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dealing with the expansions and alterations in the fourth Gospel.1 On the whole series of problems which the Germans sum up under the title Leben-Jesu-Forschung, the first book to be named is Schweitzer's Von Reimarus zu Wrede, which contains a useful history of the whole investigation. It has been sharply criticised by Jülicher, in a little work 3 which deals with Wrede, Wellhausen, and Harnack, and is perhaps as well designed as anything to take the student to the heart of the present position. An important part of the subject is treated by Holtzmann in his Messianische Bewusstsein Jesu,* and the whole question of the Messianic Hope in the New Testament is the subject of a comprehensive work with that title by Professor Shailer Matthews.


The first volume of Pfleiderer's Urchristentum has now been translated into English, and deals with Paul. is also the subject of a clever but rather unsympathetic sketch by Wrede, which has just appeared in English. This work, with its sharp antithesis between Paul and Jesus, has called forth several small but important works by Kaftan,8 Jülicher, and Clemen.10 Professor Du Bose has published a work on The Gospel according to St. Paul," which carries forward the discussion of New Testament Theology initiated by his The Gospel in the Gospels. Weinel's brilliant but rather extreme work on Paul 12 has also been recently made accessible to the English reader. Sir William Ramsay has

Erweiterungen und Aenderungen in vierten Evangelien (Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1907). * Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr, 1906.

3 Neue Linien in der Kritik der evangelischen Ueberlieferung (Giessen, Töpelmann, 1906). Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr, 1907.

5 London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1906.

• Primitive Christianity, vol. i. Theological Translation Library (London, Williams & Norgate, 1906).

7 Paul (London, Philip Green, 1907).

8 Jesus und Paulus (Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr, 1906).

9 Paulus und Jesus (Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr, 1907).

10 Die Grundgedanken der paulinischen Theologie (Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr, 1907). "London, Longmans, Green, & Co., 1907. 12 St. Paul: the Man and his Work. Theological Translation Library (London, Williams & Norgate, 1906).

continued his work in this and other fields in his volume Pauline and other Studies,' while the long-expected posthumous Commentary by Westcott on Ephesians2 has at last appeared. Mr. Lukyn Williams has contributed a painstaking volume on Colossians and Philemon to the Cambridge Greek Testament. It takes account of the German as well as English work down to the appearance of Paul Ewald's Commentary on those Epistles. More noteworthy works, however, are Dr. J. B. Mayor's very thorough volume on Jude and II. Peter, and Professor Swete's on The Apocalypse.* Both of these works are specially valuable on the philological side. It is with peculiar warmth, however, that students of the Apocalypse will welcome the new edition of Bousset's Commentary," which makes a considerable advance on the first edition, and worthily sums up the elaborate investigations which have been devoted to that obscure work. Finally, I must not forget to mention Jülicher's contribution on "The Religion of Jesus and the Beginning of Christianity down to Nicea," in the volume which bears the title Die Christliche Religion in Die Kultur der Gegenwart.

Since this article went to press, Dr. Sanday's The Life of Christ in Recent Research (The Clarendon Press, 1907) has appeared. I add a reference to it, since it gives an account and criticism of the literature on the life of Jesus mentioned above.


1 London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1906. Saint Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians (London, Macmillan & Co., 1906).

3 London, Macmillan & Co., 1907.


Ibid., 1906.

5 Die Offenbarung Johannis (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,



Abbott on Latin accent, 99

Abbott's Diatessarica, 142
Acarnania, 73

Acca Larentia, 64
Accent, Latin, 99

"Achaean" pottery, 10, 14
"Achaeans," 30

Achaion Syllogos, the, 111
Acharnians, the, 112

Adamson, J. W., Practice of In-
struction, 2, 8

Adonis, 62

Aeaces, dedication of, 74

Aelius Aristides, Els Baoiλéa, 93
Aeneae Facta et Fata, 5
Aeneid, translation of, 123

Africa, Roman inscriptions in, 79
Africa, sanctuary, 40
Αγλαπιός, 72

Agora at Athens, 16

Agora at Thebes, 29, at Athens, 29
Agora of Corinth, 15
Agricola, 128

Αισυμνήτης, 84

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Aristophanes, translated by Frere
and Rogers, 121

Aristophanes in papyri, 112
Aristotle's Poetry, 121

Arnold, E. V., 5, 7; on the Satur-
nian, 99

Artemis Orthia, 58; sanctuary of,

Artists' signatures, 74

Arvanitopoulos, M., 47
Asclepieion of Cos, 63

Asclepios, the Priests of, 85

Ασκληπιὸς ἐν Κρουνοίς, 73

Asconius, 107, 123

Ashby, T., 21

Ashpits in houses, 28

Astypalaea, 74

Athlete head at Turin, 45
Athletic diploma, 115
Atkinson, H. W., 7
Athena Chalkioikos, 12

