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Other Rates may be infpected, to affift in pre

paring fuch

produce and obtain fuch Money neceffary to be raised for the Purposes aforefaid; and that fuch Rates or Affeffments fhall be made and allowed and published in the Manner before directed as to Rates and Affeffments to be made by virtue of this A&t, where any Allowance or Publication fhall be necef. fary under any local Act or Acts of Parliament for any fuch parochial or other District; and which Rate or Rates, Affeffment or Affeffments, being fo made and figned, published and allowed, when fuch Signature, Publication, or Allowance fhall be neceffary as aforefaid, fhall be deemed and taken to be as good, valid, and effectual, and fhall and may be collected and levied in like Manner, as if the fame had been made and figned by the Perfons authorized to make and fign such paving or other Rates or Affeffments for fuch parochial or other District by virtue of any local Act or Acts of Parliament; any fuch Act or Acts, or any other Cuftom, Law, or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXVII. And be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Clerk or Clerks, or any other Perfon or Perfons appointed by the Commiffioners or Trustees, or other Perfons havPaving Rates. ing the Control of the Pavements of the Streets and public Places in any parochial or other Diftri& within the Jurifdiction of this Act, under any local Act or Acts of Parliament, or by the Perfons authorized by any fuch local Act or Acts of Parliament, or by virtue of this Act, to make any Rates or Affeffments for or towards the paving and repairing the Pavements of the Streets and public Places with. any fuch parochial or other District, either feparately or jointly with any other Objects or Purposes as herein-before is mentioned, at any Time or Times between the Hours of Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon and Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, on any Day not being a Sunday, or an Holiday appointed by Law, to peruse, examine, and inspect the



Book or Books of the Rates or Affeffments for the Relief of the Poor, or for the Land or Affeffed Taxes, or of any other public, parliamentary, parochial, or local Tax affecting or charged upon or in proportion to the Meffuages or Hereditaments inhabited, held, or occupied by any Perfon or Perfons within any fuch parochial or other District, in order that thereby the Names of fuch Perfons liable to be affeffed to fuch paving or other Rates or Affeffments, and the Meffuages or Hereditaments in respect whereof fuch Perfon or Persons should be charged to fuch Rates or Affeffments, and the Value of fuch Meffuages or Hereditaments, may be more correctly ascertained; and that such Clerk or Clerks or other Perfon or Perfons fo appointed, at the Expence of the Commiffioners or Trustees or other Perfons by whom he or they fhall be employed or appointed, may then take Copies or Extracts from fuch Books and Rates and Affeffments at his or their Pleasure; and the Clerk or Clerks, Collector or Collectors, or other Perfons having the Cuftody or Power over fuch Books and Rates and Afsessments, shall and he and they is and are hereby directed to produce the fame, and all and every of them, whenever thereunto required by the Clerk or Clerks or other Perfons fo appointed as aforefaid for the Purposes aforefaid, by a Notice figned by fuch Clerk or Clerks or other Perfon or Perfons fo appointed as aforefaid, given to or left for him or them, or any of them, at his or their or any of their Dwelling House or Dwelling Houfes, Office or Offices, or laft or ufual Place or Places of Abode, at the Hour, and on the Day, and at the Dwelling. houfe or Office mentioned in fuch Notice; and that if fuch Clerk or Clerks, Collector or Collectors, or other Perfon or Perfons having for the Time being the Cuftody or Power of fuch Book or Books, Affeffment or Affeffments, fhall neglect so to do, then he or they fhall forfeit for fuch Offence and Neglect and fhall pay the Sum of Five Pounds, to be recovered

D 2

Property in different Dif

tricts to be

equally affeffed.


ers may rec

in Paving Rates.

covered in the fame Manner in which other Forfeitures and Penalties are herein-after directed to be recovered by virtue of this A&t.

XXVIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Meffuages or other Hereditaments fhall be partly within Two or more parochial or other Districts within the Jurifdiction of this Act, or partly within any parochial or other District within the Jurifdiction of this Act, and partly without fuch Jurifdiction, then the Inhabitant, Holder, or Occupier thereof, or other Perfon or Perfons liable to be rated in respect thereof, fhall be rated and affeffed to the Rates and Affeffments to be made by virtue of any local Act or Acts of Parliament relating to the Pavements of each of fuch parochial or other Districts, jointly or feparately with any other Objects or Purpofes, or by virtue of this Act, to the paving and other fuch Rates and Affeffments, for each of fuch parochial or other Districts, for a proportionable Part of the Rent or Value thereof, according to the Quantity or Extent or Value of the Part of any fuch Meffuages or other Hereditaments which may be in each of fuch parochial or other Diftricts; and that it fhall and may be lawful for any Commiffioners or Trustees, or any other Persons having the Control of the Pavements in each of fuch parochial or other Districts, and they are hereby respectively authorized and required, to ascertain, fettle, and determine in what Proportion of the Rent or Value of fuch Meffuages or Hereditaments fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be rated and affeffed and fhall pay towards the faid paving, and other Rates or Affeffments of each of fuch parochial or other Districts refpectively.

