On motion, The said report was again read, and the several items therein contained, referred as follow, to wit. Item 1. to the committee already appointed on the 6th item of the Governor's message relative to the elective franchise. Item 2. to Mr. Jarrett, Mr. Power and Mr. Hopkins. Item 3. to the committee on the penal code. Item 4. to Mr. Graham, Mr. I. Weaver, Mr. Forster, Mr. Frailey and Mr. Morgan. Mr. Graham from the committee appointed for the purpose yesterday, reported a bill, entitled An act to extend an act vesting in certain banking institutions within this commonwealth, the power of issuing small notes," which was read the first time. ...The bill, entitled A further supplement to an act, entitled, an act to enable the Governor of this commonwealth to incorporate a company for making an artificial road from the intersection of Front street and the Germantown road in the Northern Liberties of the city of Philadelphia, through Frankford and Bristol to the ferry at Morrisville on the river Delaware,' was read the third time, and Resolved, That this bill pass. Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the House of Representatives for concurrence. Agreeably to order, The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Barnitz in the chair, on the bill from the House of Representatives, entitled An act releasing to Christopher Hassinger and Elizabeth Hess the right of this commonwealth to a certain escheated estate.' And after some time, The committee rose and reported said bill without amendment. On motion of Mr. Frailey and Mr. Murray, 7 The resolution read on the 8th inst. relative to the pay of ab sent members, was again read, and The same being under consideration, A motion was made by Mr. Jarrett and Mr. Beale, To amend said resolution by inserting after the word 'member' in the 10th line, the words may have obtained leave of ab sence or;' and On the question, Will Senate agree so to amend ? The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Smith and Mr. Ewing, and are as follow, to wit. YEAS. Messrs. Biddle, Jarrett and Shearer.-3. So it was determined in the negative. Ross, Shannon, Smith, 1. Weaver, bik A motion was then made by Mr. Beale and Mr. Jarrett, 24 To amend the same by inserting after the word resolved' the words by the Senate and House of Representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met;' by inserting after the word accounts' in the first line the words of the respective houses' and by striking out the word Senate' in the second line and inserting the words each house;' and On the question, Will Senate agree so to amend? The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Beale and Mr. Frailey, and are as follow, to wit. Power, Tod, speaker. NAYS.-Messrs. Biddle, Forster and Shearer.-3. So it was determined in the affirmative. Adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow morning. * FRIDAY, December 15, 1815. Mr. Beale presented the petition and documents of John Patton, late sheriff of Huntingdon county, praying for the reasons stated, that the costs in two suits in ejectment wherein the lessee of John Maxwell Nesbett was plaintiff, and Peter Titus, James Ranken and James Kerr were defendants, may be paid to the said petitioner out of the public treasury; and Said petition was read and referred to Mr. Beale, Mr. Erwin, Mr. Frailey, Mr. Morgan and Mr. Murray. The bill from the House of Representatives, entitled An act releasing to Christopher Hassinger and Elizabeth Hess the right of this commonwealth to a certain escheated estate,' was read the second time as reported by a committee of the whole yesterday, considered by section and agreed to, and Ordered, That said bill be prepared for a third reading. The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Beale, in the chair, on the bill, entitled An act supplementary to an act, entitled, an act to enable the Governor to incorporate a company for making an artificial road from the Springhouse tavern in Montgomery county, to the bor igh of Northampton in the county of Lehigh, and to the town f Bethlehem in the county of Northampton." And after some time, The committee rose and reported said bill with amendments, which were read. The clerk of the House of Representatives being introduced, presented for concurrence the bill, entitled An act authorising Mary M'Creary one of the guardians of the persons and estates of the minor children of Thomas McCreary, deceased, to execute and receive certain releases therein mentioned, and to repeal an act heretofore passed relating thereto,' which was read the first time. Agreeably to order, The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Biddle in the chair, on the bill from the House of Representatives, entitled 'An act vesting the title of a certain piece of land in Somerset township and county of Washington in certain trustees, and their successors for the use of the German Lutheran and Calvinist congregations in said township,' And after some time, The committee rose and reported said bill with one amendment, which was read. Agreeably to order, The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Erwin in the chair, on the bill from the House of Representatives, entitled 6 A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to erect the town of Hanover in the county of York into a borough.' And after some time, The committee rose and reported the bill as committed. SATURDAY, December 16, 1815. Mr. Jarrett from the committee to whom was referred on the 14th inst. the Sd item of unfinished business, on leave given, reported a bill, entitled An act to enable the executors of Valentine Kloess to sell certain real estate,' which was read the first time. Mr. Graham from the committee to whom was referred on the 12th inst. the Sd item of the Governor's message, on leave given, reported a bill, entitled An act to provide for the erection of two arsenals, purchasing field ordnance and rifles,' which was read the first time. The Speaker laid before Senate two copies of the Confession of Faith of the Mennonists or German Baptists,' presented by said Society. The bill from the House of Representatives, entitled An act releasing to Christopher Hassinger and Elizabeth Hess the right of this commonwealth to a certain escheated estate," was read the third time, and Resolved, That this bill pass. Ordered, That the clerk return said bill to the House of Representatives with information that Senate have passed the same with amendments, in which the concurrence of that house is requested. The bill, entitled An act supplementary to an act, entitled, an act to enable the Governor to incorporate a company for making an artificial road from the Springhouse tavern in Montgomery county, and thence to the borough of Northampton in the county of Lehigh, and to the town of Bethlehem in the county of Northampton,' was read the second time as reported by a committee of the whole yesterday... Sect. 1. was considered and agreed to. On the question, Will Senate agree to said section? The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Frailey and Mr. Murray, and are as follow, to wit." So it was determined in the affirmative. The remaining sections and title being agreed to. Ordered, That said bill be transcribed for a third reading. An act vesting the title of a certain piece of land in Somerset township and county of Washington, in certain trustees and their successors, for the use of the German Lutheran and Calvinist congregations in said township, was read the second time as reported by a committee of the whole yesterday, considered by section and agreed to. Ordered, That said bill be prepared for a third reading. The bill from the House of Representatives entitled, A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to erect the town of Hanover in the county of York into à borough,' was read the se cond time as reported by a committee of the whole yesterday, considered by section and agreed to. Ordered, That said bill be prepared for a third reading. A motion was made by Mr. I. Weaver and Mr. McFarland, |