Athens, excavations, 16

Athens, National Museum, cata-
logue, 43

Athens, walls, 46

Attic Syntax, Thompson's, 7
Augustus, 91

Axe, 31, 32

Axiopistus, 112

Babelon, E., 49

Bahrfeldt, M., 56

Bailey, C., on Roman religion, 68

Bakhtschi-Serai, 34

Bamberg fragments of Livy, 105
Baptistery, 16
Barano, 36

Barnett, L. D., 6

Bars of gold as standard, 50
Basilica Aemilia, 20

Baths of Faustina, Miletus, 16

Bednara, E., on dactylic verse, 100

Beehive tomb at Samikon, 14
Beginner's Book of Greek, 6

Benndorf, O., 75

Bentley, 193

Berliner Griechische Urkunden, 115
Berliner Klassikertexte, 108

Birds, the, 112

Bishop's judgment on theft, 115

Bizye, ritual play at, 59

Bobbio palimpsest, 105

Boeotia, 73

Bogaz, tombs, 40

Bologna, 36; excavations, 18
Bolsena, excavations, 19
Boni, G., 20; 37

Borchardt, L., on Nile gauges, 77
Borghese reliefs, 45
Βωρσέα, 58

Boundary stones, 71

Bousset, on the Apocalypse, 144
Brunsmid, M., 55

British Association Committee on
Curriculum, 1

British Museum catalogue of
papyri, 115

British School, excavations of, 10
Bréal, M., on alovμvýтns, 84
Breuci, 127

Bronze Age village in Italy, 18
Bronze-plated wall, 12

Bronze statuettes from Sparta,


Brooklands, 131

Brown, A. C. B., 84

Brückner, 16; on Athenian wed-
ding gifts, 63

[blocks in formation]

Cicero's letters, 90; Somnium, 67

Clark, A. C., 123

Clark on Asconius, 107

Classical Association Committee
on Curriculum, 1
Classical Review, 9
Clermont-Ganneau, 22

Coins, hoard of, 18; in Britain, 131
Coins, origin of, 50
Colchester, 131

Colin, G., on Apollo Pythien, 60,

Colloquia Latina, 6

Colossians, Epistle to, 144
Columns, Mycenaean, 33, 34
Cone in shrine, 13

Consecutive subjunctive, 97
Constantinople, 74

Constanzi, V., on Thessaly, 83
Consualia, 69
"Contorniates," 57
Contracts, 114

Conway, R. S., 7, 123

Cook, A. B., on wife of Zeus, 61
Corbridge, 126
Corbridge, lion, 129

Corinna in papyri, 111

Corinth, excavations, 15

Corinthian staters, 54

Corneto, excavations, 19

Cornford, F. M., 122; on Thucy-
dides, 81

Corolla Numismatica, 50

Corpus Nummorum, 48

Corpus of paintings, 47

Corssen, P., on Horace, C. i. 2 and
12, 91

Corstopitum, 129

Cos, the Asclepieion, 63
Cossius Ursulus (at Trier), 79
Cothurnulus, 5

Cousin, G., on the Anabasis, 85
Cremation, 35; in Crete, 13

Cretan influence on Greek religion,

Cretans, the, 111

Crete, excavations, 12

Croiset, M., on Aristophanes, 82
Croton, 25

Crouching burials, 35
Cruquius, 103, 104

Cumont on a Jupiter relief, 66
Cuntz, O., on Sicily, 91
Curle, 128

Cybele, 60

Cylinder in shrine, 13

Cyriac of Ancona, 74

Cyrus, 82
Cyzicus, 76

Dacian Wars, 92

Damophon, date of, 42, 71
Danube Valley, excavations, 27
Daphnephoria, parallel to, 60
Darius, 82

Das Buch bei den Griechen und
Römern, 114

David, A. A., on open scholar-
ships, 7

Death of Virgil, 123

Decharme on Euripides, 121
Decursus Primus, 6
Decrees, Attic, 71

Decumanus maximus (line in

surveying), 80
Defixiones, 71
Degrand, A., 34

Deissmann, A., 133

De incendiis urbis Romae aetate
imperatorum, 91

De institutis rei publicae Athenien-
sis post Aristotelis aetatem com-
mutatis, 84

Delian League, 86

Delos, 74; Mycenaaen remains,
31; ossuary, 14

Della Seta, A., 23

Delphi, charioteer of, 73
De Menandri reliquiis, 114
Demeter, 60; hymn to, 109
Demosthenes, text of, 122
Denarius, variations of, 53
De Nothac, P., 124

Dent's Latin Primer, 6

De Prott and Ziehen, Leges Grae
corum Sacrae, 63

De Ricci, S., catalogue of Turin
Museum, 44

Derniers Ecrivains Profans, 123
Dessau, 70

Dhimini, neolithic village at, 10
Dialects, modern Greek, 134
Dickins, Mr., 42
Die, Greek, 53

Diès, A., on religion and philo-
sophy, 63

Aixaibovos, title of Zeus, 59
Diocletian's persecution, 26
Diodorus criticised, 88

Diomedes, poem on, 110

Dionysos winged, on a tiger, 60
Dionysos-Zagreus, 63
Dionysiac mystery, 59

Dipylon Gate, 16

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