XXIX. And be it further enacted, That if it fhall tify Omiffions appear to the Commiffioners or Trustees, or other Perfons having the Control of the Pavements in any Streets or public Places in any parochial or other District within the Jurifdiction of this Act, at any Time or Times after any Paving Rate or Affeffment fhall have been duly made, or made and allowed,


by virtue of any local Act or Acts of Parliament for their parochial or other District, or by virtue of this Act, that the Name or Names of any Perfon or Perfons who ought to be included in fuch Rate or Affeffment hath or have been omitted therein, or that the Name or Names of fome Perfon or Persons hath or have been inserted in fuch Rate or Affeffment as Inhabitants, Holders, or Occupiers of any Meffuages or Hereditaments for and in respect of which some other Perfon or Perfons ought to have been rated or affeffed, or that any other Alteration or Amendment of fuch Rate or Affeffment may be neceffary, then and in any or either of fuch Cafes it fhall be lawful for the said Commiffioners or Truftees, or other Perfons, to add or infert, or cause to be added and inferted, to or in fuch Rate or Affeffment, the Name or Names of the Perfon or Perfons fo omitted, together with the Sum or Sums for which he or they ought to be rated and assessed, and the Amount of fuch Rate or Affeffment in respect thereof; and also to infert and substitute, or cause to be inferted and fubftituted, the Name or Names of fuch Perfon or Perfons as may be the Inhabitants, Holders, or Occupiers of any Meffuages or Hereditaments, instead of and for the Name or Names of the Perfon or Perfons incorrectly inserted in fuch Rate or Affeffment as the Inhabitants, Holders, or Occupiers of any Meffuages or Hereditaments, and otherwife from Time to Time to alter and amend the faid Rate and Affeffment as they may from Time to Time deem neceffary; and that every fuch Addition, Infertion, Alteration, and Amendment, to or in any fuch Rate or Affeffment, fhall be valid and effectual in Law to all Intents and Purposes, and the Monies charged to any Person or Perfons in confequence thereof fhall and may be demanded, received, and recovered in the fame Manner as if the Name or Names of fuch Perfon or Perfons, or other Alteration or Amendment, had been inferted and made in fuch Rate or Affeffment

Public Buildings to be rated.

at the Time of or previous to the original making or Signature or Allowance or Publication thereof, where any Signature or Allowance or Publication may be required by the said local Act or Acts.

XXX. And be it further enacted, That it may be lawful to and for the Commiffioners, Trustees, or other Perfons having the Control of the Pavements of the Streets or public Places in any parochial or other District within the Jurifdiction of this Act, to include in any Rate or Affeffment for or towards the Cofts and Charges of paving or repairing the Pavement of and within fuch parochial or other District, either jointly or separately with any other Objects or Purposes, to be hereafter made by virtue of the refpective local Act or Acts relating to the Pavements of fuch parochial or other District, or to fuch Pavements and other Objects, or by virtue of this Act, and from Time to Time to rate and affefs thereby any cathedral, collegiate, or other Church or Churches, parochial and other Chapels, Meetinghoufes, Places for Religious Worship, Hospitals, public Schools, and all other public Buildings within each of fuch parochial or other Districts, which now is or hereafter may be built, and all other Place or Places which by any local Act or Acts of Parliament relating to any particular parochial or other District may be or are or is liable to be rated or affeffed for thofe Purposes, or any of them, at a Rate not exceeding in any one Year the Sum of One Shilling for every Square Yard of the Foot, Carriage-way, and other Pavements contained in One-half of the entire Width of as much of any and every Street or public Place as fhall or may lay before or at the Sides or Rear of, or abut upon or adjoin to fuch cathedral, collegiate, or other Church or Churches, parochial and other Chapels, Meeting-house, Places for Religious Worship, Hofpitals, public Schools, and other public Buildings or Place or Places refpectively, or before, upon, or to the Areas or Ground in front of or surrounding


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