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agreed to be loaned by the several banks, should be paid over into one or more of those institutions in the city, or passed to the credit of the United States in those banks respectively, the Governor has this day directed each bank to pass in their books the sums they have agreed to loan, to the credit of the United States, subject to the draft of the paymaster general of the United States, or to that of any other officer who may be by that go vernment authorized to receive it; so that there is no doubt, before this reaches you, 300,000 dollars will have been placed to the credit of the United States government, to be disposed of agreeably to the conditions of the loan. For the sum loaned by each bank, I beg leave to refer you to the list accompanying my last letter.

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Permit me to observe, that a considerable portion of the militia and volunteers in service last fall on the shores of the Delaware, and all those called into service in the month of October last to rendezvous at Snowdens near Baltimore, were from the western parts of the state; it would therefore, probably, be more convenient for the men, that the paymaster at Pittsburg should be instructed to pay them.

It has been represented to the Governor, that some of those men who served under col. Fenton in Canada, and who behaved so gallantly, have not yet received their pay from the United States. Shall I ask you to call the attention of the paymaster to the case of those men.

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SIR-The president and directors of the Bank of the Northern Liberties having, according to request, agreed to loan to the commonwealth the sum of twenty thousand dollars, I do by virtue of the authority in me vested by an act of the General Assembly, entitled, An act authorizing the Governor to negociate a loan for paying the militia and volunteers of this state, late in the service of the United States,' passed the 11th day of March last, accept of the said loan of twenty thousand dollars on the terms proposed, which sum is to be placed to the credit of the United States, on the books of the said institution, subject to the draft of the paymaster general of the armies of the United States, or to the draft of any other officer, that may be by that government authorized to receive the same, on the conditions prescrib

ed in the said act of the General Assembly. For the repayment whereof, with interest, I pledge the commonwealth of Pennsyl


I am,

Very respectfully, sir,
Your obedient servant,


President of the Bank of

the Northern Liberties.

[Similar letters were at the same time sent to the presidents of the following named banks: The Bank of Pennsylvania for thirty thousand dollars-The Bank of North America for fifty thousand dollars The Philadelphia Bank for fifty thousand dollarsThe Mechanics' Bank of the city and county of Philadelphia for fifty thousand dollars-The Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank for forty thousand dollars-The Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania for forty thousand dollars, and the Schuylkill Bank in the city of Philadelphia for twenty thousand dollars.]

No. 12.

Treasury Department, 15th May, 1815.

SIR-I have just received your letter of the 10th instant. I shall place a copy of it immediately in the hands of the paymaster of the army, and he will be instructed from the war department to attend to all your views respecting the payment of the militia and volunteers of Pennsylvania, who were called into the service of the United States, out of the loan of 300,000 dollars made by the state to the general government. In particular he will be requested to accommodate the western militia, if he can, by paying them at Pittsburg, and to attend to the payment of the militia who served under colonel Fenton in Canada.

I am,

Very respectfully, sir,
Your most obedient,


Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.



No. 1.

To Simon Snyder, Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania.

The undersigned, commissioners appointed to view and examine the river Monongahela from the borough of Pittsburg to the southern boundary of the state, beg leave to report:

That they have complied with their appointment, and have made and herewith transmit an accurate plan of said river with its courses and distances, marked A. They have also herewith transmitted a list of the several ripples, with their elevation in feet and parts of a foot, and the distance in miles and perches be tween the several ripples, and the lenth of the several ripples in perches, marked B. The also beg leave to represent, that after viewing the whole premises, and after the most mature deliberation, they are of opinion that there is no way of making said river navigable at all seasons, but by erecting dams and locks; and in pursuance of that opinion they have, according to their instructions, transmitted a list of the site of the several dams, which, in their opinion, it will require, and also the height thereof, marked C.

The undersigned are of opinion, that the best and most per manent kind of dams, are what are called Beaver Dams, or dams built with brush and stone, with a base of forty feet, making a slope below of thirty feet, in order to enable boats to pass over with safety at certain stages of water. And after making the most accurate calculation and collecting all the information in their power, they are induced to believe, that the expence of each dam with its lock, will be about five thousand dollars.

