Darwin's Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It WrongAccording to British scholar Conor Cunningham, the debate today between religion and evolution has been hijacked by extremists: on one side stand fundamentalist believers who reject evolution outright; on the opposing side are fundamentalist atheists who claim that Darwin s theory rules out the possibility of God. Both sides are dead wrong, argues Cunningham, who is at once a Christian and a firm believer in the theory of evolution. In Darwin s Pious Idea Cunningham puts forth a trenchant, compelling case for both creation and evolution, drawing skillfully on an array of philosophical, theological, historical, and scientific sources to buttress his arguments. |
The Units of Resurrection | 25 |
Unnatural Selection | 79 |
Making Progress? | 131 |
Copyright | |
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Darwin's Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong Conor Cunningham No preview available - 2010 |
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adaptation adaptationism animals Aquinas argues atheists become behavior believe biology brain called Cambridge University Press causal Charles Darwin Christ Christian cognitive complexity concept consciousness Consequently Conway Morris creation creationists culture Darwinian Dawkins Dawkins's death Dennett developmental emergence evolution evolutionary psychology evolved example existence explain Fodor Fraassen Fraústo da Silva function G. K. Chesterton Genesis genetic genome Gould human idea individual Irenaeus John least Lewontin living logic London material matter means memes metaphysical Michael Ruse mind molecular Moreover Nagel natural selection notion ontological organisms Origin of Species Oxford University Press perspective phenotype Philosophy physical problem quoted reason reductionism religion replicators Richard Dawkins says scientific seems Selfish Gene sense Simon Conway Morris simply Sociobiology speak structure Summa Theologiae survival tells theology theory thing thought tion traits trans true truth ultra-Darwinism ultra-Darwinists understand unit of selection Williams and Fraústo words York