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ception of bills between the two houses during the present session; only to be dispensed with on the concurrence of two-thirds of the "members present, viz.

No new bill, or resolution in the nature of a bill, shall be transmitted from, or received by either house within four days of the time which shall have been agreed upon by both houses for the final adjournment."

Ordered, That the clerk present the said resolution to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

Agreeably to order,

The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the resolution offered on the 7th inst. relative to the seat of Samuel Power.

And the question recurring,

Shall said resolution be read the second time ?

It was determined in the affirmative.

A motion was then made by Mr. I. Weaver and Mr. McFarland, To amend the same by striking therefrom the preamble, which was agreed to; and

On the question,

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Will Senate adopt said resolution? viz.

Resolved, That the said Samuel Power be permitted to take his seat.

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The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Frailey and Mr. Beale, and are as follow, to wit.

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So it was determined in the negative.

Agreeably to order,

The Senate proceeded to the election of printer of the bills, and upon counting the votes it appeared that neither of the candidates had a majority of the whole number.


The Senate proceeded to vote a second time, and upon ascertaining the same it appeared that Christian Gleim was duly elected printer of the bills.

Ordered, That the clerk acquaint the Secretary of the Commonwealth thereof, that the requisite sureties may be taken for. the faithful performance of the printing work of Senate.

The Speaker laid before Senate a letter from Richard T. Leech, surveyor general, transmitting a report in compliance with the directions of the act passed the 31st of March 1812, making appropriations to defray certain expenses of government; of the business that has been performed in that office within the preceding year, together with the state of the office and the contingent expenses thereof, including those of the board of property during that period.

Ordered, To lie on the table.

(See appendix for said documents.)

Adjourned until 11 o'clock on Monday morning.

MONDAY, December 11, 1815.

Mr. Welles the member returned by the district composed of the counties of Lycoming, Centre, Clearfield, McKean, Potter, Bradford and Tioga appeared, and after the requisite qualifications were administered to him by the Speaker, took his seat.

Mr. G. Weaver from the committee to whom was referred on the 7th inst. the petition of the president and managers of the Springhouse and Bethlehem turnpike road company, reported a bill, entitled

An act supplementary to an act, entitled, an act to enable the Governor to incorporate a company for making an artificial road from the Springhouse tavern in Montgomery county, and thence to the borough of Northampton in the county of Lehigh. and to the town of Bethlehem in the county of Northampton,' which was read the first time.

Mr. Frailey from the committee to whom was referred on the 8th inst. the petition of Henry Jarrett, on leave given, reported a bill, entitled

An act to authorise Henry Jarrett, of Northampton county, to build a permanent toll bridge across the river Lehigh, at or near a place known by the name of Currie's ferry, in the county of Northampton, which was read the first time.

The Speaker laid before Senate a letter from John Cochran, secretary of the land office, transmitting a detailed report of the business performed in his office during the last year, together with the state of his office and contingent expenses thereof during that period, agreeably to the act of the 2d of April 1810, and of the 4th April 1805.

Ordered, To lie on the table.

(For the report accompanying said letter see appendix.)

On motion of Mr. I. Weaver and Mr. Beale,

The message of the Governor read on the 8th inst. was again read, and referred to Mr. I. Weaver, Mr. Shannon, Mr. Barnitz, Mr. Shearer and Mr. Hopkins, to consider and report thereon.

Mr. Biddle read a bill in his place, and on leave given, presented the same to the chair, entitled

A further supplement to the act, entitled, an act to provide for the erection of an additional court for the city and county of Philadelphia,' which was read the first time.

Mr. Biddle also read a bill in his place, and on leave given, presented the same to the chair, entitled

A supplement to the act for the relief of insolvent debtors,' which was read the first time.

Agreeably to order,

The Senate proceeded to the reconsideration of the bill, entitled 'An act for the regulation of the militia,' returned by the Governor on the 6th inst. with certain objections against its being enacted into a law, and

On the question,

Shall this bill pass?

The members present voted as follow, viz.

YEAS. Messrs. Beale, Frailey and Shannon.-3.