They also do hereby report, that there is now erected on said river seven dams, viz. One at Peter's creek; one at Parkinson's; one at Baldwin's; one at Brownsville; one at ten miles or Heaton's; one at Gilmore's, and one at George's creek. That none of the said dams will, in the situation that they now are, answer the purpose of the contemplated navigation, being built with im proper materials and very subject to get out of repair, and also of an improper height.

The undersigned have also thought proper to represent, that it has been suggested to them that the owners of mill-dams now built on the river, would be willing to make their dams and locks according to the requisition of government, at their own expence. They are also decidedly of the opinion, that any dams that may


be built under the sanction of government, can always be kept in complete repair by those individuals who may have the benefit of the water for mills or other water works.

With the above observations, they beg leave to submit the subject. And have the honor to subscribe themselves,

Very respectfully,

Yours, &c.



No. 2.

New Orleans, September 15th, 1815.

SIR-I have the honor to inclose you a copy of an act of the legislature of Louisiana, entitled An act to regulate the administration of the Charity Hospital of the city of New Orleans," together with the plan of an edifice which, under the direction of that administration, is now completed. Your excellency will observe, by a reference of the twelfth section of the act, that the funds of the hospital are deemed inadequate to the purpose of giving to it all the extent required by the situation of this metropolis, to which great numbers of our fellow citizens, inhabitants of the states and territories bordering on the Mississippi, the Ohio and other water courses, annually repair;' and that it is made the duty of the Governor of this state, to propose to the several state legislatures, a subscription for the benefit of said charity hospital,' which will thereby be enabled to receive a greater number of sick, and to participate to them the necessary relief.


For several years past, it has been found that among the pa. tients admitted into the hospital, gratis, the greater proportion were inhabitants of the western states and territories, who des scend annually to New Orleans, with their surplus productions. The peace which our country now happily enjoys, cannot fail to promote a more frequent intercourse of the industrious and enterprising citizens of the western counties of your state with this capital; nor is it improbable, but among them there will be many individuals who, afflicted with the diseases prevalent here during the summer season, may seek an asylum in the benevolent institution, in whose behalf I now address your excellency.

This consideration, no less than that generous disposition to relieve suffering humanity, which the American states have at all times manifested, will, I am persuaded, induce the legislature of

Pennsylvania to extend to the charity hospital of New Orleans,

its liberal support.

With sentiments of great respect,

I have the honor to be,

Your excellency's

Most obedient and humble servant,

His Excellency the Governor

of the State of Pennsylvania.

No. 3.


To regulate the administration of the Charity Hospital of the city of New Orleans.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That the administration of the charity hospital of New Orleans, shall be trusted in a council of administration, composed of six members and the governor of this state, who shall be at perpetuity president of said administration: That the members of said council shall for the first time be chosen and commissioned by the governor, and that all successive vacancies shall be filled by a ballot of a majority of the members in a legal meeting: That the said council shall assemble on the first Monday of each month, and oftener if the governor think fit or business require, and that three members and the president shall constitute a quorum. Provided, That in the absence of the Governor, the members present, if four in number, shall have the power of choosing one from among themselves to preside in the governor's place.

Sect. 2. And be it further enacted, That said council shall have full power and authority to manage and administer said hospital, to repair and improve its property of whatsoever nature it may be, to rent and lease the same, and to enter into any kinds of contracts, contracts of sales excepted, for the best advantage of said administration; to accept in behalf of said hospital all donations and legacies under any title whatsoever which may be made to the same, by private or public instruments of writing, by codicil, will, or in any other manner, as also sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in all affairs and actions whatever, before any of the courts of this state.

Sect. 3. And be it further enacted, That immediately after the appointment by the Governor of said administrators, it shall be their duty, and they are hereby empowered to claim before a court of competent jurisdiction, or otherwise as the case may be, from any individual or corporation, the delivery of the real and

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