Phenomenology and Educational Discourse |
Paradigmatic Exemplars | 19 |
Phenomenological Pedagogy and the Question of Meaning | 41 |
Between Unitary Reason and its Pluralistic Development | 69 |
Copyright | |
6 other sections not shown
Common terms and phrases
activity adult Alfred Schütz anthropology authentic assessment aware balance beam become Beets bodily Bollnow child children's movement concept consciousness cultural curriculum describes dialogue disciplines disclose domain Duquesne University educa educating physically educational phenomena educational theory empirical enology example existential Existential Phenomenology experiential fundamental gestural Heidegger hermeneutic historical human existence human science Husserl imagination judgement knowledge Langeveld MJ language Lesson Point Lippitz lived experience lived-world Manen Merleau-Ponty 1968 movement experiences multicultural education normative object Omni-education model one's ontology Pädagogik pedagogical perception person perspective phase phenom phenomenological description phenomenological method phenomenological research phenomenological text Phenomenology and Pedagogy phenomenology of education phenomenon philosophical anthropology philosophy of education physical education poem poetic possible practice psychology question reflective relation rience Schütz sense Shayle situation social space Strasser structure study of education systematic teacher teaching and learning theoretical things tion transcendence transcendental transl understanding unity Utrecht School van Manen Vandenberg