Good Governance and Conflict Management: A Framework for Conflict Analysis and Resolution

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Institute for Dispute Resolution, University of Victoria, 2001 - Political Science - 41 pages
The authors consider the legislative, administrative and judicial functions of governance and the relevance of effective public participation in these processes as a means of addressing public policy conflict. The materials include a dispute analysis framework initially developed through a project designed to enhance program activities in public policy dispute resolution in Thailand and Cambodia and sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency. The framework was further developed through an intensive review process undertaken by Grzybowski and the director, associate director and key staff at the Institute for Dispute Resolution at Khon Kaen University in Thailand, and in consultation with colleagues at the University of Victoria. It is intended to guide assessments of public policy disputes to support the design of specific public participation processes. In addition to assisting public participation process assessment and design, the framework provides a basis for case study analysis.

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