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104 new barrels ball cartridges, 400 new common tents with

58 do. quarter casks powder. Sent to York, Nov. 4th, 1814: 500 old cartridge, boxes belts and scabbards,

530 new do.

1300 new knapsacks,

250 do. muskets,


poles and pins, 21 do wall do. with flyes do.

Sent to Erie in 1813: 4 old brass cannon, 4 prs. To Harrisburg:

2 old brass cannon, 6 prs.

Brigade Inspector's Office, October 4th, 1815.

SIR-The above is a correct list of military articles contained in the State Arsenal and State Magazine, as fas as I am at present able to ascertain.

Adjutant General, P. M.


1st brigade, 1st division, P. M.


York, January 28th, 1815.

SIR-The following is a correct statement of the military stores of every description, by me collected, and safely deposited, viz.

3321 stand
38 do,

Public muskets,

do. rifles,



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Ditto of axes,


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Tent poles and pins sufficient for the above markees and tents. I have had the tents that were in use, well washed, dryed and rolled. The camp kettles I have had well cleaned and oiled; the workmen are going on with the cleaning and oiling the arms as fast as possible, and in my opinion are doing them well.

There are a number of the arms of this brigade, which are not yet collected, nor is there room for them in the arsenal, without hampering the workmen.

I have had the arms that are fit for service stacked by themselves, and those that want repairing apart from them.


I am your Excellency's,
Obedient humble servant,
Brigade Inspector.


Inventory of ordnance, arms, ammunition, military stores and camp equipage, deposited at Erie belonging to the state of Pennsylvania, May 20th, 1815.

450 muskets,

430 do. damaged, 1400 flints,

17000 musket ball cartridges, 8000 do. damaged,

166 cartouch boxes ditto, 1200 pounds of powder, 300 do damaged, 1904 pounds of lead,

5 do. musket ball, 106 fixed case shot, 132 do. strap do. 100 four-pound shot, 10 tents,

2 wall do.

2 pair of bullet moulds,
50 tin camp kettles,
60 do. damaged,
180 iron camp kettles,
25 do. damaged,
90 tin pans,
40 do damaged,
1 gallon measure,
11 quart do.
4 tin cups,
6 coffee pots,
14 funnels,
62 bake kettles,
7 do. damaged,
77 lids,

43 pots,

s do. damaged,

20 skillets,

4 do. damaged, 1 griddle,

15 large iron kettles, 2 frying pans, 8 wooden buckets,

9 cans,

90 wooden dishes,

100 axes,

280 do. damaged, 4 spades,

3 do. damaged, 13 shovels,

5 iron wedges, 4 grubbing hoes, 6 hammers, 3 shingling hatchets, 9 drawing knives, 3 adzes, 12 chisels, 20 augers, 2 square rules, 55 gimblets, 1 spike draw, 7 hand saws, 5 cross cut do. S log chains,

6 pair steelyards,

20 pocket ink stands,

10 quires writing paper, trunk medecine,

1 chest do.


10 plates,
6 knives,
4 forks,
1 pitcher,
1 coffee mill,
4 bed robes,
10 blankets,
20 lbs. of nails,
40 do. steel,
5 grind stones,
2 frows,

5 brass field pieces,
5 carriages, complete,
4 collars,

4 breechbands,
2 bridles,
4 pair of hems,
4 tar buckets,
2 budge buckets,
1 fire bucket,
3 fuzz boxes,
3 pincers,

5 rammers and spunges,
3 gunners' belts,
4 lbs. coffee damaged,
2 do. chocolate do.
2 gill measures,
4 lbs. loaf sugar,

30 boxes for cartridges,

3 pad locks,

2 quart bottles,

1 gallon do.

2 pint measures.

I certify this to be a correct return, of all the public property within the bounds of the 2d brigade of the 16th division, Pennsylvania militia, which I have been able to get possession of.


Brigade Inspector.

His Excellency SIMON SNYDER, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Harrisburg, 22d November, 1815.

SIR-Having taken into consideration your report to me of the arms, camp equipage and military stores in your care remaining, as the property of this state; I do in virtue of the authority in me vested, in and by an act, entitled, An act to provide for the preservation of arms, camp equipage and other military property, belonging to this commonwealth,' passed the 15th day of March last past, order and direct that, with all convenient speed, you proceed to sell (having given reasonable 'notice thereof,) for the best prices that can be obtained, either by private or by public sale, the public stores consisting of the articles following, viz.

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3 adzes,

12 chisels,

20 augers,

2 square rules,

55 gimblets,
1 spike draw,
7 hand saws,

5 cross cut do.

2 hand saw files,

2 cross cut do..

3 log chains,

6 pair steelyards,
20 pocket ink stands,
10 quires writing paper,
1 trunk medicine,

1 chest do.

10 plates,
6 knives,
4 forks,
1 pitcher,
1 coffee mill,
4 bed robes,
10 blankets,
20 lbs. of nails,

40 do. of steel,

5 grind stones,
2 frows,

4 lbs. coffee, damaged,
4 do. chocolate do.
4 do. loaf sugar,
30 boxes for cartridges,

3 pad locks,
3 quart bottles,

1 gallon do.

2 pint measures,

2 gill do.

And having so done, that you make specific report thereof to me, as also of the state that the remainder of arms, camp equipage, &c. shall be in, after you shall have made sale as above directed, in order that your report be laid before the Legislature during their next session as directed by the act, the title of which is above recited.


Inspector of the second brigade,


sixteenth division, Pennsylvanis Militia.

Harrisburg, 23d November, 1815.

A similar order was this day issued to Robert Provines, Esq. inspector of the 2d brigade, 10th division, Pennsylvania militia, for the sale of two kegs of powder remaining in his charge.

Same day. A similar order was issued to Isaac Post, Esq. inspector of the 2d brigade, 8th division, Pennsylvania militia, for the sale of 8 large camp kettles, 18 tin kettles damaged and 1 keg of gun powder, containing, as he says perhaps 15 pounds.

Same day. A similar order was issued to Daniel Sharp, Esq. inspector of the 1st brigade, 1st division, Pennsylvania militia, for the sale of the following property, viz.

225 condemned muskets,
27 do. common tents,
365 do. haversacks, (linen,)
572 blankets,

85 old tin camp kettles,
48 old tin mess pans,
30 old frying pans,
6 old skillets,

185 old axes,

4 new adzes,

7 hatches out of repair, 224 rifle stocks,

32 new tin cups, 190 musket stocks,

58 quarter casks of powder, 335 wooden water buckets, 24 camp colours, (condemned,) 104 half barrels ball cartridges.



Harrisburg, 16th March, 1815.

An act providing for the preservation of arms, camp equipage. and other military property, passed by the present legislature, containing provisions and prescribing duties which require your prompt attention, has induced this early transmission, for your government, of the preceding copy of that law, togther with my orders that you proceed immediately to perform all the duties therein enjoined; and that in their discharge, you use due vigilance, and exercise all the authority vested in you by law, and

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