GB/T 14675-1993 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GBT 14675-1993, GB/T14675-1993, GBT14675-1993): Air quality - Determination of odor - Triangle odor bag method [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This Standard specifies the determination method for the odor concentration of odor source exhaust and ambient air samples by human olfactory organ. This Standard applies to the determination of the odor concentration of gas samples emitted in different forms from all kinds of odor sources and ambient air samples. The samples include samples containing only one odor substance and complex odor samples containing two or more odor substances. |
3 | |
4 | |
Panel | 6 |
Determination of samples | 7 |
Result calculation | 9 |
Precision and accuracy | 11 |
Precautions | 12 |
Common terms and phrases
3-L odorless bags activated carbon air bag air purification apparatus answer record form arithmetic mean threshold average correct answer average threshold value bag’s Calculation of determination clean air collected gas samples conduit correct answer rate determination results determine the odor Dilution and determination Dilution factor Test dilution gradient environmental odor sample factory boundary filled greater than 0.58 high-concentration odor samples incorrect individual odor threshold individual threshold value initial dilution factor mean threshold value odor bag method odor characteristics odor index odor substances odor threshold value odorless air Odorless clean odorless liquid odorless paper olfactory detection olfactory organ panel member pass the olfactory pieces of odorless pollution source odor Polyester relative standard deviation results of environmental results of pollution sample gas sample odor concentration sampling bags sampling bottle sensory threshold value silicone rubber stopper sniffing room standard odor liquids three gas bags Triangle odor vacuum treatment apparatus ventilation pipe