GB/T 18480-2001 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT18480-2001): Specification for submarine optical fiber cables [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This Specification specifies the product classification, materials, manufacturing length, technical requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, requirements for sealing, marking, transportation, storage of submarine optical fiber cables. This specification applies to the manufacture and use of submarine optical fiber cables. For underwater optical fiber cables across rivers and lakes, it may also refer to this Specification. |
Common terms and phrases
Appendix B Normative appraisal inspection Armoured steel wire attenuation change Attenuation constant Attenuation uniformity batch cable core cable is tested cable shall meet cables and wires cables Optical fiber carried Clamping device DC resistance deep water optical detailed specification dispersion electric cables electrical conductors Electrical performance equivalent materials fiber cable Loose fiber cable structure fiber cables Optical Flattening group C inspection Impact including optical fiber Insulation resistance load at break Loose tube including manufacturing length Measure the attenuation Mechanical properties meet the requirements Metal sealing tube Minimum bending radius neq IEC Nonconformances optical fiber cable Outer diameter periodic inspection polyethylene sheath Polypropylene requirements of 4.1 requirements of Table residual additional attenuation sample unit Schematic diagram shallow water optical sheath Armoured steel Sheath integrity Short-term tensile load specification of product specified in GB/T stainless steel loose standard submarine optical fiber test conditions tube including optical Water blocking tape water optical fiber wavelength