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Use of Water by Federal Agencies Compared with Total Use

To demonstrate the significance of the current, 1980 and year 2000 annual water requirement by federal agencies on public lands in the 11 western states, a comparison is made with the total annual water requirements for those years for all consumptive use of water requirements in the 11 western states. This was done by water resource region based on data contained in The Nation's Water Resources. 13/Total water use in each region was divided into six categories--rural, domestic, municipal, industrial, steam-electric power, irrigation and livestock. The year 1965 is used to compare to the present (1967) federal agency uses because The Nation's Water Resources presented data for that year. It is considered that the effect of the two-year difference is insignificant and that both years may be considered "current" for purposes of this study.

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Tables 38 through 45 present all present and future consumptive water uses for 1965, 1980 and year 2000 by each of the six categories of use, the total use for each region, and, for comparative purposes, the total federal agency use within the respective region for each of the eight water resource regions. The federal agency uses refer only to such uses on public lands within the 11 western states.

For the Missouri,

Arkansas-White-Red, and Rio Grande

Regions it was necessary to present the uses for the entire regions. Data were not available from which to derive the total uses separately in the 11 western states portion of those regions. The federal agency uses as shown are for only the portion of the 11 western states. in those three regions. The other five regions, Upper Colorado, Lower Colorado, Great Basin, Columbia-North Pacific and California, are entirely within the study area and therefore direct comparisons can be made in those five regions between total use and federal agency use.


U. S. Water Resources Council, supra note 2.

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Table 38.-Present and Future Consumptive Water Use
Missouri Region

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Does not include exported water and reservoir evaporation. Values shown in last line are totals including exported water and reservoir evaporation.

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