CNCA C11-13-2014 China Compulsory Certification (CCC) Regulations CNCA-C11-13-2014 (CNCA-C11-132014; CNCA C11-132014) Translated English: China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Retro-reflective markings of carriage [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This Rules is established based on the safety risk and certification risk of retro-reflective markings of carriage. It stipulates the basic principles and requirements for the implementation of China Compulsory Certification for retro-reflective markings of carriage. |
0 Introduction | 4 |
3 Certification modes | 5 |
6 Certification implementation | 6 |
7 Aftercertification supervision | 8 |
8 Certificate | 10 |
9 Certification marks | 11 |
10 Charges | 12 |
Classification of compulsory certificationunits of retroreflective markings of carriage | 14 |
Standards and test items of compulsory certification of retroreflective markings of carriage | 15 |
Common terms and phrases
according to certification after-certification follow-up inspection after-certification supervision Certification Application materials basic certification mode Beijing BlackBerry body shall formulate certificate according certification entrusting certification implementation detailed-rules Certification Implementation Rules Certification management method Certification marks certification of retro-reflective certification requirements Certification Results certification units certification-units of retro-reflective certified products China Compulsory Certification Classification of compulsory CLIENT shall provide CLIENT shall put Compulsory Certification Implementation Compulsory Certification management compulsory certification-units designated laboratory Enterprise Classification Management enterprise shall cooperate Enterprise Testing Resource evaluation is PASS factory on-site sampling follow-up inspection Certification initial factory inspection items of compulsory manufacturer and manufacturing Manufacturing Enterprise Classification manufacturing enterprise testing manufacturing enterprise’s quality Market sampling test markings of carriage on-site sampling test product certificate product conformity products-standards compliance control provisions of China quality assurance capability relevant requirements retro-reflective markings specified suspension and withdrawal test items test shall cover Type test plan type test report Wayne Zheng