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The Speaker laid before Senate a letter from the Secretary of the Commonwealth, stating that he has transmitted to the House of Representatives sundry depositions and cross examinations taken in the case of Joseph Brinton, a justice of the peace, in and for the county of Delaware; and

Said letter was read and laid on the table

Mr. I. Weaver from the committee to whom was referred yes terday the Governor's message, made report which was read as follows, to wit.

That the following items are therein recommended to the attention of the legislature, viz.

1. The militia system.

2. Building arsenals.

3. Increase of rifles and field ordnance..

4. A further loan for the payment of the militia.

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5. A legislative exposition of the law, giving additional pay to the militia while in the service of the United States.

6. A declaratory law upon the subject of the elective franchise. 7. A revision and amelioration of the penal code.

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8. The report of the judges of the supreme court on the En

glish statutes.

9. The judiciary system, and judicial proceedings.

10. The arbitration law.

11. Sheriffs' sureties, election, and responsibility in performing certain duties.

12. The early promulgation of certain laws.

13. Inland navigation.

14. Education.

On motion,

Said report was again read, and the several items therein contained, referred as follow, to wit.

Items 1 & 5. to Mr. Forster, Mr. McFarland, Mr. Ross, Mr. Beale and Mr. Welles.

Items 2 & 3. to Mr. Graham, Mr. Barnitz and Mr. Shannon. Item 4. to Mr. Rogers, Mr. McFarland and Mr. Hopkins. Item 6. to Mr. Smith, Mr. Frailey, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Jarrett and Mr. I. Weaver.

Item 7. to the committee already appointed on the subject. Item 8. To Mr. Morgan, Mr. Shoemaker and Mr. Welles. Items 9, 10 & 11. to Mr. Biddle, Mr. G. Weaver, Mr. M'Sherry, Mr. Ross and Mr. Shannon.

Item 12. To Mr. Baily, Mr. Shearer and Mr. Poe.

Item 13. to the committee already appointed on that subject. Item 14. to Mr. Welles, Mr. Murray and Mr. Poe.

The Secretary of the Commonwealth being introduced, presented a message from the Governor, with the documents* therein referred to, which was read as follows, to wit.

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

In obedience to an injunction contained in an act passed the 11th day of March, 1815, entitled An act authorizing the Gov ernor to negociate a loan for paying the militia and volunteers of this state, late in the service of the United States.'... I lay before

* For said documents see appendix.

you copies of a correspondence with divers of the incorporated banks in this state, which happily resulted in the attainment of the desired loan.

Harrisburg, Dec. 12, 1815.

Ordered, To lie on the table.


Mr. Barnitz from the committee to whom was referred on the 8th inst. the petition of sundry inhabitants of the borough of York, reported a bill, entitled

An act to repeal certain parts of an act, entitled, an act for erecting the town of York in the county of York into a borough, for regulating the buildings, preventing nuisances and encroachments on the commons, squares, streets, lanes, and alleys of the same, and for other purposes therein mentioned, as well as of the act supplementary thereto," which was read the first time.

Agreeably to order,

The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Baily in the chair, on the bill, entitled

A further supplement to an act, entitled, an act to enable the Governor of this commonwealth to incorporate a company for making an artificial road from the intersection of Front street and the Germantown road in the Northern Liberties of the city of Philadelphia, through Frankford and Bristol to the ferry at Morrisville on the river Delaware.'

And after some time,

The committee rose and reported said bill without amendment. Adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow morning

WEDNESDAY, December 13, 1815.

The Speaker laid before Sénate a letter from William Findlay, state treasurer, informing that he has delivered to the clerk of the House of Representatives, (agreeably to law,) six hundred printed copies of the treasurer's report of the receipts and payments at the treasury, for the year ending on the 30th of Novem ber last.

Ordered, To lie on the table.

Mr. Beale presented the petition and documents of Isaac Thompson, a soldier of the revolution, stating his services and sufferings, and praying relief; and

The same was read and referred to the committee on claims. Mr. Smith presented the petition and documents of James Murtay, praying to be remunerated for certain sums of money by him expended in raising a company for the defence of the frontiers of Northumberland county, pursuant to a resolve of congress dated the 8th day of June 1788; and

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