Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind

Front Cover
Warner Books, 1986 - Business & Economics - 213 pages
Positioning, a concept developed by the authors, has changed the way people advertise. The reason? It's the first concept to deal with the problems of communicating in an overcommunicated society. With this approach, a company creates a position' in the prospect's mind, one that reflects the company's own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of its competitors. Witty and fast-paced, this book spells out how to position a leader so that it gets into the mind and stays there, position a follower in a way that finds a hole' not occupied by the leader, and avoid the pitfalls of letting a second product ride on the coattails of an established one. Revised to reflect significant developments in the five years since its original publication, Positioning reveals the fascinating case histories and anecdotes behind the campaigns of many stunning successes and failures in the world of advertising.

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About the author (1986)

John Francis Trout was born in Manhattan, New York on January 31, 1935. He graduated from Iona College and then served as a flight navigator in the Navy. Afterward, he got a job in General Electric's advertising and training program. He later joined Uniroyal as a division advertising manager. In 1967, he went to work for Al Ries at his advertising agency, Ries Cappiello Colwell. Trout eventually became its president and a partner, and the agency became known as Trout and Ries. They worked together until 1994, when Trout started his own firm, Trout and Partners. Trout wrote numerous books including Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind with Al Ries, Differentiate or Die: Survival in Our Era of Killer Competition with Steve Rivkin, and Repositioning: The New Battle for Your Mind with Steve Rivkin. He died from intestinal cancer on June 4, 2017 at the age of 82.

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