That so much of the Governor's message of the 14th inst. ar relates to the erection of an Hospital in the city of New Orleans, be referred to a committee, which was agreed to, and Ordered, That Mr. I. Weaver, Mr. Biddle, Mr. Shearer, Mr. Welles and Mr. McFarland be said committee. Agreeably to order, The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Ewing in the chair, on the bill, entitled A supplement to the act for the relief of insolvent debtors.' The committee rose and reported said bill with amendments, which were read. Agreeably to order, The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr.. Forster in the chair, on the bill, entitled A further supplement to the act, entitled, an act to provide for the erection of an additional court for the city and county of Philadelphia.' And after some time, The committee rose and reported said bill as committed. The clerk of the House of Representatives being introduced, informed that that house have concurred in the amendments by Senate, to the bill, entitled An act releasing to Christopher Hassinger and Elizabeth Hess the right of this commonwealth to a certain escheated estate.1 On motion of Mr. Beale and Mr. Rogers, The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Graham in the chair, on the bill, entitled An act to authorise Henry Jarrett, of Northampton county, to build a permanent toll bridge across the river Lehigh, at or near a place known by the name of Currie's ferry, in the county of Northampton.' And after some time, The committee rose and reported said bill as committed. On motion of Mr. Barnitz and Mr. Poe, The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Frailey in the chair, on the bill, entitled An act to repeal certain parts of an act, entitled, an act for erecting the town of York in the county of York into a borough, for regulating the buildings, preventing nuisances and encroachments on the commons, squares, streets, lanes, and alleys of the same, and for other purposes therein mentioned, as well as of the act supplementary thereto." And after some time, The committee rose and reported said bill with one amendment, which was read. On motion, Said bill was again read, considered by section and agreed to, and Ordered, That it be transcribed for a third reading. On motion of Mr. I. Weaver and Mr. Frailey, Ordered, That when Senate adjourns it will adjourn to meet at 10 o'clock on Monday morning, and that that be the hour of meeting on each day until otherwise directed. Adjourned until that time. MONDAY, December 18, 1815. The Speaker laid before Senate a letter from the prothonotary of Allegheny county, forwarding a certified copy of the official return of the election of Samuel Power, as a representative in Senate from the district composed of the counties of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler and Armstrong; and Said letter was read and laid on the table. Mr. Biddle presented the petition of Josiah Randall, stating that he is preparing for publication an edition of the British Statutes in force in this commonwealth, and praying that the legislature will yield him encouragement upon such terms as will compensate him for the labor and expense necessarily attendant on the undertaking; and Said petition was read and referred to Mr. Biddle, Mr. I. Weaver and Mr. Graham. Mr. Forster presented the petition of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Zions church in the borough of Harrisburg, praying that they may be authorised to raise by lottery a sum of money adequate to the discharge of the debt with which they are now encumbered; and Said petition was read and referred to Mr. Forster, Mr. Poe and Mr. Shoemaker. The bill, entitled An act to repeal certain parts of an act, entitled, an act for erecting the town of York in the county of York into a borough, for regulating the buildings, preventing nuisances and encroachments on commons, squares, streets, lanes and alleys of the same, and for other purposes therein mentioned, as well as of the act supplementary thereto,' was read the third time, and Resolved, That this bill pass. The bill, entitled An act supplementary to an act, entitled, an act to enable the Governor to incorporate a company for making an artificial road from the Springhouse tavern in Montgomery county to the borough of Northampton in the county of Lehigh, and to the town of Bethlehem in the county of Northampton, was read the third time, and Resolved, That this bill pass. Ordered, That the clerk present said bills to the House of Re presentatives for concurrence, wife The bill from the House of Representatives, entitled A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to erect the town of Hanover in the county of York into a borough,' was read the third time, and Resolved, That this bill pass. The bill from the House of Representatives, entitled 'An act vesting the title of a certain piece of land in Somerset township and county of Washington, in certain trustees and their successors for the use of the German Lutheran and Calvinist congregation in said township,' was read the third time, and Resolved, That