Ocean of Sound: Aether Talk, Ambient Sound and Imaginary Worlds"Ocean of Sound" begins in 1889 at the Paris Exposition when Debussy first heard Javanese music performed. A culture absorbed in perfume, light and ambient sound developed in response to the intangibility of 20th century communications. David Toop traces the evolution of this culture, through Erik Satie to the Velvet Undergound; Miles Davis to Jimi Hendrix. David Toop, who lives in London, is a writer, musician and recording artist. His other books are "Rap Attack 3 "and "Exotica," |
if you find earth boring | 23 |
burial rites | 66 |
content in a void | 87 |
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Common terms and phrases
acoustic aether Africa album ambient music Aphex Twin artists band bass birds Brian Eno called centre century chanting club colour composer concert created culture dance dark David Debussy deep listening dream drone drum echoes electric electronic music environment feel film gamelan hear heard Hendrix hip-hop human idea images imagination improvisation Indian inspired instruments Japanese jazz John Cage Jon Hassell Kraftwerk La Monte Young Lee Perry live London Love machine ments Miles Davis Mixmaster Morris Monte Young musicians Muzak nature night noise ocean orchestra Pauline Oliveros percussion performance piano piece player playing psychedelic Ra's radio record released rhythm rock Satie saxophone says shaman silence singing sitting sleevenotes solo song sonic sound soundtrack space spirit Stockhausen strange studio Sun Ra talk tape techno Terry Riley theatre thing tion track tune Varèse vibrations voice wrote Yanomami