees have wintered splendidly thus far, in-doors." HENRY S. LEE.

LONG ISLAND, N. Y.-March 13, 1876.— "Bees have wintered remarkably wellalmost without loss. They have had a fly every two or three weeks, all winter long, and to this I attribute their fine condi. tion." D. R. PORTER.

SPRINGFIELD, O.-March 11, 1876.—“ I cannot get along without the JOURNAL. It grows better and better with each issue." A. B. MASON.

HARTFORD, KANSAS.-March 15, 1876. -"My bees did well last year after the grasshoppers left in June. I have 46 colonies. They carried in natural pollen on the 9th of Feb., and every warm day since, from soft maple." WM. K. NORBURY.


POINTE COUPEE, LA.-March 3, 1876."The fall of 1875 was too wet for honey here and it was a failure. A great many bees have starved. Some are troubled over the dark prospects of the honey market, but all the fears I have that my bees will not give me as much honey as I can sell. I can now raise honey equal to California in color, and of a much finer flavor, and so far could not fill all my orders. I am fully in for the Centennial Convention to be held the same time as the honey show. We cannot send fancy articles of honey so far by express, we must take them with us. I can't leave my bees in June, but can in Sept., which is the most pleasant time of the year. I shall go then and take a full line of samples of honey." W. B. RUSH.

HENDERSON, TENN.-March 15, 1876."I have lost two stocks this winter that were queenless. The other 16 were 88 vigorous as in May, previous to this week; now the snow has been 9 inches deep for a week. My bees have bred all winter. There were but a few days that they could not fly. I had last season, from 14 stocks (4 or 5 weak stocks gave no yield) 225 lbs. extracted honey. 160 lbs. of that was buckwheat. I extracted them clean in August and found in January plenty of honey and bees. Mine are mostly Italians." T. A. SMITH.

SIGEL, ILL.-March 9, 1876.—“ Of 69 hives I have found up to date 2 dead. Both were evidently queenless; swarms of Sept. 65, I winter out doors, in hives which allow five inch straw packing all around, so they never become too cold. My hives have an improvement which I believe is new. The front of my hives is protected by a 4 inch straw bag which rests on a tunnel 4 inches long which fits

the fly-hole, so that the bees any warm day of 45 can have a fly. By this way their fly-hole is 6 inches long. No sun ray can strike the inside, No cold storm can immediately press out the warm air, and the bees are less disturbed than those having a short fly-hole." CH. SONNE.

JEFFERSON, Wis., Feb. 28th, 1876.

"I have had lots of trouble with Mrs. S. E. Spaides and her husband, C. D. Spaids, and that they owe me over $1500 yet on two notes which, with another one they had given me after a settlement I had with them at their store at 50 Grand street, New York, in December, 1874. I was forced to sue them for the payment of those notes; they brought every obstacle in my way, but I finally beat them, getting judgment against each of them, but during the progress of the lawsuit they had sold out, leaving New York,-Mrs. Spaids going to West Virginia, and he to Maryland. At present my attorney has obtained an order from the court to imprison their lawyer, who is in prison since the 21st of this month, because he would not take an oath and then answer questions concerning the whereabouts of the property of the Spaids. I considered Mrs. Spaids honest, at one time sold her over $4000 worth of honey without any security, and she paid me, but since she got connected with Spaids, she cannot do as she wants to, and perhaps changed her idea about paying debts. ADAM GRIMM.

BETHANY, O.-March 3, 1876.-"This has been a very mild winter, consequently there has been but few bees lost with the cold, some have already died and others soon will die if they are not fed, as but little honey was gathered last year, and that from fall flowers, and I find on examination that a great deal of it is granulating in the cell.

I saw swamp maples in bloom January 22. On Feb. 13 my bees were carrying in natural pollen; but since then the weather has been too cold for them to fly much.

Our main honey plant is white clover. Last year, I did not get an ounce of surplus, and besides, had to feed about fifty Ibs sugar, and will have to feed that much more this spring." W. S. BOYD.

JEFFERSON, WIS.-March 20, 1876."My bees wintered so far good, they were set out on the 10th and had a good flight; but now, we have one snow storm after the other, and all hope of an early spring is gone. I winter my bees in a House a la Novice, 15 inch wall, filled with sawdust, the same kept free of frost the coldest of last winter and the temperature was moderate this slight winter, about 40 degrees on an average. My bees came out in good order, lost only one out of 60 hives.

In the March number, '75, I read: "Is

it a fact, that first swarms issue in the forenoon." My after swarms issued most any time of the day, but especially early in the morning, some before 7 o'clock, and I have had first swarms frequently in the afternoon, some as late as 6 o'clock in the evening." W. WOLFF.

SCIOTA CO., O.-Feb. 26, 1876.-"My bees are all (20) on summer stand and doing well-never better; rearing brood all winter; more bees now than I began the winter with. I am trying to learn my bees to stay out all the time, for we must find some way to succeed on summer stands." W. F. PATTERSON.

CADIZ, KY.-"I have 9 stands of bees, 6 of them in Langstroth's hives. The first part of last year my bees did but little; late in the fall they did better. I took 300 lbs. of honey from 4 stands and got 2 swarms." J. LARKINS.

ABERFOYLE, ONT.-March 17, 1876."I am much pleased with THE JOURNAL. If I could not replace the numbers of this year I would not take $10 for them. I have kept bees for 7 years and have read Langstroth and Quinby. THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL should be in every beekeeper's hands. One of my neighbors subscribed for another Bee paper, but no sooner does my JOURNAL come than he is over to read it. Bees have not done well here for two years. We have lots of linn, buckwheat, clover and raspberry. In the valley near me, there are many honey plants, and we have as good a country for bees, as anywhere in Canada."



WILKESBARRE, PA., March 9, 1876:"Seeing an advertisement of Mrs. Tupper's, that she had for sale, $5 queens, 'safe arrival guaranteed,' I sent for one, forwarding the money Aug. 1st, 1874. did not come till so late in the fall, that I ordered it not to be sent,-and the money returned. In answer to this, came a dead queen. In the spring of 1875, she agreed to send me another, but it never came. am not surprised at her downfall, as she proved dishonest to me some time ago. GEO. D. SILVINS.


APPENOOSE CO., Iowa, March 9, 1876 :"Bees have wintered splendidly in this neighborhood. I have not lost a single colony this winter. My bees are all bright and healthy; this time last year I had lost nearly all. I had only two colonies left, to begin with, last spring. I increased them to twelve colonies; got over 100 lbs. of box honey; raised fortyfive queens; and had all my bees in good fix for winter, without feeding. My bees are all Italians; I breed from imported mothers; think they are much the best. I get my imported queens from Ch. Dadant & Son." M. M. CALLEN.

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