this bill pass. Ordered, That the clerk return said bills to the House of Representatives with information that Senate have passed the same, the former without and the latter with one amendment, in which the concurrence of that house is requested. The amendment was, That the patent for said land shall be issued without office fees. The bill, entitled A supplement to the act for the relief of insolvent debtors,' was read the second time as reported by a committee of the whole on the 16th inst. considered by section and agreed to. Ordered, That said bill be transcribed for a third reading. A further supplement to the act, entitled, an act to provide for the erection of an additional court for the city and county of Philadelphia,' was read the second time as reported by a committee of the whole on the 16th inst. considered by section and agreed to. Ordered, That said bill be transcribed for a third reading. A motion was made by Mr. Baily and Mr. Hopkins, and read as follows, to wit. Resolved, That this legislature will adjourn on Saturday the 23d inst. to meet again on Monday the 1st of January next at 4 o'clock, P. M. On motion, Said resolution was again read and considered. And on the question, Will Senate agree to the same? Y The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Morgan and Mr. Murray, and are as follow, to wit. 3) G. Weaver.n 13. A motion was made by Mr. Jarrett and Mr. Shoemaker, and read as follows, to wit. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That the legislature will adjourn without day on Friday the first day of March next. Whereupon, A motion was made by Mr. Jarrett and Mr. Beale, To proceed to the second reading and consideration of said resolution, and On the question, Will Senate agree to proceed to the consideration of said resolution ? It was determined in the negative, and the resolution laid on the table. Agreeably to order, The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Hopkins in the chair, on the bill from the House of Representatives, entitled An act to vest in Sarah Vernon the estate of her natural son Emmor Vernon, late of Delaware county, deceased.' And after some time, The committee rose and reported said bill with one amendment, which was read. Agreeably to order, The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Jarrett in the chair, on the bill entitled A supplement to the act of the 11th March, 1815, entitled, an act authorizing the Governor to negociate a loan for paying the militia and volunteers of this state, late in the service of the United States.' And after some time, The committee rose and reported said bill with one amendment, which was read. On motion, The said bill was read the second time, and the several sections considered and agreed to. The title being under consideration. A motion was made by Mr. Rogers and Mr. Shearer, To amend the same by striking therefrom the words of the 11th March 1815,' which was agreed to, and the title as amended agreed to. Ordered, That said bill be transcribed for a third reading. TUESDAY, December 19, 1815. The Speaker laid before the Senate a certificate from the prothonotary of Indiana county; which was read as follows, to wit. I do certify, that from the return of the general election of Senator for the counties of Westmoreland, Indiana and Jefferson, signed by the return judges, filed in my office, it appears that John Reed, Esq. of Greensburg, was duly elected for the district com posed of the aforesaid counties. SEAL. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the 14th day of December, 1815. JAMES M'LAIN, Prothonotary. Ordered, To lie on the table. A motion was then made by Mr. I. Weaver and Mr. McFarland, That Mr. Reed be permitted to take his seat, which was agreed to. Whereupon, Mr. Reed appearing, and after the requisite qualifications were administered to him by the Speaker, took his seat. Mr. Lane presented the petition of Casper Etling, praying the legislature to pass a law vesting and confirming in him the title to certain real estate purchased by him previous to his naturalization as a citizen of the United States; and Said petition was read and referred to Mr. Lane, Mr. Smith and Mr. Rogers. Mr. Forster presented the petition of the president, managers and company for making a turnpike road from Harrisburg to Middletown, praying that a law may be passed authorizing the Governor to subscribe for a limited number of shares of stock in said road; and Said petition was read and referred to Mr. Forster, Mr. Beale and Mr. G. Weaver, with leave to report by bill or otherwise. Mr. Beale presented twenty-three petitions of sundry inhabitants of Mifflin county, praying for the division of the said county; and The same were read and referred to Mr. Beale, Mr. Graham and Mr. Reed. Mr. Beale also presented two memorials from sundry inhabitants of Mifflin county, remonstrating against the annexation of any part of Mifflin to Cumberland county so as to make Millerstown the seat of justice, but rather preferring a division of Mifflin county; and Said memorials were read and referred to the last named committee. |