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"When I've money, I am merry," sung with equal spirit? Liston plays Shelty with great humour; he gives it all the breadth and richness that belong to his style of acting; he assumes also an unusual degree of comic vivacity. Harley lacks the quaint drollery of Munden, and the oily fatness of Liston, but he is excellent in his way. Of all the Moggies in our recollection, Miss Foote is by far the most interesting. Her sprightly air, "Though I am now a very little Lad," was arcn and frolicsome. Indeed, her whole performance was every way worthy of an enamoured lass who could be generous and romantic enough to hazard an expedient so repugnant to female propriety, to make two lovers happy.



The Conductors of this work print no Plays but those which they have seen actel. The Stage Directions are given from their own personal observations, during the most recent performances.


R. means Right; L. Left; D. F. Door in Flat; R. D. Right Door; L. D. Left Door; S. E. Second Entrance; U. E. Upper Entrance; M. D. Middle Door.


R. means Right; L. Left; C. Centre; R. C. Right of Centre; L. C. Left of Centre.






The Reader is supposed to be on the Stage, facing the Audience.


MISS FOOTE was born in the year 1798. Her father was for many years proprietor and manager of the Plymouth Theatre, on which stage we have to record her first dramatic essay, in the character of Juliet, in July, 1810. Her rapid improvement in the histrionic art procured her an engagement at Covent-Garden Theatre, and she made her first appearance on those boards, on the 26th May, 1813, in Amanthis, in the Child of Nature.

No character could have been more judiciously chosen for the advantageous display of a beautiful countenance and figure, than Amanthis. Miss Foote possessed these qualifications in an eminent degree, together with a manner peculiarly interesting. Her success was therefore complete. The public, however, were not aware of the full extent of her powers, until the appearance of Mr. Morton's farce of "A Roland for an Oliver," when her performance of Maria Darlington charmed by its spirit, and captivated by its elegance.

Since that period, Miss Foote has ranked with the most popular actresses of the present day. Her Letitia Hardy is arch and vivacious; her Virginia is natural and affecting.





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breeches-morning gown-black cap. SANDY.-Tartan plaid jacket, waistcoat, and kelt-blue bonnet, with black feathers-fleshings-Scotch stockings, and shoes. SHELTY.-Red plaid jacket, waistcoat, and kelt-fleshings-plaid stockings-shoes, and cap.

CHARLEY-Light blue frock-scarlet waistcoat-drab breeches. CAPTAIN DASH.-Scarlet regimental coat-white pantaloons,


SERGEANT JACK.-Ditto, only trimmed with white lace, in. stead of gold.

LAIRD OF RAASEY.-Gray coat-black waistcoat-black breeches-drab great-coat.

CROUDY.-Blue Guernsy striped shirt-plaid kelt-fleshingsplaid stockings.

APIE.-Countryman's coat-drab breeches.

BENIN.-Old green livery coat-scarlet waistcoat-black shag


MOGGY.-First dress: Drab petticoat, with plaid trimmingSecond dress: Tartan plain jacket, waistcoat, and kelt-blue bonnet with very large black feathers-fieshings-plaid cloth stockingsshoes-plaid scarf.

JENNY.-White muslin dress, neatly trimmed with plaid riband white body-plaid scarf.

Cast of the Characters, as Performed at the Theatres Royal,

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SCENE I.-A small Court-yard before M'GILPIN's House, inclosed with a low paling and a small gate, L. S. E. Stage rather dark. Time-Morning, twilight. CHARLEY discovered-MOGGY appears at a Window, L. s. E.


Cha. The lamb and the heifer are taking their rest, Mog. The lark and the sparrow lie snug in their nest; Cha. Pussy dozes;


And so does my doggy. Cha. All are snoring but Charley


And Moggy!

We wake to love before it is day.

Cha. Come, my dearest !


I come, my dear!

Both. We must be tripping away.

Mog. No portion, dear Charley, if I marry thee,
My little old dad will give unto me!

Will love cool if you take me so barely?
Cha. Mog in her smicket is welcome to Charley !
Mog. We wake to love before it is day, &c.
Cha. Come, my dearest, &c.

[Moggy retires from the window.—Exit Charley, L. U. E. Enter M'GILPIN from the House, L. S. E.

M'Gil. I will believe in witchcrafts, in wizards, and warlocks. Though I did pack Goody Commins out of the island, yet I am certain her elves have been about my house this night.-No noise in Jenny's room, nor in my daughter Moggy's, nor in Charley's, nor in Benin's; yet, noises I most assuredly heard. [Moggy from her window throws a box on his head-he falls down.] E!

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