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excluded illegitimate sons from the property, in favour of a legitimate daughter. Athena, being the protecting goddess of Athens, is pronounced the heiress of her father, Zeus.

1643. ἀνθέξεται . . . . χρημάτων, will take precedence of you in the paternal property. Whereupon he pretends to quote a law of


1646. ȧyxloтelav, rights by nearness of relationship.

1651. ἤδη . . . . φράτορας ; did your father ever introduce you to your kith and kin? It was required by law that all legitimate sons should be enrolled in the registers of the tribe, deme, and phratria; those of the same poarpia were called poάropes. See ante, p. 91. See also Hermann, Political Antiquities, pp. 192-194.

1653. aiκíav ẞλéπwv, looking assault, like Shakspeare's speaking daggers. 1659. év.

Tрâyμa, the whole thing now depends on Triballos. He has the casting vote.

1660, 1661. καλάνι . . . . παραδίδωμι. Triballos tries to give his decision in Greek. The effect of his barbarous pronunciation is conveyed by Cary thus :

"De beautiful gran damsel Basilau Me give up to de fool."

1663. el.... Xedidóves, unless to go as the swallows do; i. e. unless he means to bid her become a bird. Swallows are singled out for birds in general, because the Greeks always compared the speech of barbarians to that of swallows.


1670, 1671. ἐς yápovs, in good time, then, these fellows (the rebel birds) have been put to death for the nuptials.-Téws, in the mean time.

1673. Tevoeίav. The expression is in reference to the tasters, πρотεvlaí, and means ravenousness.

1674. Sletéony, I should be well disposed of, indeed!

1676-1687. In this antistrophe the tribe of sycophants (see ante) is again satirized.-Pavaîoi, at Phance. There was a promontory of that name in Chios; but here it is the pretended residence of the sycophants, or informers, in allusion to the legal action called φάνσις. The κλεψύδρα was the water-clock used to measure time in the courts; also the name of a hidden spring near the Acropolis. The poet makes it a stream in Phanæ.-Téμveral. In allusion to the custom of cutting out the tongue of the victim. Here Attica is the victim of this race of belly-tongued, the Philippoi and Gorgiai,-who by the arts of speech obtained a subsistence.

1688. & TáνT', &c. A messenger comes in to herald the arrival of Peisthetairos, who is on his way, in regal state, accompanied by his bride Basileia, whom he has received from the hand of Zeus. He makes his proclamation in the lofty style of sublime lyric and tragic poetry. 1692. ἔλαμψε .

Sópy, shone upon the golden-beaming house.

1695. οὐ . . . . λέγειν, unutterable to describe. 1699. πλεκτάνην καπνού, a wreath of smoke.

1702. A parody on Euripides, Troades, 302, translated by Cary,


Above, below, beside, around,

Let your veering flight be wound."

1704. μákapa, the happy one, Peisthetairos.

1705. &.


káλdovs, O the grace, and the beauty! Genitive of

1712. Hpa. The Chorus, in enthusiastic strains, compares the marriage of Peisthetairos with that of Zeus and Hera.

1718. ἀμφιθαλής "Ερως, blooming Eros.

1720. Taλivтóvovs, drawn back, or tightened.

1721. máρoxos, companion in the chariot, groomsman.

1725. aye. Peisthetairos, assuming the attributes of Zeus, calls upon them now to celebrate the thunder, the lightning, and the blazing bolt.

1735. Táρedpov, side judge, assessor. One who shares with another the judicial seat.

1741. ὦ μάκαιρα, Ο blessed one ! Addressed to Basileia.


1742, 1743. πτερῶν . . . . λαβοῦσα, having taken hold of my wings. 1745, seq. These lines, according to the Scholiast, are a parody upon Archilochus,—a strain of victory, with which this gayest and most entertaining of the comedies of Aristophanes ends.




[In the following Table, the letter M. stands for Munk's Metres, American edition, translated from the German.]

PROLOGUS, vv. 1–264.

Verses 1-210. Iambic trimeter acatalectic, with comic licence. See Munk, pp. 76, 162, 171, seqq.

211-225. Anapæsts.

211-215. Anapæstic dimeter acatalectic. M. 100.

216. Anapæstic monometer.

M. 99.

217-221. Anapæstic dimeter acatalectic.

222. Anapæstic monometer.

223. Anapæstic dimeter acatalectic.

224. Anapæstic monometer.

225. Anap. dimeter catal., paroemiac close. M. 100. 226-230. Iambic trimeter acatalectic.

231, 241, 246, 262-264, are not intended to be rhythmical, as they are only imitations of the notes of birds. 232, 233. Iambic trimeter acatalectic.

234. Dochmiac dim.

M. 11, 225,

234. Iambic tripody, anapæstic monometer. M. 78 (3).

Aristoph. Birds.


236. Dactylic.

237. Trochaic trimeter acatalectic. Longs of the first metre resolved.

238. Dochmiac monometer,ááva.

239. Trochaic trimeter acatalectic.

240. Choriambic dimeter catalectic. M. 141 (2).

242. Ionici a minore, trimeter acat.,

JULL. M. 151 (3).

243. Dochmiac monometer,

244. Proceleusmatici.

245. Iambic hexameter catalectic. M. 80 (6).

[blocks in formation]

251. Cretic dimeter acatalectic. M. 111 (2). 252-255. Dactylic tetrameter.

256. This verse is marked by Dindorf as a parœmiac,

is never long.


But the first syllable of ταναοδείρων

The proper notation, perhaps, is

spondee, pæon primus spondee.

257-259. Spondaic anapæsts.

260, 261. Trochaic dimeter.

265-268. Iambic trimeter.

270-306. Trochaic tetrameter catalectic. M. 68 (d). 307, 308. Iambic dimeter.

309-324. Trochaic tetrameter catalectic, except 312 and 314, which may be read as dochmiac dimeters.


Strophe, 325-333 Antistrophe, 341-349.


326-330. Anapæsts, with spondees and proceleusmatici.

331-333. Cretics, with longs resolved.

334-340. Trochaic tetrameter catalectic.

350-384. Trochaic tetrameter catalectic.

385-397. Trochaic dimeter.

398-403. Anapæstic.

404-407. Iambic dimeter.

408-413. Cretics, with anacrusis in 408 and 411.

414-425. Iambic systems.

426-429. Trochaic, dactylic, UL

431-433. Iambic.

434-450. Iambic trimeter.


Strophe, 451-459 = Antistrophe, 539-547.

451. Logacedic anapæsts, U÷UULUU÷U÷

452. Iamb. anap. or iambelegus,UU

453. Anapæstic, iambic, penthemim, -
454. Trochaic monometer, dactylic trimeter.
455. Anapæstic.

456. Anapæstic.

457. Anapæstic, iambic, antispast. In the antistrophe, the corresponding verse consists of an anapæstic dimeter and antispast.

[merged small][ocr errors]

But the verse is defective. The corresponding

line in the strophe is an anapæst and antispast,

[blocks in formation]

460-522. Anapastic tetrameter catalectic. M. 101. 523-538. Anapæstic system.

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