Ethics in Counseling & PsychotherapyRevised to reflect recent ethical, legal, and professional developments, Welfel's ETHICS IN COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY prepares readers to deal effectively with the complex issues they will confront in practice. The book's ten-step model of ethical decision making guides students and practitioners as they work through and analyze complicated ethics cases that demonstrate some of the most challenging dilemmas that they will face. This edition explores more fully how technology, including social networking, relates to ethical issues, and also discusses in more depth the ethical issues that may arise when counseling clients from different cultural backgrounds, clients with disabilities, and older adults. The text familiarizes readers with the field's key scholarly writings and, by examining emerging ethical issues, enables students to advance beyond their basic awareness and knowledge of the professional codes of ethics. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version. |