Soil Fertility Management in Support of Food Security in Sub-Saharan AfricaThis publication reviews issues related to land degradation, with focus on problems of soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa. It highlights some successful experiences in the region, constraints and possible solutions specific to the major agro-ecological zones and the importance of the holistic and participatory approaches for soil productivity improvement. The need for action and collaborative efforts of all stakeholders, within the framework of ongoing initiatives, are emphasized. It is hoped that this document will contribute to increase awareness of senior specialists and policy-makers about the problems and alternative solutions towards enhanced and sustained soil productivity. |
Common terms and phrases
action for sustainable agricultural production agro-ecological zones agroforestry areas Arenosols arid assessment CAB International cash crops constraints countries crop production crop residues database desertification economic ensure Environment Eritrea erosion Ethiopia Experiences and solutions fallows farmers farming systems Ferralsols Figure food crops food production food security GLASOD grazing humid zone improve soil income increase inputs integrated irrigation ISRIC issues and problems Kenya land degradation land management Land resources land tenure Luvisols main issues maintain soil fertility maize major Malawi mineral fertilizers mulch Need for action Nigeria nutrient depletion organic matter policies population density population growth production systems rainfall regions Rome Rwanda security in sub-Saharan Senegal Shifting cultivation soil and water soil degradation soil fertility management soil management soil productivity SOTER sub-Saharan Africa subhumid zone Sudano-Sahelian sustainable soil fertility sustainable systems Tanzania technologies tillage Uganda UNEP vegetation water conservation yields Zambia Zimbabwe